Timothy Usher, Santa Fe Institute
Ngarna (Ngkrn) is spoken by approximately 120 people (1996) living in a single village, Sota, located in Indonesia's Papua province, just west of the border with Papua New Guinea's Western province (Donohue 1996: 7, 20-21, Evans et al. forthcoming, q.v. Carroll 2014: 3, Döhler 2015: 3.) Its nearest relative is Rema of Wereaver village on the east bank of the Bensbach river across the border to the southeast.
Flint (1916) (unobtained)
Lambden (1926) (unobtained)
Williams (1936: 30-31) 7 comparative terms for Kubirikar after Flint (1916) and Lambden (1926)
Donohue (1996: 18-50) 162 comparative terms for Ngkrn of Sota (Sâta) village
Sohn, Lebold and Kriens (2009: 31-42) 150 comparative terms for Sota Kanum of Sota village
Mittag (2015) 373 comparative terms for Ngarna of Sota village in Carroll ed. (2015)
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