Grime River

Timothy Usher, Santa Fe Institute


The Grime River family, known in the comparative literature as the Nimboran family, consists of five languages spoken to either side of the Grime (Grimi) river to just inland of New Guinea's north coast west of Lake Sentani in Indonesia's Papuan province. Its nearest linguistic relatives are the Orya-Tor River and Mawes languages to the west.


The internal classification of Grime River is as follows:

Grime River

West Grime River



East Grime River





These subgroups are discernible through very salient splits in the basic termlist, with Moi forms drawn from Banundi (2002) and from Anceaux (Smits and Voorhoeve 1994):

West GrimeMoi Gresi-Kemtuik
cassowary *mam suali *isuali
drink *ɺep dam *dəlop
ear *kəni[ŋ] kama *kama
earth/ground *map kenan *nan
eye *nu namo *namuɔ
fire *kip kei *koi
fish *ʉe dasi *dasi
flesh/meat *niŋ kendeŋ *kədoŋ
hand *kit ta *ta
hear *tas[i/ɛ]ŋtup *tup
house *jamo jap *jap
leaf *pəɺo dep *dop
nail *waɺoŋ -on *won
one *təndʉ kapraj [JA]*kəlaj[a]
sago *səmo depet [JA] *dəwot
sea *bəŋgip baib *bəjap
sit *kənɔk sjum *sʉŋ
thorn *kaɺoŋ wafuŋ *woŋ
tongue *mambəɺop ambliŋ *nəmbəleŋ
weeping/crying*im u *u
woman *ki kambuŋ *kabuŋ


[under construction]

Galis (1955) 29 comparative terms for Nimboran

Anceaux (1965) grammar of Nimboran

Voorhoeve (1975: 110) 40 comparative terms for Nimboran after Anceaux (n.d.)

Smits and Voorhoeve eds. (1994: 18-266) comparative vocabulary of Nambrong of Besym/Besum after an unnamed constable and of an unspecified variety of Nambrong after Anceaux (n.d.)

May and May (1981) phonology of Nimboran

May (1981) Nimboran kin terms

May (1997) grammar of Nimboran (Namblong)

Steinhauer (1995) Nimboran verbal morphology (unobtained)

Steinhauer (1998) Nimboran verbal morphology (unobtained)

Swan et al. (2015, 2016) picture dictionary of Namblong

Swan et al. (2015, 2016) Namblong reader

Swan et al. (2019) dictionary of Namblong

Swan et al. (2019) Namblong conjunctions

Swan et al. (2019) Namblong verbal morphology after May (1997)

Galis (1955) 28 comparative terms for Kwangsu

Voorhoeve (1975: 111) 40 comparative terms for Kwansu after Anceaux (n.d.)

Smits and Voorhoeve eds. (1994: 18-266) two comparative vocabularies for Kwansu of Bonggrang village after Anceaux (n.d.)

Althur (1992) phonology of Kwansu (unobtained)

Paidi (1999) morphology of Kwansu (unobtained)

Fakhihuddin (1999) Kwansu syntax (unobtained)

Galis (1955) 28 comparative terms for Demenggong

Voorhoeve (1975: 111) 40 comparative terms for Mekwei after Anceaux (n.d.)

Smits and Voorhoeve eds. (1994: 18-266) unattributed comparative vocabulary of Munggai of Kendate and two of Munggai of Waibron and one of Munggai of Sabron after Anceaux

Banundi (2002) Moi number system

Banundi (2002) dictionary of Moi

Banundi (2003) grammar of Moi

Galis (1955) 28 comparative terms for Kamtuk and 25 for Munggé

Voorhoeve (1975: 111) 40 comparative terms for Kamtuk after Anceaux (n.d.)

Smits and Voorhoeve eds. (1994: 18-266) two comparative vocabularies of Kamtuk of Sekori after unspecified teachers, one of Kamtuk of Sebayap and Aib after Toam, two of Kamtuk of Maikari after Anceaux and one of an unspecified variety after Anceaux

van der Wilden and van der Wilden (1975) phonology of Kemtuk

van der Wilden (1976) Kemtuk kinship terms

van der Wilden (1976) Kemtuk verbs

van der Wilden (1976) Kemtuk clauses (unobtained)

van der Wilden, van der Wilden, Yaboysembut, Marasian, Bemey and Hartzler (2008) dictionary of Kemtuik

Werner (1992) vocabulary of Kemtuik (unobtianed)

Werner and Healey (1993) Kemtuik case markers (unobtianed)

Voorhoeve (1975: 111) 40 comparative terms for Gresi after Anceaux (n.d.)

Smits and Voorhoeve eds. (1994: 18-266) comparative vocabulary of Gresik of Ibub and of two unspecified varieties after Anceaux

Purba, Paidi and Karoba (2002) grammar of Gresi

Historical phonology

[under construction]

Proto-Grime River had 12 or 13 consonants and 7 or 8 vowels as follows:

*m *n [*ŋ]
*p *t *s *k
*mb *nd *ŋg
*w *j
*i *u

In addition to the simple vowels given above, at least three diphthongs are found as follows:

*uɛ *uɔ

With only two probably latter-day exceptions, velar nasal /*ŋ/ is found only finally. Thus it would be straightforward to consider in the final allophone of prenasalized voiced stop /*ŋg/ which like /*mb *nd/ does not otherwise occur finally; this is for example the solution which has been adopted for the Ok and Mek families to the south. However final /*ŋ/ is significantly more common than are initial and medial /*ŋg/, and unlike in Ok the dispositions of erstwhile finals /*mb *nd/ is not known; additionally there are a number of instances in which [ŋ] irregularly alternates with /*m/. We use <*ŋ> then in order to avoid committing to a solution which may not be historically accurate.

The vowel shown here as high-mid central <*ə> is better viewed as a schwa as it occurs only in destressed positions and thus cannot occur initially, finally or in monosyllables. As the only other vowel that occurs in these positions is /*a/, it is probable that [*ə] reflects the conflation of vowels other than /*a/ which have been destressed, and is thus not a real phoneme. However, it may not not possible in all instances to determine what the underlying vowel is or was and so <*ə> has been provisionally adopted.

Any consonant besides velar nasal /*ŋ/ can occur initially or medially. Only a restricted subset of consonants occurs finally:

*m *n
*p *t *k
*w *j

Final /*s/ is found only in loans, where it becomes /si/ in Mekwei and Kemtuik but is droppped in Namblong

All Grime River languages have initial clusters synchronically, the most common being those of the form /Cɺ/, but these do not contrast with /*Cəɺ/ which otherwise would not exist and hence are reconstructed as such. Similarly, apparent clusters /*sm *sn/ can be reduced to /*səm *sən/ which become bonafide clusters only in Namblong.

There are a however a small number of clusters with reflexes that do contrast with those of their /*CəC/ counterparts. The following consonant clusters have been reconstructed for proto-Grime River:

*m *n *s
*k *km *kn *ks
*ŋg *ŋgn

Initial vowels are uncommon and in multisyllabic roots are often dropped. Only high vowels /*i *u/ and low central *a/ have been found initially. Generally speaking, medial and final vowels other than /*a/ occur only as the last vowel of the root and can be preceded only by initial vowels, destressed vowel [*ə] or /*a/; this is likely because all vowels besides /*a/ are neutralized to [*ə] in destressed positions. Thus four vowel position classes can be discerned: 1) stressed initial vowels /*i *u *a/, which occur only in monosyllables 2) destressed initial vowels /*i *u *a/ 3) medial vowels /*ə *a/ followed by another syllable and 4) medial and final vowels and diphthongs /*i *ʉ *u *ɛ *ɜ *ɔ *a *uɛ *uɔ *ua/ in the last syllable of the root.

This situation strongly suggests that diphthongs /*uɛ *uɔ *ua/ result from the metathesis of a back rounded vowel in a preceding syllable which has been reduced to [*ə], and indeed that probably is their origin in many to most instances. Van der Wilden (CITE) considers high central rounded /ʉ/ to be underlyingly a diphthonng /ui/, the distribution of which would work well with this hnypothesis. However, each of these occurs also in monosyllables and following /*a/ in a preceding syllable. This would seem to require that some examples of /*a/ were really low-mid back rounded /*ɔ/ which added an onglide [*ᵘ] to the vowel in the following syllable before being neutralized to /*a/ just as /*u/ was neutralized to [*ə]. This would not contradict the fact that /*uV/ diphthongs occur in monosyllables as /*ɔ/ does not otherwise occur initially, perhaps because it was dropped. This system as hypothethized is outlined as follows:

**iˈCV *iCV
**uˈCV *uCuV
**ɛˈCV *CV
**ɔˈCV *CuV
**aˈCV *aCV
**CiˈCV *CəCV
**CuˈCV *CəCuV
**CɛˈCV *CaCV
**CɔˈCV *CaCuV
**CaˈCV *CaCV

Roots have one to three syllables. Stress is contrastive in roots with two or three syllables and is among the most obvious features of Grtme River phonology.

Initial consonants correspond as follows:

Grime R. Namblong Mlap Moi Kemtuik Gresi
*m- m m m m m
*m/_əɺ ø ? m m m
*n- n n n n n
[*ŋ]- ŋg ? ? ŋ ?
*p- p p p p p
*t- t t t t t
*s- s s s s s
*s-/_iŋg ø s s s s
*s-/_əN h s s s s
*s-/_əɺ h s s s s
*s-/_aCV h s s s s
*k- k k k k k
*mb- b b b b b
*nd- d d d d d
*ŋg- ŋg ŋg k g g
*w- w w w w w
*ɺ- ɺ ɺ n l l
*j- j j j j j

Initial consonant clusters correspond as follows:

Grime R. Namblong Mlap Moi Kemtuik Gresi
*km- ? ? kəm m h
*kn- ŋ ŋ kən n h
*ŋgn- ŋ ŋ k gən gən
*ks- s s kəs s s

Medial consonants corespond as follows:

Grime R. Namblong Mlap Moi Kemtuik Gresi
*-m- m m m m m
*-n- n n n n n
-[*ŋ]- ŋg ŋg ŋg ŋ ŋ
*-p- p w ø p w ø w ø
*-p-/ə_i p ø p ø ø
*-p-/NV_ mb mb p mb mb
*-p-/kə _ w w p w w
*-t- t t t t t
*-s- s s s s s
*-k-/i a_ k k k k k
*-k-/ə_ k g k g g
*-k-/Na_ k ? ŋg k ?
*-mb-/#V_ b b mb b b
*-mb-/NV_ mb mb mb b b
*-mb-/CV_ b b mb b b
*-mb-/wV jV_ mb mb mb b b
*-nd-/#V_ nd nd nd d d
*-nd-/NV_ nd nd nd nd nd
*-nd-/CV_ d ? nd d d
*-nd-/wV jV_ nd nd nd d d
*-ŋg-/#V_ ŋg ŋg ŋg ŋg ŋg
*-ŋg-/NV_ ŋg ŋg ŋg ŋg ŋg
*-ŋg-/CV_ ŋg ŋg ŋg g g
*-ŋg-/si_ nd ɺ ŋg l l
*-ŋg-/sə_ k g ŋg g g
*-ŋg-/wV jV_ ŋg ŋg ŋg g g
*-w- w w w
*-w- w w
*-w-/i_i ø ø ø ø ø
*-w-/a_i ø ? ? w w
*-ɺ- ɺ ɺ ɺ ɺ ɺ

Final consonants correspond as follows:

Grime R. Namblong Mlap Moi Kemtuik Gresi
*-m m m m m m
*-n ŋ ŋ n n n
*-ŋ ŋ ŋ ŋ ŋ ŋ
*-p p p p p p
*-t t t t t
*-k ː k k k k

Vowels and diphthongs correspond as follows:

Grime R. Namblong Mlap Moi Kemtuik Gresi
*i i i i
*i/w_ ʉ ʉ i i i
ʉ ʉ u ʉ u
*ʉ/s_ ʉ ʉ ju ʉ u
*u u u u u u
*u/#_CV u u a u u
e e e e e
o o e o o
*ɔ/_# ɔ a a a a
*a a a a a a
*uɔ uo o uo

There correspondences are exemplified as follows, with Namblong attestations drawn from Swan et al. (2019,) Kunagsu (Mlap) from Smits and Voorhoeve (1994 following Anceaux n.d.,) Moi from Banundi (2002,) Kemtuik from van der Wilden, van der Wilden, Yaboysembut, Marasian, Bemey and Hartzler (2008) and Gresi from Purba, Paidi and Karoba (2002) unless otherwise indicated. A minority of Namblong (Nimboran,) Moi (Mekwei,) Kemtuik (Kemtuk) and Gresi (Gresik) forms are drawn from Smits and Voorhoeve (1994 following Anceaux n.d.,) and are indicated by the notation [JA].

Any consonant excepting velar nasal /*ŋ/ can occur initially.

Initial bilabial nasal /*m/ is generally retained as such in all descendants:

Grime River NamblongKwansu Moi Kemtuik Gresi
Swan Anceaux Banundi Wilden Purba
*m- m m m m m
breast/milk *min miŋ miŋ [JA] min min
sugarcane *min miŋ min min min [JA]
still/yet *misɜ msjo mese
mother *mija me miˈa
tree kangaroo *məmbɛŋ membeŋ membeŋ
ketapang *məndu mendu mendu
~ mundu
mountain *məndʉ[m/ŋ] mɛnduŋ
~ mənduŋ
~ mənduŋ [JA]
meˈndʉm mndim
navel *məsʉ mesʉ musju mesʉ
brother-in-law *mɛs[ɛ/a] mese mesa
give *ma ma ma ma
cassowary *mam mam mam
earth/ground *map map map ~ mab
tongue *mambəɺ[ɜ/ɔ]pmambɺop mambrɔp
~ mambrɔb
still/yet *maniŋ maniŋ maniŋ maniŋ
foot/leg *masi mesi mɛsi masi masi masi
evil spirit sp.*masɜ mase maso maso
foam *maŋg[ɜ/ɔ]n maŋgoŋ maŋgon
deaf/mute *mawɔ mao mawo
weak/gentle *maɺɜ maɺo male malo
will/must *m[a]j[a] mai meja
pus *mɔk mok mok
bird sp. *muɔŋ moŋ muoŋ

When initial /*m/ is followed by a destressed vowel [*ə] and then an apical non-stop /ɺ/ it is dropped in Namblong:

Grime RiverNamblongKwansu Moi KemtuikGresi
Swan AnceauxBanundi Wilden Purba
*m/_əɺ ø ? m m m
old garden*məɺəmbʉ ɺebʉ mlebʉ-
itch/itchy*məɺɛ- mle- mle-
catch *məɺak mlak mlak mlak
oil *məɺaj mlai ~ melaimlaj

… /*m/ …:

Grime River NamblongKwansu Moi Kemtuik Gresi
Swan AnceauxBanundiWilden Purba
*m-/_əndm m m m ø ø
grasshopper*mənduap mendwap mɛndɔp mundop meˈndop
~ ndop
ndɔp [JA]

One apparently irregular initial nasal is ambiguous between bilabial /*m/ and apical /*n/ (below):

Grime RiverNamblongKwansu Moi KemtuikGresi
Swan AnceauxBanundiWilden Purba
*[m/n]-? ? n n ?
fly (n.)*[m/n]ambʉn mambun nambʉn

Initial apical nasal /*n/ is generally retained as such in all descendants:

Grime RiverNamblong Kwansu Moi Kemtuik Gresi
Swan AnceauxBanundi Wilden Purba
*n- n n n n n
cold/cool *nim nim nim
flesh/meat *nin niŋ niŋ
3 sg./pl. *nəmɔt nemot nemot nemot
wind *nəpit nembie nəmbit nivit neˈmbit nɛmbit~nɛmbid
nəmbit [JA]
voice/speech *nəmbut nembuo
~ nembwo
nəmbut numbut neˈmbut nembut
eel/crocodile *nəŋgum neŋgum nuŋgum [JA]neŋgum
~ neŋgom
nəgum [JA]
sound/echo *namʉŋ namʉŋ namʉŋ
two *namuan namwan naman ˈnamon namon
eye *namuɔ namo nemu nam
wait/later *nambɔj namboi namboj
day after tom.*naPu napu napu
who? *nan nam ~nan ~naŋ naŋga
yam/sw. potato*naniŋ naniŋ naniŋ naniŋ
marsupial sp. *nanu nanu nanu
who? *nandV nande nande nando nando
back/behind *nasɜŋ naseŋ nasoŋ nasoŋ
egg(s)/roe *nakɔm nakom naŋgom nakom
marrow *naku naku naku
three *naŋgəɺik naŋgɺii naŋgriknaŋklik naŋglik naŋglik
center post *naŋguɔn naŋguoŋ neŋguon
spirit sp. *naɺi naɺi nali nali
eye/see *nu nu nu- nu

… initial /*n/ …:

Grime River NamblongKwansu Moi KemtuikGresi
Swan AnceauxBanundiWilden Purba
*n-/_əŋgn ? ø ø ?
swallow *nəŋgut neŋguo kut gut
*n-/_əŋgø ? n n ?
drum sp.*nəŋgʉ ŋgʉ nuŋgu neŋgʉ

There is only one known example of apparent initial velar nasal /*ŋ/, which is probably a loan from Kwansu (where final /*k/ is not dropped) into Kemtuik. It is reflected as prenasalized voiced stop /ŋg/ in Namblong and as /ŋ/ in Kemtuik:

Grime RiverNamblongKwansu Moi KemtuikGresi
Swan AnceauxBanundiWilden Purba
*[ŋ]- ŋg ? ? ŋ ?
pick*[ŋ]uɔk ŋguou ŋuok

Initial bilabial voiceless stop /*p/ is retained as such in all descendants:

Grime RiverNamblong Kwansu Moi KemtuikGresi
Swan AnceauxBanundiWilden Purba
*p- p p p p p
gall/bile *pəti peti peti
broken/wound *pəku peku pegu
fly/run *pəɺiŋ pɺiŋ pliŋ pliŋ pliŋ
palm sp./bow *pəɺ[ɜ] pɺo ple
shell sp. *pəɺɜ ple-pleplo
cut/split *pəɺɜ ple plo
magic spell *pəɺasi pɺasi plasi
leaf *pəɺɔ pɺo pra
pour/spill *p[ɛi] pei pi pi
peel (v.) *pɛp pep pep
watch/look after*p[ɜ/ɔ]ŋ poŋ pɔŋ poŋ
palm sp. *pam pam pam
dry *paŋ paŋ paŋ paŋ paŋ paŋ
hatch *paŋ paŋ paŋ paŋ
bird sp. *paɺu palu palu
speak/tell *pu pu pu pu
hole *put puo ~ pwa put put put
come/arrive *puŋ puŋ puŋ puŋ puŋ puŋ
cook/burn *pʉt pʉe pʉt

Initial apical voiceless stop /*t/ is retained as such in all descendants:

Grime River NamblongKwansu Moi Kemtuik Gresi
Swan AnceauxBanundiWilden Purba
*t- t t t t t
shoot/sprout *tip tip tip tip
noise *tiŋ tiŋ-tiŋtiŋ
big *təm[iɛ]n temien temin
lizard sp. *təmbap tebap tebap
short/blunt *təmbɔt tebwa tumbot tebot tebot
cut short/trim*təmbəwu tebuu tumbu tebu
quiet/silent *təmbuŋ tebuŋ tebuŋ
left *təkaɺi[k] tekaɺi ta kali (?)ta-(t)kalik
leader *təkaj tekai tegaj
meet/find *təku teku tegu
cough *təkuɛk tekuei tukok tegue
lean on *təkʉ tekʉ tegʉ
eject/remove *təkʉk tekʉʉ tegʉk
break/smash *təkuɔk tekuo teguok
stomach *təŋg[uɛ/ua]n teŋgueŋ tɛŋgwɛŋ teˈguan tgwen
hit/strike *təŋg[uɛ/uɔ]ŋ teŋguoŋ tuŋgoŋ tegueŋ
one *təndʉ tendʉ tɛndu
put/give birth*təwʉ tʉʉ tu
hunt/chase *təɺ[ɛu]k treʉ trʉk
shoot/sprout *təɺɜn troŋ tren
fill/be full *təɺam tram tram
call *təɺa[ŋ] tɺaŋ tra
firstborn/heir*təɺaŋ traŋ traŋ traŋ
song sp. *təɺ[ɔu] trou trow
open/unplug *təɺuk truu truk truk
native law *təɺʉ trʉ -trʉ
sweet *tɜm tom tem tom tom
stay *ta ta ta
arm/hand *ta ta ta ta
new plant *tamaŋ tamaŋ tamaŋ tamaŋ
path *tap tap tap tap tap tap
wing *tambaŋ tabaŋ tambaŋ tabaŋ
back *tatɛ tate doŋ tat-on
hear *tas[i/ɛ][n/ŋ] tasiŋ taseŋ
sorcery *tasəmu tasumu tasemu
origin/clan *taŋ taŋ taŋ taŋ
centipede *tak tak tak taq [JA]
vine/rope *taŋgan taŋgaŋ taŋgaŋ taŋgan tegan tgan
gather *taŋg[ɜ/ɔ][m/ŋ]taŋgoŋ tagom
bead sp. *tawɔ tawo tao teguo
spoon/ladle *tawɔj tawai taguoi tawoi
point/show *taɺiŋ taliŋ taliŋ taliŋ
crooked/crip. *taɺɛŋ taleŋ taleŋ
line/row *taɺɔ taɺo tala
stalk (n.) *tajaŋ tajaŋ tajaŋ tajaŋ
hear *tup tup tup tup

Initial laminal voiceless /*s/ is generally retained as such in all descendants:

Grime RiverNamblong Kwansu Moi KemtuikGresi
Swan AnceauxBanundi Wilden Purba
*s- s s s s s
place (n.) *sip sip sip sip
each *siŋ -siŋ siŋ siŋ
squeeze out *sik sii sik
draw/take out *səp[ɔ/u]k spuu sok
go away *səp[ɔ/u]k spuu sok
sew *səmbut sebuo sebut
strike/chop (?)*səmbuk sebuu sebuk
neck *səsu sesu səsu susu [JA]susu
shake/swing *səkəɺuɛk skɺʉʉ siklek segluep
bamboo *səŋgəɺu səgru suŋglu seglu sugru [JA]
breadfruit sp. *səŋgɜm skom səgɔm siŋgem segom sgom [JA]
cockroach *səŋguan skwaŋ [JA]səgwɔn seguon səgwan- [JA]
egg *səwip[i] sʉp sup sifi si si-
spread/lay out *sɛj sei sej
lip(s) *sɛj sei sej
to/at (?) *sɜ so ~ ho se so
mosquito *sɜn soŋ sɔŋ sen son
dry/dry leaves *s[ɜ/ɔ]p sop sop sɔp [JA]
carving *sam sam sam sam sam
tail/last *sat sa sat sat [JA] sat sat
border *saŋ saŋ saŋ
suck/suckle *sup sup sup
shame/shy *sut -suo -sut
turn over *suk suk suk
cook/boil *s[u/ʉ]k suu sʉk suk
name *sʉ sju su
sit *sʉ[m/ŋ] sjum sʉŋ suŋ
swim *suɛ sʉe sue
leaf sp. *sua swa suˈa
afraid *suaɺi swaɺi suali suali

When intiial /*s/ is followed by a destressed vowel [ə] and then a nasal /*m *n/ or an apical non-stop /*ɺ/, it is deoccluded to [h] in alternation with zero [ø] in Namblong. As the segment /*səɺ/ is unexpectedly common and there are no segments of the form /*sət *sənd/, it seems probable that /*t *nd/ have merged with /*ɺ/ in this environment:

Grime RiverNamblong Kwansu Moi Kemtuik Gresi
Swan AnceauxBanundi Wilden Purba
*s-/_əmh [h ø]s ? ? ?
sago *səmɔ mo səma
*s-/_ənh [h ø]s s s s
body/contents *səni heni sɛnj- sini seni seni
louse *səna[ŋ] hnaŋ ~ naŋ səna sna ~ səna [JA]sena sena
old/always *sənaŋ naŋ snaŋ [JA] senaŋ
know *sən[ɔ/u]ŋ sənuŋ [JA] senoŋ senoŋ
*s-/_əɺh [h ø]s s s s
tooth *səɺiŋ ɺiŋ sriŋ ~ sediŋsriŋ
lie down/sleep*səɺ[i/ɛ]k ɺei srik srik srek srek
old *səɺəjiŋ hɺiiŋ sliŋ ~ sriŋ sediŋ sriŋ
back/spine *səɺ[ɜ/ɔ]ŋ ɺoŋ sroŋ
lazy/rest *səɺ[ɜ/ɔ]k ɺo srok srok
man/male *səɺu hɺu sru -sru sru sru
husk/peel *səɺuk sluk ~ sruk sruk
wooden fork *səɺuɔm ɺum ~ hɺum srom ~ slom sruˈom

When intiial /*s/ is followed by low central vowel /*a/ in a multisyllabic root it is deoccluded to [h] in alternation with zero [ø] in Namblong (q.v. also Smits and Voorhoeve 1994: 135-136 Nimboran [haŋguo ~ haŋggu] “fly”):

Grime River Namblong Kwansu Moi KemtuikGresi
Swan Anceaux BanundiWilden Purba
*s-/_aCV h [h ø] s s s ?
bracelet sp. *sam[ɔ/u]n amuŋ samon
sp. *samuɔ amuo samo semu
earthen bowl *sapəɺɔ hapɺɔ sapla saula
people/tribe *sapəɺɔ hapɺɔ sapla saula
fish sp. *sambu[ŋ] hambuŋ
~ ambuŋ
crab claw(s) *sambu[m/ŋ] abum sabuŋ
tusk *sambuŋ hambuŋ
~ ambuŋ
uterus/womb *sani[ŋ] haniŋ sani sani
sick/ill *sandʉ sandu sadʉ sadu
fibrous *sasɔp asop sasop
torch *sak[ɛ/ɔ]j ake sagoj
disappear *sakʉp hakʉp ~ akʉp sagʉp
palm sp. *saŋgəɺ[a/ɔ]ŋ saŋglaŋsagloŋ
request/desire*saŋg[ɜ/ɔ]n haŋgoŋ
~ aŋgoŋ
bee *saŋgup aŋgup səgup [JA]
fight/quarrel *saŋgʉ saŋgu sagʉ
fly (n.) *saŋguɔ aŋguo səŋgɔ ~ səŋgo
song sp. *sawɔ hawo ~ awo sao seguo
men's house *saɺi sali sali-
pig bone blade*saɺu salu salu

When initial /*s/ is followed by destressed high front vowel /*i/ then prenasalized voiced velar stop /*ŋg/, /*ŋg/ becomes apical /*nd/ in languages other than Moi, forming a cluster with initial /*s/. In Namblong, /*s/ is then dropped, presumably after having been deoccluded to [h] (above,):

Grime RiverNamblongKwansu Moi Kemtuik Gresi
Swan Anceaux Banundi Wilden Purba
*siŋg- nd sd [sr]siŋgsd [səd sr]sd [sd səd sr]
dream*siŋgi ndi siŋgi ssdi sdi
root *siŋgaŋ ndaŋ sraŋ siŋgaŋ sraŋ sɛdaŋ
~ -sᵊraŋ [JA]

Initial velar voiceless stop /*k/ is generally retained as such in all descendants:

Grime River Namblong Kwansu Moi Kemtuik Gresi
Swan Anceaux Banundi Wilden Purba
*k- k k k k k
woman *ki ki ki
raw/green *ki ki ki
fire *kip kip kip
blood/red *kin kiŋ kiŋ kin kin kin
arm/hand *kit kie kit
send *kiŋ kiŋ -kiŋ
raw/green *kiki keki kiki- kiiki kiki kiki
fist *kəmuk kumuk kemuk
pit/hole *kəmuɔ kemuo kumo kemuo
termite *kəpi kivi ki
rack sp. *kəmbəɺɛŋ kembleŋ kebleŋ
work *kəmbaɺi kebaɺi kembali keˈbali kebali
net bag *kəmbɔ kebo kəba kemba keba keba
die *kəmbɔŋ kumboŋ keˈboŋ keboŋ
thigh *kəmbum kumbum kebum
ear *kəni[n/ŋ] keni keniŋ ~ kɛniŋ-
spleen *kən[ɜ] kene keno
button (?) *kən[ɜ/ɔ]p kenop kenop
sit/stay *kən[ɜ/ɔ]k kenou kənɔk
penis *kənuɔn kenuoŋ kənɔŋ kunun
close/narrow *kəndik kedii kedik
flesh/meat *kəndɜŋ kendeŋ kedoŋ
vomit *kəsʉ kusju kusʉ
coconut *kəwim kʉm kum kim kim kim
go away *kəɺi kɺi kli kli
frog *kəɺiŋ kɺiŋ kliŋ kliŋ kliŋ
touch/approach *kəɺiŋ kɺiŋ kliŋ
make/build *kəɺik kɺii klik klik klik
armpit *kəɺəmuɛ[ŋ] kɺemʉŋ krɛmi kleme
cover *kəɺəmbuɛt kɺbʉa klebet
mushroom *kəɺaput klaput kˈlaut
white *kəɺaput klaput
~ kraɸut [JA]
wild pig *kəɺat klat klat
tree sp. *kəɺaŋ kɺaŋ klaŋ
bribe *kəɺaj kɺai klai klai
love/sympathy *kəɺ[ɔ/u]m kɺom klum
weep/cry *kəɺuk kɺuu kluk ~ kruk
voice/thunder *kəɺʉm kɺʉm -krʉm -krum [JA] klum -klim [TP]
~ krʉm [JA]
liver *kəɺʉt kɺʉa klut klʉt
tree sp. *kəɺʉt kɺʉa klʉt
beat drum *kəɺʉŋ kɺʉŋ klʉŋ
cut/slice *kəɺʉk kɺʉʉ klʉk
wound/boil *kəɺuɔ kɺuo klo kluo
dry/famine *kəɺuɔŋ kɺouŋ kluoŋ
fill/compensate*kəjiŋ kiiŋ kiŋ kiŋ
increase *kəjɛ kee ke
obey *kɛŋ keŋ keŋ
dirt *kɜn ken kon
lime *kɜt ket kot
fire *kɜj kei koj koi
put/stand *k[ɜ/ɔ]ŋ koŋ koŋ
put in/hide *k[ɜ/ɔ]k kou kok
almost *kam kam kam
ear *kam[a/ɔ] kama ˈkama kəma
~ koma [JA]
one *kapəɺaj[a] kapraj- ~ kafrai
kabraj [JA]
kˈlaja ~ klaj- kelai
cooking pot *kamb[i/ʉ] kebii kebʉ
butterfly *kambɜt kabɔt kambet kabot kabɔt [JA]
goura pigeon *kamb[ɔ/ʉ]t kebʉe kəbut kambot kabot kabɔt [JA]
woman *kambuŋ kambuŋ ˈkabuŋ kabuŋ
down/below *kati kati kati
fireplace *katuk katuk katuk
sand *kasaŋgɜt kasəŋgɔt kasaŋget
forbidden *kaŋg[ɜ/ɔ]t kaŋgwa kagot
girl *kaŋgʉt kaŋgut kagʉt
sky *kawut kawuo kawt keut ~ keud [JA]
branch *kaɺi kaɺi kari kali [JA] kali kari [JA]
sharp *kaɺ[a/ɔ]ŋ kaɺoŋ karɔŋ kaɺaŋ kaloŋ kaloŋ
lenggua *kaɺuk kaluk kaluk
mud/swamp *kaɺʉ kaɺʉ kalʉ
scream *kajaŋ kajaŋ kajaŋ
day *ku ku ku ku ku
ground/place *ku ku ku ku
down/below *ku ku ku ku
grey hair *kut kuo kut kut
dig/spoon *kuk kuu kuk
excrement *kʉ
singe/blacken *kʉm kʉm kʉm
bite *kʉp kup ~ qup kʉp
sting *kʉjat kja kʉat
eclectus *kuɛŋ kʉeŋ kuem
clay *kuɛnsi kinsi kuensi
wound/sore *kua[i] kwai ko kuo ku
frog sp. *kuat kuat kot-kot kuˈat-kuˈat
spirit/soul *kuasɛp kesep kuasep
grass sp. *kuaɺap
grub sp, *kuɔn kuoŋ kon kuon
kiss *kuɔŋ kuoŋ kuoŋ
chewed quid *kuɔk kuou kuok
wilt/wither *kuɔk kuou kuok

Initial bilabial prenasalized voiced stop /*mb/ is realized as plain voiced [b] in all descendants:

Grime RiverNamblongKwansu Moi KemtuikGresi
Swan AnceauxBanundi Wilden Purba
*mb- b b b b b
fat/grease *mbən[ai] benai bənaj bena ~ bəna
~ bna [JA]
bena bena
~ bɛna [JA]
hair of head *mbətɜ bete beto beto
river/valley *mbətuɔ bətɔ boto [JA] betuo betu
unwilling *mbəsam besam besam
sweet potato *mbəkɔj bukoi begoi -bəgɔj [JA]
sea *mbəŋgip beŋgip bɛŋgip
wild *mbəɺi[m/ŋ]bɺiŋ blim
yellow/bright *mbəɺɜŋ bleŋ bloŋ
hunt *mbəɺaŋ bɺaŋ blaŋ blaŋ
up/above *mbəɺuɔ[ŋ] bɺoŋ blo blo blu
base/origin *mbəɺuŋ bɺuŋ bluŋ bluŋ
sago stem *mbəɺʉm bɺʉm blum
sprinkle/sow *mbəɺʉ[m/ŋ]bɺʉŋ blʉm blum
magic *mbəɺuɛ bɺʉ blu blue
go up *mbɛ be be
above *mba ba ba ba
old/dry *mba[m/ŋ] baŋ bam
ironwood sp. *mbap[u]t bafut bat
grandparent *mbambu babu babu babu
come up *mban baN ban
alone/apart *mban[ɜ/ɔ]mbanom ˈbanom
moon *mbanu banu banu banu banu banu
spread out/wide*mbatɔ bato bata beta ~ bta
sugar glider *mbas[ɜ] base baso
light (v.) *mbaŋ baŋ baŋ
cut/break *mbaŋ baŋ baŋ
hit/beat *mbaŋ baŋ baŋ
deny *mbakɜt bakwa baket
fruit sp. *mbawin baʉŋ bawin
hut *mbaɺɔ baɺo bala bala
beloved *mbaɺu baɺu balu
vegetable(s) *mbaɺʉ baɺʉ balʉ
canoe *mbaji baj baji bai
sea *mbajap baib beˈap bep ~ beb
betrothed *mbajnaŋ banjaŋ bajnaŋ
red *mbɔm bom bom
water/river *mbu bu bu bu bu bu
wait *mbuŋ buŋ buŋ buŋ
cut off/break *mbuŋ buŋ buŋ
chest *mbʉt bʉe but [JA]
joint *mbuɛm -bem -bum buem -bem [JA]
pick *mbuɔ buu buo

Initial apical prenasalized voiced stop /*nd/ is realized as plain voiced [d] in all descendants:

Grime River Namblong Kwansu Moi KemtuikGresi
Swan AnceauxBanundi Wilden Purba
*nd- d d d d d
tree/wood *ndi di di di di di
tree sp. *ndəmɛ deme deme
spirit sp. *ndəmat dema demat
bundle *ndəmun demuŋ demun
stone *ndəmuɔ demuo dəmu demo deˈmu dum
hair/feather(s)*ndəpəwit depʉe dʉt difit dit dit
forest *ndəpəjɛn depeeŋ dweŋ duˈen duen ~ d(u)wen
hornbill *ndəpaɺi dwari defali ~ devali dwari [JA]
sago/sago tree *ndəpɜt depet
~ dɛɸɛt [JA]
duot duot
wet/saturated *ndəmbʉ debʉ dembu debʉ
banana flower *ndəndɔ dedo deda
black *ndəkit dekie degit degit
coral *ndəkəɺ[ɜ/ɔ]ŋdekoŋ degloŋ
enter/occupy *ndəkut dekuo degut
Mt. Cyclops *ndəwu[m/n] duum dun
advice *ndəɺ[ɜ/ɔ]m drom drom
drink *ndəɺ[ɜ/ɔ]p drop drop
wipe/scratch *ndəɺ[ɜ/ɔ]k drou drok
bride price *ndəɺaŋ draŋ draŋ
wing *ndəjɛŋ deeŋ dɛŋ [JA]
leaf/head hair *ndɜp dep dop dop
seed/bone *ndɜn doŋ dɔŋ den don don
eat *ndam dam dam dam dam dam
heart *ndambʉ debʉ dɛbu dambu ˈdabʉ dabi
fish *ndasi dasi dasi dasi
cooked *ndasiŋ dasiŋ dasiŋ
bird's nest (?)*ndaŋ daŋ daŋ daŋ
prop(s)/frame *ndaŋ daŋ daŋ
smoked/dried *ndak[ɜ/ɔ]n dakoŋ dagon
near *ndaŋgu daŋgu dagu dagu
hard *ndawin dauŋ dawin dawin [JA]
news/message *ndaw[ɜ/ɔ] dawo deguo
areca nut *ndawʉt dawut ~ daut dagʉt dakuit ~ dakut
equal *ndaɺi dali dali dali
cold *ndaɺip deɺip ~ daɺipdɛrip darip
~ dalip [JA]
dalip dalip
arrow *ndaj dai -day dai daj dai
follow/obey *nduk duu duk
think *ndʉŋ dʉŋ duŋ dʉŋ duŋ
burn/cook *ndʉk dʉʉ duk dʉk duk
child *nduɔ du do duo du

Initial velar prenasailzed voiced stop /*ŋg/ is merged with voiceless /k/ in Moi and realized as plain voiced [g] in Kemtuik and Gresi:

Grime RiverNamblongKwansu Moi KemtuikGresi
Swan AnceauxBanundiWilden Purba
*ŋg- ŋg ŋg k g g
sap/resin *ŋgit ŋgie kit git
grass sp. *ŋgənɜŋ kneŋ genoŋ
be patient *ŋgəɺiŋ ŋgɺiŋ gliŋ
fold *ŋgəɺəmʉk ŋgɺʉmʉʉ kumuk
flower sp. *ŋgəɺɜ klei glo
guest/visitor*ŋgəɺ[ɜ/ɔ]pŋgɺop glop
digit *ŋgəɺaŋ -graŋ glaŋ graŋ
joint/corner *ŋgəɺun ŋgɺuŋ
hang *ŋgəɺuŋ ŋgɺuŋ kluŋ gluŋ
seize/control*ŋgəɺʉk ŋgɺʉʉ glʉk
peel (v.) *ŋgəɺuɛt ŋgɺʉa gluet
stay *ŋgɜt ŋgo ket got
pandanus sp. *ŋgambu kambu gabu
close/block *ŋgaŋ ŋgaŋ gaŋ
build *ŋgaŋ kaŋ gaŋ
husk *ŋg[au/ɔu] ŋgou gaw
cloud/fog *ŋgum ŋgum ŋgum gum gum
take off/peel*ŋguk ŋguu guk
split *ŋgʉk ŋgʉʉ gʉk

Initial bilabial non-stop /*w/ is generally retained as such in all descendants:

Grime River Namblong Kwansu Moi Kemtuik Gresi
Swan AnceauxBanundi Wilden Purba
*w- w w w w w
taro *w[i/ɛ]p wip wip wep -wib [JA]
crocodile *wəmit umiə [JA]wəmit wəmit [JA]
clay *wəj[ɛ/ɔ]ŋ wjoŋ weŋ weŋ
sugar palm sp.*wɜŋ woŋ woŋ
thorn *wapuŋ wafuŋ woŋ woŋ
spirit sp. *wambu wambu wambu wabu
send message *wambʉ wabʉ wabʉ
leaf umbrella *watim watim watim
song sp. *wan[ɜ] wane wano
sleep (n.) *wasi wasi wasi
beetle sp. *wasiŋ wasiŋ wasiŋ
tooth *wasəɺa[ŋ] wasəra [JA]waslaŋ
divide *was[ɛi][ŋ] waseŋ wasej
grass seed(\s)*wasɜ wase waso
greens sp. *wasut wasut wasut
weak/soft *wakɜt waket wakot wakot
fat (a.) *wakʉ waku wakʉ
flower sp. *waŋgi waŋgi wagi
kidney *wawit waʉ wawit
digging stick *waɺi waɺi wali wali
life/peace *waɺi waɺi wali wali wali
feast sp. *waɺ[ɜ/ɔ]p waɺop ˈwalop
nail *waɺ[ɜ/ɔ][n/ŋ]waɺoŋ warɔŋ
statue *waɺam walam walam
pandanus sp. *waɺ[a/ɔ] wala wala
lizard *waɺu waɺu waru walu waru- [JA]
cut grass *wuŋ wuŋ wuŋ wuŋ ~ uŋ wuŋ

When initial segment /*wa/ is followed by low-mid back rounded vowel /*ɔ/ in the next syllable, it is reduced to /u/ in Namblong:

Grime River NamblongKwansu Moi KemtuikGresi
Swan AnceauxBanundiWilden Purba
*wa-/_Cɔu wa wa wa wa u
stone axe*wandɔ undo wanda wanda wada uda [JA]
frog sp. *wasɔ uso wasa wasa
long *waɺ[a/ɔ]ŋ uɺaŋ waraŋ walaŋ ˈwaloŋ waloŋ

When intiial /*w/ is immediately followed by /*ɔ/ it is typically though not invariably dropped in Moi:

Grime RiverNamblongKwansu Moi KemtuikGresi
Swan AnceauxBanundi Wilden Purba
*w-/_ɔ w w ø w w w
sun *wɔj wai wɔj oi woj woi
theft *wɔm wom ~ omwom wom
shrimp/prawn*wɔp wap uɔp wop ~ opwop wop
nail *wɔn -on won
cut up *wɔk wou wok ~ okwok
scrape/grate*wɔk wou wok wok
grass sp. *wɔjɔ ojo wojo

Initial apical non-stop /*ɺ/ is uncommon. It is merged with apical nasal /n/ in Moi:

Grime RiverNamblongKwansu Moi KemtuikGresi
Swan Anceaux BanundiWilden Purba
*ɺ- ɺ ɺ [r hr]n l l
go down *ɺi ɺi li li
dirty *ɺim ɺim lim
metal *ɺəPɛ ɺepe lepe
break/smash *ɺəPuk ɺepuu lepuk
roll/roll over*ɺəŋgi[p/ŋ]ɺəŋgip legiŋ
show *ɺəŋgʉt ɺeŋgʉe legʉt
wash *ɺəwu ɺuu lu
drink *ɺɛp ɺep rɛp
lip(s)/mouth *ɺ[ɜ/ɔ]m ɺom rɔm ~ hrɔm lom lom
draw line *ɺ[ɜ/ɔ]t ɺou lot
soul/shadow *ɺap ɺap nap lap
flood *ɺataŋ ɺataŋ lataŋ
hot *ɺak[ɛi/ai]ɺeke lakaj
break *ɺuŋ ɺuŋ luŋ

Initial palatal non-stop /*j/ in monosyllabic roots is retained as such in all descendants:

Grime River NamblongKwansu Moi KemtuikGresi
Swan AnceauxBanundiWilden Purba
*j-/_V(C)#j j j j j
idle *jɛm jem jem jem
measure *jam jam jam jam jam
house *jap jap jap jap
agree *jaŋ jaŋ jaŋ
flying fox *j[ɔu] jou jow
old/dried up*j[ɔu] jou jow
greens sp. *ju ju ju ju
stir *juŋ juŋ juŋ

In roots with more than one syllable, the initial sequence /*jV/ is usually though not invariably reduced to high front vowel /i/ in Gresi:

Grime River NamblongKwansu Moi KemtuikGresi
Swan AnceauxBanundi Wilden Purba
*jV-/_CVjV jV jV jV jV [i jV]
house *jamɔ jemo jama
spirit sp. *jamʉk jamʉʉ jamʉk
paralysis *japəɺa japɺa japla
beads sp. *jap[a/ɔ]ŋ jawoŋ jafaŋ jawaŋ
weak/paralyzed *jambi jambi jambi
thatch *jambəɺɔ jambɺo jambra jambla jabla ibla
tip/end *jambu jambu jambu
insane *janɛ jane jane
butcherbird *jasu jasu jasu
happy *jakɔ[i] jako jakai jakaj ikai
turmeric/yellow*ja[ŋ]u jaŋgu jaŋgu jaŋgu [JA]ˈjaŋu jaŋu ~ jaŋo [JA]
pigeon sp. *jaŋgʉ jaŋgʉ jaŋgu jagʉ
year/season *jaŋgʉ jaŋgu jagʉ jaŋgju
frog sp. *jawut jawo jaut
shoulder *jaɺ[u/ʉ] jaɺʉ jalu jalu jalu
collect/gather *jaɺʉm jaɺʉm jalʉm jalum

One example in which initial sequence /*ja/ is retained as such in Gresi is probably mandatorily a compound as evidenced by medial sequence [ŋk], though Anceaux also gives Gresik initial [i] (Smits and Voorhoeve 1994: 18-19):

Grime RiverNamblongKwansu Moi Kemtuik Gresi
Swan Anceaux Banundi Wilden Purba
*j- j j j j j
head*jaŋkaMBʉ iŋgjambʉjakambu ~
~ jekambu [JA]
~ jaŋkambu [JA]

Only one example of initial /*j/ followed by high central rounded vowel /*ʉ/ has been found, with idiosyncratic variations in several descendants. The originality of /*jʉ/ is supported by outcomparison to Tor River /*dzu/:

Grime RiverNamblongKwansu Moi KemtuikGresi
Swan AnceauxBanundiWilden Purba
*jʉ# wu wi ju
bird*jʉ wu wi ju ~ iju

… initial consonant clusters …

Initial cluster /*km/ is reduced to /m/ in Kemtuik and to /h/ in Gresi, presumably via [hm] (cf. /*kn/ below;) the expected reflexes in Namblong and Kwansu are not known:

Grime RiverNamblongKwansu Moi KemtuikGresi
Swan AnceauxBanundi Wilden Purba
*km- ? ? km [km kəm]m h
vagina/vulva *km[a/ɔ] kema ma
2 sg./pl. *kmɔt kumot ~ kmot mot hot
sago/sago flour*kmuk kumuk muk huk

Initial cluster /*kn/ is reduced to /ŋ/ in Namblong and probably also in Kwansu (cf. /*ŋgn/ below,) to /n/ in Kemtuik and to /h/ in Gresi, presumably via [hn] (cf. /*km/ above):

Grime RiverNamblongKwansu Moi KemtuikGresi
Swan AnceauxBanundi Wilden Purba
*kn- ŋ ? kn [kn kən]n h
earth/ground*knan kenan nan
paradise sp.*knaɺi ŋaɺi knali nali hali

Initial cluster /*ŋgn/ has been found only in the first person singular pronoun:

Grime RiverNamblongKwansu Moi Kemtuik Gresi
Swan AnceauxBanundiWilden Purba
*ŋgn- ŋ ŋ k gn [gən]gn [k(ə)n gən]
1 sg.*ŋgna(-m) ŋam ŋam ka genam kenam ~ knam
~ genam

\Initial cluster /*ks/ is reduced to /s/ in all languages save Moi:

Grime RiverNamblongKwansu Moi KemtuikGresi
Swan AnceauxBanundiWilden Purba
*ks- s s kəss s
rain *ks[ai] sai sai kusa sa sa [JA]
ashes*ksuŋ suŋ suŋ kusuŋ suŋ suŋ [JA]

Any consonant besides velar nasal /*ŋ/ can occur medially.

Medial bilabial nasal /*m/ is retained as such in all descendants:

Grime RiverNamblong Kwansu Moi Kemtuik Gresi
Swan AnceauxBanundi Wilden Purba
*-m- m m m m m
new/young *imaniŋ imaniŋ imeniŋ iminiŋ ~ emeniŋ
snake *aɺəmɔ ɺemo ~ɺmorəma arma ~ almalema lema
3 sg./pl. *nəmɔt nemot nemot nemot
two *namuan namwan naman ˈnamon namon
eye *namuɔ namo nemu nam
sound/echo *namʉŋ namʉŋ namʉŋ
big *təm[iɛ]n temien temin
new plant *tamaŋ tamaŋ tamaŋ tamaŋ
sorcery *tasəmu tasumu tasemu
tree sp. *ndəmɛ deme deme
spirit sp. *ndəmat dema demat
bundle *ndəmun demuŋ demun
stone *ndəmuɔ demuo dəmu demo deˈmu dum
sago *səmɔ mo səma
bracelet sp.*sam[ɔ/u]n amuŋ samon
matoa *samuɔ amuo samo semu
fist *kəmuk kumuk kemuk
pit/hole *kəmuɔ kemuo kumo kemuo
armpit *kəɺəmuɛ[ŋ]kɺemʉŋ krɛmi kleme
ear *kam[a/ɔ] kama ˈkama kəma
~ koma [JA]
fold *ŋgəɺəmʉk ŋgɺʉmʉʉ kumuk
crocodile *wəmit umiə [JA]wəmit wəmit [JA]
house *jamɔ jemo jama
spirit sp. *jamʉk jamʉʉ jamʉk

Medial apical nasal /*n/ is retained as such in all descendants:

Grime RiverNamblongKwansu Moi KemtuikGresi
Swan Anceaux Banundi Wilden Purba
*-n- n n n n n
new/young *imaniŋ imaniŋ imeniŋ iminiŋ ~ emeniŋ
new/fresh *inim injim nim inim
belly *unu anu
still/yet *maniŋ maniŋ maniŋ maniŋ
yam/sw. potato*naniŋ naniŋ naniŋ naniŋ
fat/grease *mbən[ai] benai bənaj bena ~ bəna
~ bna [JA]
bena bena
~ bɛna [JA]
alone/apart *mban[ɜ/ɔ]mbanom ˈbanom
moon *mbanu banu banu banu banu banu
betrothed *mbajnaŋ banjaŋ bajnaŋ
marsupial sp. *nanu nanu nanu
body/contents *səni heni sɛnj- sini seni seni
know *sən[ɔ/u]ŋ sənuŋ [JA] senoŋ senoŋ
uterus/womb *sani[ŋ] haniŋ sani sani
ear *kəni[n/ŋ] keni keniŋ ~ kɛniŋ-
spleen *kən[ɜ] kene keno
button (?) *kən[ɜ/ɔ]p kenop kenop
sit/stay *kən[ɜ/ɔ]k kenou kənɔk
penis *kənuɔn kenuoŋ kənɔŋ kunun
clay *kuɛnsi kinsi kuensi
grass sp. *ŋgənɜŋ kneŋ genoŋ
song sp. *wan[ɜ] wane wano
insane *janɛ jane jane


Grime River NamblongKwansu Moi Kemtuik Gresi
Swan AnceauxBanundiWilden Purba
pig *inəmbuɔ ibuo ibɔ mbo neˈmbo nembu
tongue *anəmbəɺ[i/ɛ]ŋ ambliŋ neˈmbleŋnəbreŋ [JA]
*-n-/_əŋg ø n ø
scabies*inəŋgɜn iŋgoŋ niŋgen igon

There is only one known example of apparent medial velar nasal /*ŋ/, evidently a regional loan as may be seen in Anceaux (Smits and Voorhoeve 1994: 196-197) from Oceanic /*jaŋo/ (Ross CITE):

Grime RiverNamblongKwansu Moi KemtuikGresi
Swan AnceauxBanundi Wilden Purba
*-[ŋ]- ŋg ŋg ŋg ŋ ŋ
turmeric/yellow*ja[ŋ]u jaŋgu jaŋgu jaŋgu [JA]ˈjaŋu jaŋu ~ jaŋo [JA]

Medial bilabial voiceless stop /*p/ … With only one known exeption (below,) medial /*p/ is not found following nasalized segments /*mV *nV/:

Grime RiverNamblongKwansu Moi KemtuikGresi
Swan AnceauxBanundi Wilden Purba
*-p- p w p [p ɸ f v] w w
pitpit sp. *ipu[m/ŋ] ipuŋ ifum
ironwood sp. *mbap[u]t bafut bat
forest *ndəpəjɛn depeeŋ dweŋ duˈen duen ~ d(u)wen
hornbill *ndəpaɺi dwari defali ~ devali dwari [JA]
sago/sago tree*ndəpɜt depet
~ dɛɸɛt [JA]
duot duot
draw/take out *səp[ɔ/u]k spuu sok
go away *səp[ɔ/u]k spuu sok
earthen bowl *sapəɺɔ hapɺɔ sapla saula
people/tribe *sapəɺɔ hapɺɔ sapla saula
mushroom *kəɺaput klaput kˈlaut
white *kəɺaput klaput
~ kraɸut [JA]
thorn *wapuŋ wafuŋ woŋ woŋ
paralysis *japəɺa japɺa japla

… /*p/ …:

Grime RiverNamblongKwansu Moi Kemtuik Gresi
Swan AnceauxBanundi Wilden Purba
*-p-/b>? ? p [f] ø ø
one*kapəɺaj[a] kapraj- ~ kafrai
kabraj [JA]
kˈlaja ~ klaj-kelai

When preceded by initial segment /*kə/, medial /*p/ becomes /w/ in Namblong as well as in Kwansu, Kentuik and Gresi:

Grime River NamblongKwansu Moi KemtuikGresi
Swan AnceauxBanundi Wilden Purba
*-p-/kə-w w p [p f]w w
not/no*kəpɔ kwo kwa- kfa kua kw

Another example in which medial /*p/ becomes /w/ in Namblong is probably a loan from Kemtuik or Gresi into Namblong:

Grime RiverNamblongKwansu Moi KemtuikGresi
Swan AnceauxBanundi Wilden Purba
*-p-/b>w p [f]w
beads sp.*jap[a/ɔ]ŋ jawoŋ jafaŋ jawaŋ

…/*p/ …:

Grime River NamblongKwansu Moi KemtuikGresi
Swan AnceauxBanundi Wilden Purba
*-p-/ə_ip ø p [p ɸ f v]ø ø
hair/feather(s)*ndəpəwit depʉe dʉt difit dit dit
egg *səwip[i] sʉp sup sifi si si-
termite *kəpi kivi ki

Three apparently irregular examples in which the Kemtuik medial is not lenited may be compounds or loans from Namblong and Moi into Kemtuik, or in the case of “metal” from some third source:

Grime RiverNamblongKwansu Moi KemtuikGresi
Swan AnceauxBanundiWilden Purba
*-P- p ? p p ?
day after tom.*naPu napu napu
metal *ɺəPɛ ɺepe lepe
break/smash *ɺəPuk ɺepuu lepuk

Besides the defective “day after tomorrow” (above,) there is only one known example in which medial /*p/ follows a nasalized segment, in this instance /*nə/. Here medial /*p/ becomes prenasalized voiced /mb/ in all descendants save Moi under the influence of initial /*n/, while Anceaux (Smits and Voorhoeve 1994: 154) gives Mekwei [nembit] alongside several variants with unvoiced [p]:

Grime River NamblongKwansu Moi KemtuikGresi
Swan AnceauxBanundi Wilden Purba
*-p-/nə_mb mb p [v]mb mb
wind*nəpit nembie nəmbit nivit neˈmbitnɛmbit~nɛmbid
nəmbit [JA]

Medial apical voiceless stop /*t/ is retained as such in all descendants. It has not been found following nasalized segments /*mV nV/:

Grime RiverNamblongKwansu Moi KemtuikGresi
Swan Anceaux Banundi Wilden Purba
*-t- t t t t t
scorpion *ituk itju tuk
star/firefly *utɔp utop utɔp ~ tɔptup- top top
gall/bile *pəti peti peti
hair of head *mbətɜ bete beto beto
river/valley *mbətuɔ bətɔ boto [JA]betuo betu
spread out/wide*mbatɔ bato bata beta ~ bta
back *tat[ɛ] tate doŋ tat-on
down/below *kati kati kati
fireplace *katuk katuk katuk
leaf umbrella *watim watim watim
flood *ɺataŋ ɺataŋ lataŋ

Medial laminal voiceless /*s/ is generally retained as such in all decsendants.. Unlike voiceless stops /*p *t *k/, it appears following nasalized segments /*mV *nV/ unchanged:

Grime River NamblongKwansu Moi KemtuikGresi
Swan Anceaux Banundi Wilden Purba
*-s- s s s s s
yam/sw. potato *isɔ isjo isa sja isa isa
cassowary *isuaɺi suali ~ suari [JA]isuˈaliiswari [JA]
rock/shake *isu isju isu
garden *usu usu usu asu usu usu
mouse/rat *usum usum asum usum usum
navel *məsʉ mesʉ musju mesʉ
brother-in-law *mɛs[ɛ/a] mese mesa
foot/leg *masi mesi mɛsi masi masi masi
evil spirit sp.*masɜ mase maso maso
magic spell *pəɺasi pɺasi plasi
unwilling *mbəsam besam besam
sugar glider *mbas[ɜ] base baso
back/behind *nasɜŋ naseŋ nasoŋ nasoŋ
hear *tas[i/ɛ][n/ŋ]tasiŋ taseŋ
sorcery *tasəmu tasumu tasemu
fish *ndasi dasi dasi dasi
cooked *ndasiŋ dasiŋ dasiŋ
neck *səsu sesu səsu susu [JA] susu
fibrous *sasɔp asop sasop
vomit *kəsʉ kusju kusʉ
sand *kasaŋgɜt kasəŋgɔtkasaŋget
clay *kuɛnsi kinsi kuensi
spirit/soul *kuasɛp kesep kuasep
sleep (n.) *wasi wasi wasi
beetle sp. *wasiŋ wasiŋ wasiŋ
tooth *wasəɺa[ŋ] wasəra [JA] waslaŋ
divide *was[ɛi][ŋ] waseŋ wasej
grass seed(\s) *wasɜ wase waso
frog sp. *wasɔ uso wasa wasa
greens sp. *wasut wasut wasut
butcherbird *jasu jasu jasu

… /*s/ …:

Grime RiverNamblongKwansu Moi KemtuikGresi
Swan AnceauxBanundiWilden Purba
wallaby*asəjɔ hajo asjo sia [JA]

Medial velar voiceless stop /*k/ when preceded by a strssed vowel is generally retained as such in all descendants, though sporadic lenitiion to [g] occurs in Kemtuik and probably also in .Gresi. With few exceptions (below,) medial /*k/ is not found following nasalized segments /*mV *nV/:

Grime River Namblong Kwansu Moi Kemtuik Gresi
Swan AnceauxBanundiWilden Purba
*-k-/i_ k k k k k
pith *iku iku iku
raw/green *kiki keki kiki- kiiki kiki kiki
*-k-/a_ k k k k [k g] k
deny *mbakɜt bakwa baket
torch *sak[ɛ/ɔ]j ake sagoj
disappear *sakʉp hakʉp ~ akʉp sagʉp
smoked/dried*ndak[ɜ/ɔ]n dakoŋ dagon
grass sp. *kuaɺap
weak/soft *wakɜt waket wakot wakot
fat (a.) *wakʉ waku wakʉ
hot *ɺak[ɛi/ai] ɺeke lakaj
happy *jakɔ[i] jako jakai jakaj ikai

When preceded by a destressed vowel [*ə], medial /*k/ is lenited to [g] in Kwansu and in Kemtuik and Gresi, whezre it merges with the denasalized reflexes of /*ŋg/ (below):

Grime River NamblongKwansu Moi KemtuikGresi
Swan AnceauxBanundiWilden Purba
*-k-/ə_ k g k g g
broken/wound*pəku peku pegu
sweet potato*mbəkɔj bukoi begoi -bəgɔj [JA]
leader *təkaj tekai tegaj
meet/find *təku teku tegu
lean on *təkʉ tekʉ tegʉ
eject/remove*təkʉk tekʉʉ tegʉk
cough *təkuɛk tekuei tukok tegue
break/smash *təkuɔk tekuo teguok
black *ndəkit dekie degit degit
coral *ndəkəɺ[ɜ/ɔ]ŋdekoŋ degloŋ
enter/occupy*ndəkut dekuo degut
shake/swing *səkəɺuɛk skɺʉʉ siklek segluep

One exception seems to arise because Gresi-Kemtuik /*k/ has formed a cluster with preceding apical voiceless /t/:

Grime RiverNamblongKwansu Moi KemtuikGresi
Swan AnceauxBanundiWilden Purba
*-k- k k k
left*təkaɺi[k] tekaɺi ta kalita-(t)kalik

There are only two known examples of /*k/ following a nasalized segment which in both examples is /*na/. Here the Kemtuik reflex is unlenited as expected, while the Moi medial becomes prenasalized /ŋg/ under the influence of initial /*n/:

Grime River NamblongKwansu Moi KemtuikGresi
Swan AnceauxBanundiWilden Purba
*-k-/na_k ? ŋg k ?
egg(s)/roe*nakɔm nakom naŋgom nakom
marrow *naku naku naku

Medial bilabial prenasalized voiced stop /*mb/ when preceded by a nasalized segment /*mV *nV/ is retained as such in all descendants:

Grime River Namblong Kwansu Moi Kemtuik Gresi
Swan Anceaux BanundiWilden Purba
*-mb-/NV_ mb mb mb mb mb
tongue *anəmbəɺ[i/ɛ]ŋ ambliŋ neˈmbleŋnəbreŋ (?) [JA]
tree kangaroo*məmbɛŋ membeŋ membeŋ
tongue *mambəɺ[ɜ/ɔ]p mambɺop mambrɔp
~ mambrɔb
fly (n.) *[m/n]ambʉn mambun nambʉn
voice/speech *nəmbut nembuo
~ nembwo
nəmbut numbut neˈmbut nembut
wait/later *nambɔj namboi namboj

When medial /*mb/ follows a stop or fricative /*p *t *s *k *mb *nd *ŋg/ in the preceding syllable, it is realized as plain voiced /b/ in all descendants save Moi where it remains prenasalized:

Grime River NamblongKwansu Moi KemtuikGresi
Swan AnceauxBanundiWilden Purba
*-mb-/CV_b b mb b b
old garden *məɺəmbʉ- ɺebʉ mlebʉ-
grandparent *mbambu babu babu babu
cut short/trim *təmbəwu tebuu tumbu tebu
lizard sp. *təmbap tebap tebap
short/blunt *təmbɔt tebwa tumbot tebot tebot
quiet/silent *təmbuŋ tebuŋ tebuŋ
wing *tambaŋ tabaŋ tambaŋ tabaŋ
wet/saturated *ndəmbʉ debʉ dembu debʉ
heart *ndambʉ debʉ dɛbu dambu ˈdabʉ dabi
sew *səmbut sebuo sebut
strike/chop (?)*səmbuk sebuu sebuk
crab claw(s) *sambu[m/ŋ] abum sabuŋ
rack sp. *kəmbəɺɛŋ kembleŋkebleŋ
work *kəmbaɺi kebaɺi kembalikeˈbalikebali
net bag *kəmbɔ kebo kəba kemba keba keba
die *kəmbɔŋ kumboŋ keˈboŋ keboŋ
thigh *kəmbum kumbum kebum
cover *kəɺəmbuɛt kɺbʉa klebet
cooking pot *kamb[i/u] kebii kebʉ
butterfly *kambɜt kabɔt kambet kabot kabɔt [JA]
goura pigeon *kamb[ɔ/u]t kebʉe kəbut kambot kabot kabɔt [JA]
woman *kambuŋ kambuŋ ˈkabuŋ kabuŋ
pandanus sp. *ŋgambu kambu gabu

Two seeming exceptions in which Namblong retains /*mb/ as such are perhaps expicable by to the loss of initial /*s/, although “claw(s) of crab” (above) is not affected. Alternately, they are loans into Namblong from Moi:

Grime River Namblong Kwansu Moi KemtuikGresi
Swan AnceauxBanundiWilden Purba
*-mb-/sa_mb ? ? b ?
fish sp.*sambu[ŋ] hambuŋ
~ ambuŋ
tusk *sambuŋ hambuŋ
~ ambuŋ

When following a non-stop /*w *j/ in the preceding syllable, the reflexes of /*mb/ are inconsistent. Based upon comparison with the reflexes of /*nd/ in the same environment (below,) the most likely rule is that prenasalization is retained in Namblong and lost in Kemtuik and Gresi and the two exceptions, Namblong /wabʉ/ and Kemtuik /jambi/, are loans from Kemtuik and Moi respectively:

Grime River Namblong Kwansu Moi Kemtuik Gresi
Swan AnceauxBanundiWilden Purba
*-mb-/wV jV_mb b (?)? mb b mb (?)?
spirit sp. *wambu wambu wambu wabu
send message *wambʉ wabʉ (?) wabʉ
weak/paralyzed*jambi jambi jambi (?)
tip/end *jambu jambu jambu
thatch *jambəɺɔ jambɺo jambra jambla jabla ibla

In one example, medial /*mb/ becomes [b] in Moi because initial /*i/ was lost, though Anceaux gives Mekwei [mbiam] for the same root (Smits and Voorhoeve 1994: 264.) It's not cl;ear why prenasaliztion is lost also in Namblong and Kwansu:

Grime River NamblongKwansu Moi KemtuikGresi
Swan AnceauxBanundiWilden Purba
*-mb-/#V_b b b b b
cockatoo*imbam ibam ibam biam ibam ibam [JA]

In one puzzling example the reflexes of /*mb/ look to be inexplicably irregular …:

Grime RiverNamblongKwansu Moi Kemtuik Gresi
Swan Anceaux Banundi Wilden Purba
*-MB- mb mb mb mb b
head*jaŋkaMBʉ iŋgjambʉjakambu ~
~ jekambu [JA]
~ jaŋkambu [JA]

Medial apical prenasalized voiced stop /*nd/ …

Grime River NamblongKwansu Moi Kemtuik Gresi
Swan Anceaux Banundi Wilden Purba
ketapang *məndu mendu mendu
~ mundu
mountain *məndʉ[m/ŋ] mɛnduŋ
~ mənduŋ
~ mənduŋ [JA]
meˈndʉm mndim
grasshopper*mənduap mendwap mɛndɔp mundop meˈndop
~ ndop
ndɔp [JA]
who? *nandV nande nande nando nando

… /*nd/ …:

Grime River NamblongKwansu Moi KemtuikGresi
Swan AnceauxBanundiWilden Purba
*-nd-/CV_d ? nd d d
banana flower*ndəndɔ dedo deda
sick/ill *sandʉ sandu sadʉ sadu
close/narrow *kəndik kedii kedik
flesh/meat *kəndɜŋ kendeŋ kedoŋ

One exception in which /*nd/ preceded by /*tV/ is retained as /*nd/ in Namblong and Kwansu is probably a compound or a loan:

Grime River NamblongKwansu Moi KemtuikGresi
Swan AnceauxBanundiWilden Purba
*-nd-/tV_nd nd ? ? ?
one*təndʉ tendʉ tɛndu

When preceded by an initial vowel or a syllable beginning with initial non-stop /*w *j/, medial /*nd/ …

Grime River NamblongKwansu Moi KemtuikGresi
Swan AnceauxBanundiWilden Purba
*-nd-/#V wV jV_nd nd nd d d
banana *undʉ undʉ undu andu uˈdʉ wudu~wdu~udu
dog *unduɔ unduo undo ando uduo udu
stone axe*wandɔ undo wanda wanda wada uda [JA]

One exception may be a loan into Kemtuik and Gresi from Moi or Namblong:

Grime River NamblongKwansu Moi KemtuikGresi
Swan AnceauxBanundiWilden Purba
*-nd-/#V_nd nd nd nd
friend*andua andwa andua andua andua

Medial velar prenasalized voiced stop /*ŋg/ …:

Grime River NamblongKwansu Moi Kemtuik Gresi
Swan AnceauxBanundi Wilden Purba
*-ŋg-/NV_ŋg ŋg ŋg ŋg ŋg
foam *maŋg[ɜ/ɔ]n maŋgoŋ maŋgon
three *naŋgəɺik naŋgɺii naŋgriknaŋklik naŋglik naŋglik
eel/crocodile*nəŋgum neŋgum nuŋgum [JA]neŋgum
~ neŋgom
nəgum [JA]
drum sp. *nəŋgʉ ŋgʉ nuŋgu neŋgʉ
center post *naŋguɔn naŋguoŋ neŋguon

… /*ŋg/ …:

Grime River NamblongKwansu Moi KemtuikGresi
Swan AnceauxBanundiWilden Purba
*ŋg-/nə_ŋg ? k g ?
swallow*nəŋgut neŋguo kut gut

… /*ŋg/ …:

Grime River Namblong Kwansu Moi KemtuikGresi
Swan Anceaux Banundi Wilden Purba
*-ŋg-/CV_ ŋg ŋg ŋg g g
sea *mbəŋgip beŋgip bɛŋgip
stomach *təŋg[uɛ/ua]n teŋgueŋ tɛŋgwɛŋ teˈguantgwen
hit/strike *təŋg[uɛ/uɔ]ŋ teŋguoŋ tuŋgoŋ tegueŋ
vine/rope *taŋgan taŋgaŋ taŋgaŋ taŋgan tegan tgan
gather *taŋg[ɜ/ɔ][m/ŋ]taŋgoŋ tagom
near *ndaŋgu daŋgu dagu dagu
palm sp. *saŋgəɺ[a/ɔ]ŋ saŋglaŋ sagloŋ
request/desire*saŋg[ɜ/ɔ]n haŋgoŋ
~ aŋgoŋ
bee *saŋgup aŋgup səgup [JA]
fly (n.) *saŋguɔ aŋguo səŋgɔ ~ səŋgo
fight/quarrel *saŋgʉ saŋgu sagʉ
sand *kasaŋgɜt kasəŋgɔt kasaŋget
forbidden *kaŋg[ɜ/ɔ]t kaŋgwa kagot
girl *kaŋgʉt kaŋgut kagʉt
flower sp. *waŋgi waŋgi wagi
roll/roll over*ɺəŋgi[p/ŋ] ɺəŋgip legiŋ
show *ɺəŋgʉt ɺeŋgʉe legʉt
pigeon sp. *jaŋgʉ jaŋgʉ jaŋgu jagʉ

One exception is probably a loan into Gresi from Moi:

Grime River NamblongKwansu Moi KemtuikGresi
Swan AnceauxBanundiWilden Purba
*-ŋg-/jV_? ? ŋg g ŋg
year/season*jaŋgʉu jaŋgu jagʉ jaŋgju

… /*ŋg/ …:

Grime River Namblong Kwansu Moi KemtuikGresi
Swan AnceauxBanundiWilden Purba
*-ŋg-/sə_k g ŋg g g
breadfruit sp.*səŋgɜm skom səgɔm siŋgem segom sgom [JA]
bamboo *səŋgəɺu səgru suŋglu seglu sugru [JA]
cockroach *səŋguan skwaŋ [JA]səgwɔn seguon səgwan- [JA]


Grime RiverNamblongKwansu Moi Kemtuik Gresi
Swan Anceaux BanundiWilden Purba
*-ŋg- nd ɺ [r]ŋg l [d r]l [d r]
dream*siŋgi ndi siŋgi ssdi sdi
root *siŋgaŋ ndaŋ sraŋ siŋgaŋ sraŋ sɛdaŋ
~ -sᵊraŋ [JA]

… /*ŋg/ … Anceaux gives both [ndʒe] and [iŋgjɛ] for Mekwei “this” (Smits and Voorhoeve 1994: 233-234):

Grime RiverNamblongKwansu Moi KemtuikGresi
Swan AnceauxBanundiWilden Purba
*-ŋg- ndj nd ndʒŋg ŋg
this *iŋgɛ ndie -ndɛ ndʒe ŋge ŋgi
mother*iŋgɔ indjo ndʒa

… /*ŋg/ …:

Grime RiverNamblongKwansu Moi KemtuikGresi
Swan AnceauxBanundiWilden Purba
*-ŋg-/…ŋg ŋg g
scabies*inəŋgɜn iŋgoŋ niŋgen igon

Medial bilabial non-stop /*w/ …:

Grime RiverNamblongKwansu Moi KemtuikGresi
Swan AnceauxBanundi Wilden Purba
deaf/mute*mawɔ mao mawo
sky *kawut kawuo kawt keut ~ keud [JA]
frog sp. *jawut jawo jaut

… /*w/ …

Grime RiverNamblong Kwansu Moi KemtuikGresi
Swan AnceauxBanundi Wilden Purba
*-w- w w
bead sp. *tawɔ tawo tao teguo
spoon/ladle *tawɔj tawai taguoi tawoi
news/message*ndaw[ɜ/ɔ] dawo deguo
song sp. *sawɔ hawo ~ awo sao seguo
areca nut *ndawʉt dawut ~ dautdagʉt dakuit ~ dakut

… /*w/ …:

Grime River NamblongKwansu Moi KemtuikGresi
Swan AnceauxBanundiWilden Purba
*-w-/a_iø ? ? w w
fruit sp.*mbawin baʉŋ bawin
hard *ndawin dauŋ dawin dawin [JA]
kidney *wawit waʉ wawit

In the sequence /*əwi/, medial /*w/ is dropped but affects the quality of the following vowel in Namblong and in Kwansu:

Grime RiverNamblongKwansu Moi KemtuikGresi
Swan AnceauxBanundiWilden Purba
*-w- ø ø ø ø ø
coconut *kəwim kʉm kum kim kim kim
hair/feather(s)*ndəpəwit depʉe dʉt difit dit dit
egg *səwip[i] sʉp sup sifi si si-

Between destressed [*ə] and high rounded vowels /*u *ʉ/, medial /*w/ is not discernible at all and is posited only to explain Namblong vowel length:

Grime River NamblongKwansu Moi KemtuikGresi
Swan AnceauxBanundiWilden Purba
*-w-/ə_ʉø ? ? ø ø
put/give birth*təwʉ tʉʉ tu
*-w-/ə_uø ? ø ø ?
cut short/trim*təmbəwu tebuu tumbu tebu
Mt. Cyclops *ndəwu[m/n] duum dun
wash *ɺəwu ɺuu lu

Medial apical non-stop /*ɺ/ is generally retained as such in all descendants:

Grime River Namblong Kwansu Moi Kemtuik Gresi
Swan AnceauxBanundi Wilden Purba
cassowary *isuaɺi suali ~ suari [JA] isuˈali iswari [JA]
snake *aɺəmɔ ɺemo ~ɺmo rəma arma ~ alma lema lema
breadfruit sp.*uɺu ulu uru alu ulu uru [JA]
itch/itchy *məɺɛ- mle- mle-
bird sp. *paɺu palu palu
hut *mbaɺɔ baɺo bala bala
beloved *mbaɺu baɺu balu
vegetable(s) *mbaɺʉ baɺʉ balʉ
spirit sp. *naɺi naɺi nali nali
left *təkaɺi[k] tekaɺi ta kali (?) ta-(t)kalik
point/show *taɺiŋ taliŋ taliŋ taliŋ
crooked/crip. *taɺɛŋ taleŋ taleŋ
line/row *taɺɔ taɺo tala
hornbill *ndəpaɺi dwari defali ~ devali dwari [JA]
equal *ndaɺi dali dali dali
cold *ndaɺip deɺip ~ daɺip dɛrip darip
~ dalip [JA]
dalip dalip
men's house *saɺi sali sali-
pig bone blade*saɺu salu salu
afraid *suaɺi swaɺi suali suali
branch *kaɺi kaɺi kari kali [JA] kali kari [JA]
sharp *kaɺ[a/ɔ]ŋ kaɺoŋ karɔŋ kaɺaŋ kaloŋ kaloŋ
lenggua *kaɺuk kaluk kaluk
mud/swamp *kaɺʉ kaɺʉ kalʉ
grass sp. *kuaɺap
digging stick *waɺi waɺi wali wali
life/peace *waɺi waɺi wali wali wali
feast sp. *waɺ[ɜ/ɔ]p waɺop ˈwalop
nail *waɺ[ɜ/ɔ][n/ŋ] waɺoŋ warɔŋ
statue *waɺam walam walam
pandanus sp. *waɺ[a/ɔ] wala wala
long *waɺ[a/ɔ]ŋ uɺaŋ waraŋ walaŋ ˈwaloŋ waloŋ
lizard *waɺu waɺu waru walu waru- [JA]
shoulder *jaɺ[u/ʉ] jaɺʉ jalu jalu jalu
collect/gather*jaɺ ʉ m jaɺʉm jalʉm jalum

When medial /*ɺ/ is preceded by destressed vowel [*ə], [*ə] is elided and :/*ɺ/ forms a cluster with the preceding consonant. When this consonant is … [r d]:

Grime River Namblong Kwansu Moi Kemtuik Gresi
Swan Anceaux Banundi Wilden Purba
itch/itchy *məɺɛ- mle- mle-
catch *məɺak mlak mlak mlak
oil *məɺaj mlai ~ melai mlaj
fly/run *pəɺiŋ pɺiŋ pliŋ pliŋ pliŋ
palm sp./bow *pəɺ[ɜ] pɺo ple
shell sp. *pəɺɜ ple-ple plo
cut/split *pəɺɜ ple plo
magic spell *pəɺasi pɺasi plasi
one *kapəɺaj[a] kapraj- ~ kafrai
kabraj [JA]
kˈlaja ~ klaj-kelai
paralysis *japəɺa japɺa japla
wild *mbəɺi[m/ŋ] bɺiŋ blim
yellow/bright *mbəɺɜŋ bleŋ bloŋ
hunt *mbəɺaŋ bɺaŋ blaŋ blaŋ
base/origin *mbəɺuŋ bɺuŋ bluŋ bluŋ
sago stem *mbəɺʉm bɺʉm blum
sprinkle/sow *mbəɺʉ[m/ŋ] bɺʉŋ blʉm blum
magic *mbəɺuɛ bɺʉ blu blue
up/above *mbəɺuɔ[ŋ] bɺoŋ blo blo blu
tongue *anəmbəɺ[i/ɛ]ŋ ambliŋ neˈmbleŋ nəbreŋ [JA]
tongue *mambəɺ[ɜ/ɔ]p mambɺop mambrɔp
~ mambrɔb
rack sp. *kəmbəɺɛŋ kembleŋ kebleŋ
thatch *jambəɺɔ jambɺo jambra jambla jabla ibla
hunt/chase *təɺ[ɛu]k treʉ trʉk
shoot/sprout *təɺɜn troŋ tren
fill/be full *təɺam tram tram
call *təɺa[ŋ] tɺaŋ tra
firstborn/heir*təɺaŋ traŋ traŋ traŋ
song sp. *təɺ[ɔu] trou trow
open/unplug *təɺuk truu truk truk
native law *təɺʉ trʉ -trʉ
advice *ndəɺ[ɜ/ɔ]m drom drom
drink *ndəɺ[ɜ/ɔ]p drop drop
wipe/scratch *ndəɺ[ɜ/ɔ]k drou drok
bride price *ndəɺaŋ draŋ draŋ
tooth *səɺiŋ ɺiŋ sriŋ ~ sediŋ sriŋ
lie down/sleep*səɺ[i/ɛ]k ɺei srik srik srek srek
old *səɺəjiŋ hɺiiŋ sliŋ ~ sriŋ sediŋ sriŋ
back/spine *səɺ[ɜ/ɔ]ŋ ɺoŋ sroŋ
lazy/rest *səɺ[ɜ/ɔ]k ɺo srok srok
man/male *səɺu hɺu sru -sru sru sru
husk/peel *səɺuk sluk ~ sruk sruk
wooden fork *səɺuɔm ɺum ~ hɺum srom ~ slom sruˈom
tooth *wasəɺa[ŋ] wasəra [JA] waslaŋ
go away *kəɺi kɺi kli kli
frog *kəɺiŋ kɺiŋ kliŋ kliŋ kliŋ
touch/approach*kəɺiŋ kɺiŋ kliŋ
make/build *kəɺik kɺii klik klik klik
armpit *kəɺəmuɛ[ŋ] kɺemʉŋ krɛmi kleme
cover *kəɺəmbuɛt kɺbʉa klebet
mushroom *kəɺaput klaput kˈlaut
white *kəɺaput klaput
~ kraɸut [JA]
wild pig *kəɺat klat klat
tree sp. *kəɺaŋ kɺaŋ klaŋ
bribe *kəɺaj kɺai klai klai
love/sympathy *kəɺ[ɔ/u]m kɺom klum
weep/cry *kəɺuk kɺuu kluk ~ kruk
voice/thunder *kəɺʉm kɺʉm -krʉm -krum [JA] klum -klim [TP]
~ krʉm [JA]
liver *kəɺʉt kɺʉa klut klʉt
tree sp. *kəɺʉt kɺʉa klʉt
beat drum *kəɺʉŋ kɺʉŋ klʉŋ
cut/slice *kəɺʉk kɺʉʉ klʉk
wound/boil *kəɺuɔ kɺuo klo kluo
dry/famine *kəɺuɔŋ kɺouŋ kluoŋ
coral *ndəkəɺ[ɜ/ɔ]ŋ dekoŋ (?) degloŋ
shake/swing *səkəɺəuɛk skɺʉʉ siklek segluep
be patient *ŋgəɺiŋ ŋgɺiŋ gliŋ
fold *ŋgəɺəmʉk ŋgɺʉmʉʉ kumuk (?)
flower sp. *ŋgəɺɜ klei glo
guest/visitor *ŋgəɺ[ɜ/ɔ]p ŋgɺop glop
digit *ŋgəɺaŋ -graŋ glaŋ graŋ
joint/corner *ŋgəɺun ŋgɺuŋ
hang *ŋgəɺuŋ ŋgɺuŋ kluŋ gluŋ
seize/control *ŋgəɺʉk ŋgɺʉʉ glʉk
peel (v.) *ŋgəɺuɛt ŋgɺʉa gluet
three *naŋgəɺik naŋgɺii naŋgrik naŋklik naŋglik naŋglik
bamboo *səŋgəɺu səgru suŋglu seglu sugru [JA]
palm sp. *saŋgəɺ[a/ɔ]ŋ saŋglaŋ sagloŋ

When medial /*ɺ/ follows initial high front vowel /*i/ it is realized as [r] in Moi and as [d r] in Kemtuik:

Grime RiverNamblongKwansu Moi Kemtuik Gresi
Swan Anceaux Banundi Wilden Purba
*-ɺ- ɺ l [r]l [r]l [d r] l [r]
lightning*iɺɜp -iɺop -jrɔp -riep \idop ~ -irop-jrɔp [JA]
big man *iɺam iɺam iram iram
frog sp. *iɺu[p/k] iɺup iruk iduk

Medial palatal non-stop /*j/ …:

Grime RiverNamblongKwansu Moi KemtuikGresi
Swan AnceauxBanundiWilden Purba
mother *mija me miˈa
will/must *m[a]j[a] mai meja
stalk (n.)*tajaŋ tajaŋ tajaŋ tajaŋ
scream *kajaŋ kajaŋ kajaŋ
sting *kʉjat kja kʉat
canoe *mbaji baj baji bai
sea *mbajap baib beˈap bep ~ beb
betrothed *mbajnaŋ banjaŋ bajnaŋ
clay *wəj[ɛ/ɔ]ŋ wjoŋ weŋ weŋ
grass sp. *wɔjɔ ojo wojo

… /*j/ …:

Grime RiverNamblongKwansu Moi KemtuikGresi
Swan AnceauxBanundi Wilden Purba
*-əj- ː ø ø ø ø
ancestor(s) *asəji asii asi
old *səɺəjiŋ hɺiiŋ sliŋ ~ sriŋsediŋ sriŋ
fill/compensate*kəjiŋ kiiŋ kiŋ kiŋ
forest *ndəpəjɛn depeeŋ dweŋ duˈen duen ~ d(u)wen
wing *ndəjɛŋ deeŋ dɛŋ [JA]
increase *kəjɛ kee ke

… /*j/ …:

Grime RiverNamblongKwansu Moi Kemtuik Gresi
Swan AnceauxBanundiWilden Purba
parrot sp.*ujaŋ ujaŋ iwaŋ jaŋ iwaŋ ~ juaŋwjaŋ [JA]

Only a restricted subset of consonants occurs finally.

Final bilabial nasal /*m/ is generally retained as such in all descendants:

Grime River Namblong Kwansu Moi Kemtuik Gresi
Swan Anceaux Banundi Wilden Purba
*-m m m m m m
weeping/crying*im im im
pitpit sp. *ipu[m/ŋ] ipuŋ ifum
cockatoo *imbam ibam ibam biam ibam ibam [JA]
new/fresh *inim injim nim inim
big man *iɺam iɺam iram iram
cassowary *mam mam mam
palm sp. *pam pam pam
unwilling *mbəsam besam besam
sago stem *mbəɺʉm bɺʉm blum
alone/apart *mban[ɜ/ɔ]m banom ˈbanom
red *mbɔm bom bom
joint *mbuɛm -bem -bum buem -bem [JA]
cold/cool *nim nim nim
eel/crocodile *nəŋgum neŋgum nuŋgum [JA]neŋgum
~ neŋgom
nəgum [JA]
egg(s)/roe *nakɔm nakom naŋgom nakom
fill/be full *təɺam tram tram
sweet *tɜm tom tem tom tom
advice *ndəɺ[ɜ/ɔ]m drom drom
eat *ndam dam dam dam dam dam
breadfruit sp.*səŋgɜm skom səgɔm siŋgem segom sgom [JA]
wooden fork *səɺuɔm ɺum ~ hɺum srom ~ slomsruˈom
carving *sam sam sam sam sam
thigh *kəmbum kumbum kebum
coconut *kəwim kʉm kum kim kim kim
love/sympathy *kəɺ[ɔ/u]m kɺom klum
voice/thunder *kəɺʉm kɺʉm -krʉm -krum [JA] klum -klim [TP]
~ krʉm [JA]
almost *kam kam kam
singe/blacken *kʉm kʉm kʉm
grass sp. *kuaɺap
cloud/fog *ŋgum ŋgum ŋgum gum gum
1 sg. *ŋgna-m ŋam ŋam genam kenam ~ knam
~ genam
leaf umbrella *watim watim watim
statue *waɺam walam walam
theft *wɔm wom ~ OP wom wom
dirty *ɺim ɺim lim
lip(s)/mouth *ɺ[ɜ/ɔ]m ɺom rɔm ~ hrɔm lom lom
idle *jɛm jem jem jem
measure *jam jam jam jam jam
collect/gather*jaɺʉm jaɺʉm jalʉm jalum

… /*m/… /ŋ/ …:

Grime River NamblongKwansu Moi KemtuikGresi
Swan Anceaux Banundi Wilden Purba
*-[m/ŋ] ŋ ŋ m m m
pitpit sp. *ipu[m/ŋ] ipuŋ ifum
mountain *məndʉ[m/ŋ] mɛnduŋ
~ mənduŋ
~ mənduŋ [JA]
wild *mbəɺi[m/ŋ] bɺiŋ blim
sprinkle/sow*mbəɺʉ[m/ŋ] bɺʉŋ blʉm blum
old/dry *mba[m/ŋ] baŋ bam
gather *taŋg[ɜ/ɔ][m/ŋ]taŋgoŋ tagom
crab claw(s)*sambu[m/ŋ] abum sabuŋ
sit *sʉ[m/ŋ] sjum sʉŋ suŋ

Final apical nasal /*n/ is merged with velar /ŋ/ in Namblong and Kwansu:

Grime River Namblong Kwansu Moi KemtuikGresi
Swan Anceaux BanundiWilden Purba
*-n ŋ ŋ n n n
scabies *inəŋgɜn iŋgoŋ niŋgen igon
breast/milk *min miŋ miŋ [JA] min min
sugarcane *min miŋ min min min [JA]
foam *maŋg[ɜ/ɔ]n maŋgoŋ maŋgon
fly (n.) *[m/n]ambʉn mambun nambʉn
come up *mban baN ban
fruit sp. *mbawin baʉŋ bawin
flesh/meat *nin niŋ niŋ
two *namuan namwan naman ˈnamon namon
center post *naŋguɔn naŋguoŋ neŋguon
stomach *təŋg[uɛ/ua]nteŋgueŋ tɛŋgwɛŋ teˈguantgwen
shoot/sprout *təɺɜn troŋ tren
vine/rope *taŋgan taŋgaŋ taŋgaŋ taŋgan tegan tgan
bundle *ndəmun demuŋ demun
forest *ndəpəjɛn depeeŋ dweŋ duˈen duen ~ d(u)wen
seed/bone *ndɜn doŋ dɔŋ den don don
smoked/dried *ndak[ɜ/ɔ]n dakoŋ dagon
hard *ndawin dauŋ dawin dawin [JA]
cockroach *səŋguan skwaŋ [JA] səgwɔn (?) seguon səgwan- [JA]
mosquito *sɜn soŋ sɔŋ sen son
bracelet sp. *sam[ɔ/u]n amuŋ samon
request/desire*saŋg[ɜ/ɔ]n haŋgoŋ
~ aŋgoŋ
blood/red *kin kiŋ kiŋ kin kin kin
penis *kənuɔn kenuoŋ kənɔŋ kunun
dirt *kɜn ken kon
grub sp, *kuɔn kuoŋ kon kuon
earth/ground *knan kenan nan
joint/corner *ŋgəɺun ŋgɺuŋ
nail *wɔn -on won

One seeming exeeptions is probably a loan into Namblong from Gresi:

Grime RiverNamblongKwansu Moi KemtuikGresi
Swan AnceauxBanundiWilden Purba
*-n n ? ? ? n
big*təm[iɛ]n temien temin

Another seeming exception arises from Swan's notation of a root which is usually followed by various suffixes, the counterpart of which in Tor River is /*nan/:

Grime RiverNamblong Kwansu Moi KemtuikGresi
Swan AnceauxBanundiWilden Purba
*-n m n ŋ ŋ
who?*nan nam ~nan ~naŋnaŋga

Final velar nasal /*ŋ/ is generally retained as such in all descendants:

Grime River Namblong Kwansu Moi Kemtuik Gresi
Swan AnceauxBanundi Wilden Purba
*-ŋ ŋ ŋ ŋ ŋ ŋ
new/young *imaniŋ imaniŋ imeniŋ iminiŋ ~ emeniŋ
tongue *anəmbəɺ[i/ɛ]ŋ ambliŋ neˈmbleŋ nəbreŋ [JA]
parrot sp. *ujaŋ ujaŋ iwaŋ jaŋ iwaŋ ~ juaŋ wjaŋ [JA]
tree kangaroo *məmbɛŋ membeŋ membeŋ
still/yet *maniŋ maniŋ maniŋ maniŋ
bird sp. *muɔŋ moŋ muoŋ
sound/echo *namʉŋ namʉŋ namʉŋ
yam/sw. potato *naniŋ naniŋ naniŋ naniŋ
back/behind *nasɜŋ naseŋ nasoŋ nasoŋ
fly/run *pəɺiŋ pɺiŋ pliŋ