====== Automated use ====== This is a more detailed explanation of one component of our [[about-newguineaworld/terms-of-use|terms of use]] . By “automated use” is meant inclusion of any portion of the materials or findings presented herein or previous versions thereof in any digitalized interactive system, computer program, or other internet applications as distinct from text manuscripts and papers whether digitalized or in print. Automated uses of any materials and findings presented herein, including previous and prepublication versions thereof, are conditioned upon the prior approval of Newguineaworld as stated in our terms of use. Notwithstanding any third-party license to the contrary, such approval is neither perpetual nor transferable to any other automated use or online project except with the explicit consent of Newguineaworld.\\ \\ Approved automated users of portions of this dataset and its predecessors include the following:\\ \\ The [[http://rosettaproject.org/|Rosetta Project]] displays Swadesh vocabularies from our most ancient (late 1990s-early 2000s) New Guinean dataset. Utilika's [[http://panlex.org/|PanLex]] uses LEGO's xml versions of Usher and Whitehouse (2006) (below) for its translation engine Linguist List's [[http://lego.linguistlist.org/|LEGO project]] displayed a version of our second dataset developed with Paul Whitehouse, Usher and Whitehouse (2006) until 2015. These were removed because LinguistList decided to transition to a [[http://www.webcitation.org/6XNAXjxtN|commons license only project]] .\\ \\ To seek engagement on an automated level with Newguineaworld and its contents, [[about-newguineaworld/contact-us|contact us]] . A commitment to honest scholarship, proper attribution and due care of all materials and findings is required.\\ \\ \\