
Timothy Usher, Santa Fe Institute


The language known as Samarokena is spoken by over 400 people (2002) living in four villages along and inland from the coast east of the Apauwar river in Indonesia's Papua province. Samarokena is the name of one of these villages, the others being Karfasia, located on the coast between Masep to the west and Arbais to the east, and Maniva and Murara in the interior. There are no significant differences between speech varieties (Clouse, Donohue and Ma 2002: 5, 15-16, cf. Voorhoeve 1975: 37.)


Anonymous (1913) comparative vocabulary of Tomajo printed in Stokhof ed. (1983: 43-46)

Galis (1955) 29 comparative terms for Tamaja

Voorhoeve (1975: 106) 12 comparative terms for Samarokena (Tamaja) after Anceaux (n.d.)

Smits and Voorhoeve (1998: 22-233) comparative vocabularies of Samerokena after van der Leeden

Clouse, Donohue and Ma (2002: 8-9) phonemic inventory and pronouns for Samarokena of Karfasia village


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Clouse, Donohue and Ma (2002: 9) give free pronouns for Samarokena of Karfasia as follows:

1 sg.ata
2 sg.ama
3 sg.awa
1 pl.niina
2 pl.nama
3 pl.awara

Verbal morphology

Nothing is known about Samarokena verbal morphology