Timothy Usher, Santa Fe Institute
Bogaia (Bogaiya, Bogaya) is spoken by several hundred people (2008) living on the southern slopes of the Muller Range, just east of the Strickland river, in Papua New Guinea's Southern Highlands and Western Provinces. Its nearest relative is Duna immediately to the east. According to San Roque, most Bogaia speakers are bilingual in Duna, with Oksapmin, spoken immediately to the north in Sandaun Province, another frequently learned language (Voorhoeve 1975: 395, San Roque 2008: 7-8.)
Franklin (ed. 1973: 589) 98 comparative terms for Bogaya
Voorhoeve (1975: 396) pronouns for Bogaya
Shaw (1986: 69) 99 comparative terms for Bogaya
Seeland (2007) Bogaia affixes (unobtained)
Seeland (2007) grammar of Bogaia (unobtained)
There is no published phonology of Bogaya.
Voorhoeve (1975: 396) gives pronouns for Bogaya as follows:
1 sg. | no |
2 sg. | ko |
3 sg. | ho |
1 pl. | inu |
2 pl. | gelo |
3 pl. | hinu |
1 dl. | gina |
2 dl. | gela |
3 dl. | ane |
No information is available to us about Bogaya verbal morphology save for the very brief notes presented in Voorhoeve (1975: 396.)