Lowland Ok
Timothy Usher, Santa Fe Institute
The Lowland Ok family is comprised of perhaps six closely-related languages spoken in the lowlands south of New Guinea's central cordillera and east of the Kao river, along and around the courses of the Iwur, Muyu and Tedi rivers, on both sides of the border between Indonesia's Papua province and Papua New Guinea's Western province. Its nearest relatives are other subfamilies of Ok to the northwest and northeast.
The internal classification of Lowland Ok is as follows:
Lowland Ok
Koma (Komanarepket)
North Muyu
South Muyu
The number of languages represented by the very numerous Muyu vocabularies isn't entirely clear. All are very similar to one another, whereas Ninggerum and its dialects are sharply distinct.
Austen (1920-1921: 132) vocabulary of (North) Muiu of Kandam village
Austen (1921-1922: 159-162) 132 comparative terms for Marapka (Yongkom,) Ort (Yongkom,) Kandam (North Muyu) and Anu (South Muyu)
Austen (1924-1925: 75) 37 comparative terms for Ionggom (Yongkom) and Upper Tedi River (Ninggerum)
Austen (1925-1926: 75) vocabulary of Daupka (Ninggerum) (unobtained)
Geurtjens (1933: 398-433) 457 comparative terns for Digoeleesch (South Muyu)
Boelaars (1950: 68-76) English language recension of Drabbe's then-unpublished grammar of Niinati (North Muyu)
Drabbe (1954: 150-211) grammar and (pp. 214-229) 419 comparative terms and (pp. 231-255) 100 comparative terms for Kati Niinatì (North Muyu) and Katì Metòmka (South Muyu)
Drabbe (1959: 162-181) 431 comparative terms for Kati I (Metomka) and Kati II (Niinati)
Healey (1964: 78-97) 120 comparative terms for Lowland Ok languages and (pp. 170-180) 156 Lowland Ok reconstructions
Voorhoeve (1975: 381-384) general descriptions of Southern Kati, Northern Kati, Yonggom, Iwur and Ninggirum
Voorhoeve (1975: 97) 39 comparative terms for Ninggirum, 29 for Yonggom of Lake Murray and (p. 98) 40 for North Kati and South Kati drawn from Drabbe
Stokhof ed. (1982) Holle comparative vocabularies of (pp. 123-124) Central & Lower Uwimerah (South Muyu) (unattributed) , (pp. 125-127) Proa bivouac (Koma) (unattributed) , (pp. 131-132) Uwimerah (source) (Iwur or Koma) (unattributed), (pp. 151-161) Kaôh (South Muyu) after van Doorn, (pp. 163-173) Muyu (North Muyu) after van Doorn and (pp. 175-185) Tanah Merah area (mix of Muyu dialects) (unattribued)
Christensen (1995) grammar of Yongkom (unobtained)
Christensen (1999) orthography of Yongkom (unobtained)
Christensen (2000) phonology of Yongkom (unobtained)
Christensen (2000) grammar of Yongkom (unobtained)
Christensen (2002) sketch phonology of Yongkom
Christensen (2010) Yongkom discourse
Christensen (2013) grammar of Yongkom (unobtained)
Donohue (1996: 18-50) 151 comparative terms for Muyu
Jang (2003: 39-47) 239 comparative terms for Dintere of Iwur village and (Komanarepket) Muyu of Ikcan
Kroneman unpublished survey vocabulary of Niggerum obtained in digitalized form from Paul Whitehouse via the Summer Institute of Linguistics.
Additionally, unpublished survey vocabularies of Wogham (Ninggerum,) Kataut, Ok Bari, Moian, Upper Yong River, Kabon, Akamba, Kakap and Lower Yong River were obtained in digitalized form from Paul Whitehouse via the Summer Institute of Linguistics; however these are unattributed.
History of classification
[under construction]
The presence of a number of loans from Lowland Ok into the basic vocabulary of Aekyom (Awin) (q.v. Austen 1924-1925: 75) led Greenberg (1971: 825) to wrongly include Aekyom in his Ok subgroup of Southwest New Guinea.
Historical phonology
[under construction]
Proto-Lowland Ok had perhaps 14 consonants and 6 vowels as follows:
*m | *n | |||
*p | *t | *s | *k | *kʷ |
*mb | *nd | *ŋg | [*ŋgʷ] | |
*w | *ɾ | *j |
*i | *ʉ | *u |
*e | *o | |
*a |
It's possible that there was another consonant, represented as /*j₂/ below.
Laminal /*s/ is uncommon, and is not known to occur root-medially.
Apical non-stop /*ɾ/ does not occur initially.
Consonant clusters do not occur except across morpheme boundaries in compounds.
Stress falls invariably upon the final syllable of the root (Voorhoeve 1975: 381, 384,) motivating vowel agreement in Muyu. Healey (1964: 61) states that Yonggom has contrastive tone, all nine given examples of which are monosyllables. These do not consistently correspond to tones in their Mountain Ok cognates.
Only a restricted set of consonants occurs word-finally:
*m | *n | ||
*p | *t | [*s] | *k |
*ŋg [ŋ] | |||
*ɾ |
Initial consonants correspond as follows, with Healey's (1964: 169) values presented for comparison:
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey |
*m- | m | m | m | *m | *m |
*n- | n | n | n | *n | *n |
*p- | h | ø | ø | *ø | *h |
*t- | t | t | t | *t | *t |
*s- | t | ? | s | *t | *t |
*k- | k | k | k | *k | *k |
*k-/_i e | k | k | k | *kʲ | *c |
*kʷ- | kʷ | kʷ | kʷ | *kʷ | *kw |
*kʷ-/_i | kʷ | kʷ | kʷ | *kʲ | *c |
*mb- | b | b | b | *mb [b] | *b |
*nd- | d | d | d | *nd [d] | *d |
*ŋg₁- | k | k | g | *k | — |
*ŋg₂- | g | ŋ | ŋ | *k | — |
*ŋgʷ- | — | ||||
*w- | w | w | w | *w | *w |
*j- | d r | *j | *y | ||
*j-/_Vm | d n | *j | *Y | ||
*j₂- | dʲ gʲ g | *j | *ky/*y |
Medial consonants correspond as follows:
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey |
*-m- | m | m | m | *m | *m |
*-n- | n | n | n | *n | *n |
*-p- | ? | b | b | ? | — |
*-t- | t | t | t | *t | *t |
*-k- | ø | k | ? | *k | *ø |
*-mb- | w | b | b | *mb | *mb *b |
*-nd- | ø | ɾ | ɾ | *nd | *N *nd |
*-ŋg- | ŋ | ŋ | ŋ | *ŋg | *ŋk |
*-w- | w | w | w | *w | *w |
*-ɾ- | ø | r | r | *r | *d |
*-j- | d | l | *j | *D |
Final consonants correspond as follows:
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey |
*-m | m | m | m | *m | *m |
*-n | n | n | n | *n | *n |
*-p | p | p | p | *p | *b |
*-t | t | t | t | *t | *t |
*-k | k | k | k | *k | *k *K |
*-ŋg | ŋ | ŋ | ŋ | *ŋg [ŋ] | *ŋ |
*-ɾ | ø | t | t | *r | *T *t |
Vowels correspond as follows:
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu |
*i | i | i | i | *i |
*ʉ | i | i | i | *u |
*u | u | u | u | *u |
*e | e | e | e | *e |
*o | o | o | o | *o |
*a | a | a | a | *a |
*aCV₂ | aCV₂ | aCV₂ | aCV₂ | *aCV₂ |
*CaCV₂ | CaCV₂ | CaCV₂ | CaCV₂ | *CV₂CV₂ |
*CiCu | CiCu | *CuCu | ||
*CuCi | CuCi | *CiCi |
These correspondences are exemplified as follows, with all Iwur and Ikcan (Koma) attestations drawn from Jang's (2003: 39-47) Dintere of Iwur village and Muyu of Ikcan, and Ninggerum from Healey (1964: 78-97, 170-180) unless otherwise indicated. Ninggerum forms drawn from Voorhoeve, Kroneman (n.d.) and SIL's unattributed Wogham vocabulary are designated [cv], [rk] and [sil] respectively. For clarity of presentation, the general dispositions of initial consonants will presented first, then those of medial consonants, then those of final cononants, followed by those of vowels. Some details of the forms which follow are necessarily tentative.
Any consonant except apical non-stop /*ɾ/ can occur initially.
Initial bilabial nasal /*m/ is retained as such in all descendants:
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*m- | m | m | m | *m | *m | |
star/firefly | *min | min | 'mir-kon | 'min-qon | *min(-kon) | *min |
black/dark | *mitik | mi'tiq | *mitik | *mitik/*mitiK | ||
nose/face | *mitu | midu | mɪ'tu | mi'tu | *mutu | *mitu |
son | *min-ki | miŋgi | *miŋgi | *miŋki | ||
netbag | *men | men | mɛn | mɛn | *men | *meen |
come | *men- | mede | mə'nɛ | *men- | *mene | |
rib(s) | *menaɾ | menaa | *mana[ɾ] | *manaa | ||
vein/tendon | *meɾ-meɾ | mee-mee | *met-meɾ | *metmet *meKmeK |
spear | *manat | manat | *manat | *manat | ||
shoulder | *mak | mak | *mak | *maK | ||
another | *maka | ma | *maka | *maa | ||
mouth | *maŋgot | maŋat | mæŋ'ɔ | mæŋ'o | *moŋgot | *moŋkot |
mother's br. | *mom | *mom | — | |||
grandchild | *m[o]ndop | *mondop | *moNob *mondob |
bee sp. | *moŋg | *moŋg | — | |||
one | *mowim | moim | 'mɐj-mo | *mi[:] | *mimo/*moim | |
breast | *muk | muk | muk̚ | muk̚ | *muk | *muK |
gall/bile | *muŋg | muŋ | *muŋg | *muŋ |
Initial apical /*n/ is retained as such in all descendants. It is substantially less common than /*m/, an assymetry shared with other subfamilies of Ok and Digul River:
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*n- | n | n | n | *n | *n | |
younger brother | *niŋg-ki | niŋi | *niŋgi | *niŋki | ||
tooth | *niŋgi | niŋi | nɪ'ŋi | ni'ŋi | *niŋgi | *niyi/*niŋki |
younger sister | *neŋg-kan | *neŋg-kan | — | |||
cook | *neŋga- | naaŋae | *neŋga- | *neŋka- | ||
1 sg. | *ne | ne | nɛ: | nɛ | *ne | — |
mother | *n[e/a]ŋg | neŋ | nɐŋ | nɛŋ | *naŋg | — |
1 pl. | *nʉ(-p) | ni(-p) | nip̚ | nup̚ | *nup | — |
rattan/rope | *noŋg | noŋ | nɔŋ | nɔŋ | *noŋg | *noŋ |
One example shows an irregular alternation between bilabial nasal /m/ in Iwur and apical /n/ elsewhere. This root is found with /*m/ in other subfamilies of both Ok and Digul River, leaving no doubt that /*m/ is original; however Jang's (2003: 45) Dintere attestation may be immediately a loan from Nakai to the west or in error.:
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*[m/n]- | n | m | n | *n | *n | |
hot | *[m/n]amin | namin | mɐ'min | nɐ'min | *nimin | *namin |
Initial bilabial voiceless stop /*p/ is deoccluded to /h/ in Ninggerum and dropped elsewhere:
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*p- | h | ø | ø | ø | *h | |
seven | *pet | het | 'ɛt̚ | ɛt̚ | *et | *het |
plait | *pame- | hame | *eme- | *hame- | ||
two | *pajop | hadob | ɐ'lo- | *ajop | *haDoob | |
leaf | *poɾ | hoo | *oɾ | *hooT | ||
tongue | *poŋg | hoŋ ~ hooŋ | ɔŋ | ɔŋ | *oŋg | *hooŋ |
light (weight) | *powoŋg | *owoŋg | *howoŋ/*owoŋ | |||
wind | *puwup | huub | up̚ | up̚ | *puwup | *huub |
Two examples shows initial /*p/ retained in Iwur and Ikcan as voiced [b] in a compound, in keeping with the medial reflex of /*p/ (below):
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*p- | h | -b- | -b- | *(p) | — | |
leaf | *aɾ-poɾ | ɐ-'bɔt̚ | ɐ-'bot̚ | — | ||
ear | *kende-poɾ | kee-hoo | kə'rɛ-bot̚ | kɛɾɛ-bot̚ | *kende-… | — |
Initial apical voiceless stop /*t/ is retained as such in all descendants:
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*t- | t | t | t | *t | *t | |
sit | *tip- | tibni | 'tipnon | tip'nɛm | *tipe(re) | — |
bow | *tinim | tinim | ti'nim | *tinim | *tinim | |
hole | *tem | tem | *tem | *tem | ||
see | *teme | *teme | *…teme *…keme |
burn/cook | *ten- | tenen | 'tɛno(k̚) | 'tɛnon | *tenon | — |
child | *tena | tena | tɛ'nɐ | tɛ'nɐ | *tana | *tena |
younger sibling | *taman | taman | *taman | *taman | ||
bite | *tamond- | tamoĩ | tɐ'moɾon | 'tɐmoɾɐ | *tomond- | *tamoNe- |
palm/sole | *tat | tat | *tat | *tat | ||
hand/arm | *taŋgi | tani | tɐŋ'i | təŋ'i | *tiŋgi | *tani; *teŋki |
armpit | *taŋgon | taŋɔɔn | *toŋgon | *taŋkon | ||
body part (?) | *tom | tom | *tom | *tom | ||
stone | *tum | tum | *tum | *tum/*tuum | ||
short | *tuk | tuq- | tug- | *tuk | — | |
fat/grease | *tukuɾ | tuu | — |
Initial laminal voiceless /*s/ is preserved as such in Ikcan and merged with apical voiceless stop /t/ in Ninggerum and Muyu. The Iwur reflex isn't known:
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*s- | t | ? | s | *t | *t | |
hear | *(weŋg-)s- | weŋ te [rk] | wɛŋ-sin | — | ||
far | *saman | taman | sɐ'mɐn | *taman | *taman |
Initial velar voiceless stop /*k/ followed by non-front vowels /*a *o *u/ is retained as such in all descendants:
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*k-/a o u | k | k [k q] | k [k q] | *k | *k | |
person | *ka | ka | qɐ | *ka | *ka/*Ka | |
far | *kam | qɐm | — | |||
lime | *kamen | *kemen | *kemen | |||
navel | *ka[:]mbin | kaamin | *kimbin | *kaambin *kaamin |
areca nut | *kamban | qɐ'bɐn | qɐ'bɐn | *kamban | — | |
head | *katoɾo[k] | kadɔɔ | *kotoɾok | — | ||
cough | *kanom | kanom | kɐ'nom | *konom | *kanom *Kanom |
heavy | *kakun | kaun | *kukun | *kuun | ||
hornbill | *kaweɾ | *keweɾ | *kewet | |||
skin/bark | *kaɾ | kaa | kɐr | qɐt̚ ~ kɐt̚ | *kaɾ | *kaT |
knowledge | *kaɾ | kaa | qɐr | *kaɾ | — | |
hair/feather | *kaɾimi | kaami | 'kɐlmi | 'kɐlmi | *kimi | *kaami |
fat/muscle | *kop | kob | *kop | *kyob | ||
leaf | *kon | qɔn | *kon | — | ||
canoe | *kono | kono | qo'no | *kono | *kono | |
cliff/slope | *kot | *kot | — | |||
bone/leg | *kondo | kwoo ~ koo | ko'ro | qo'ro | *kondo | *koNo |
dry | *kok | kok | kok̚ | *kok | *kok/*koK | |
frog | *koɾ | *koɾ | *kot/*koT | |||
young | *k[o]wet | *kewet | *kewet | |||
bitter | *ko[wo]k | kok | *ko[wo]k | *kook/*kooK | ||
belly | *komba | kuwa | ko'bɐ | kobɐ | *kamba | *kaba |
side of neck | *kum | kum | — | |||
cucumber | *kumit | kumit | *k[i/u]mit | *kumii | ||
root | *kumbi | kuwi | 'kubi | ki'bi | *kimbi | *kubi |
fence | *kuk | *kuk | *kuK |
When followed by front vowels /*i *e/, initial /*k/ is palatalized to /*kʲ/ in Muyu; this becomes contrastive due to neutralization of the first vowel of disyllables (below):
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*k-/_i | k | k | k | *kʲ | *c | |
thunder | *kimun | *kʲumun | — | |||
eye | *kin(-jop) | kiop | kɪlop̚ | kɛ'lop̚ | *kʲin(-jop) | *cin(-yob) |
body/chest | *kit | *kʲit | — | |||
fish | *kijon | kʲon ~ tʲon | *kʲon | *con | ||
*k-/_e | k | *kʲ | *c | |||
flower | *ket | ket | *kʲet | *cet | ||
pinkie | *(k[a]t-)ket | ket-ket | *(ket-)kʲet | *ceet |
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*k- | k | k | k | *k | *k | |
nape | *kVtek | *ketek | *keteK | |||
bamboo vessel | *ket | ket | *ket | *oket | ||
ear | *kende | kee | kə'rɛ | kɛɾɛ | *kende | *keNe/*KeNe |
Initial rounded velar voiceless stop /*kʷ/… :
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*kʷ- | kʷ | kʷ [qʷ] | kʷ [qʷ] | *kʷ | *kw | |
index finger/4 | *kʷandin | kʷandin | *kʷandin | *kwandin *kwandiŋ |
pig | *kʷaŋg | kʷaŋ | qʷɐŋ | qʷɐŋ | — |
… /*kʷ/… :
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*kʷ- | ||||||
sweat | *kʷVtin | *kitin | — | |||
ashes | *kʷVtep | korep [sil] | qo'tɛp̚ | qo'tɛp̚ | *kotep | — |
goura pigeon | *kʷVtim | kidim | *k[o/u]tim | *kutim |
When followed by high front vowel /*i/, initial /*kʷ/… :
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*kʷ-/_i | kʷ | kʷ | kʷ [kʷ qʷ] | *kʲ | *c | |
die | *kʷi- | kʷien | qʷɛn | — | ||
louse | *kʷim | kʷim | kʷim | 'kuim | *kʲim | *cim |
sugarcane | *kʷit | kʷit | — |
Initial bilabial voiced prenasalized stop /*mb/ is realized as plain voiced[b] in all decendants:
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*mb- | b | b | b | *mb [b] | *b | |
earthquake | *mbim | bim | *mbim | *bim | ||
buttocks | *mbim | bim | *mbim | *bim | ||
arm | *mben | *mben | *ben | |||
earth/ground | *mb[e]ta[:]p | badaab | pɛ'tɐp̚ [sic] | *mbatap | — | |
wing | *mb[e]ɾu | buu [sil] | bɪ'ɾu | bi'ɾu | *mbuɾu | — |
not | *mb[ai]n | ben | *mb[ai]n | *bain | ||
older brother | *mbap | bap | bɐp̚ | bɐp̚ | — | |
crocodile | *mbanep | badeb | bɐnɛp̚ | *mbenep | *bedeb/*beneb | |
sibling-in-law | *mbat | *mbat | *bat/*baT | |||
place (?) | *mbakon | -bon | bɐ'qon | *-mbokon | *-bon | |
beard | *mbon-karimi | ban-kaami | *mbon-kimi | *bon-kaami | ||
chin/jaw | *mbon-kondo | 'bɔŋgoro | — | |||
elbow/knee | *mboŋgup | buŋub | -moŋ'up̚ | buŋ'up̚ | *mbuŋgup | *buŋkub |
stone | *mboɾ | boo | bɔl | *mboɾ | *boT |
Initial apical voiced prenasalized stop /*nd/ is known in only two examples, in which it is realized as plain voiced [d ɖ] in all decendants:
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*nd- | d | d [ɖ] | d [ɖ] | *nd [d] | *d | |
heart | *nd[ʉ]m-jop | dim-top | ɖim-lɔp | 'ɖim-lop̚ | *ndim-jop | *dim-yob |
not/no | *ndo | duam | ɖɔ: | *ndo | *do… |
Initial velar voiced prenasalized stop /*ŋg/ is distinguishable only in Koma, having been merged with plain stop /*k/ in all other Ok languages:
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*ŋg₁- | k | k [q] | [ɢ] | *k | — | |
2 pl. | *ŋg₁ip | 'ɢip | *kip | — | ||
2 sg. m. | *ŋg₁ep | keb ~ kʲeb | qɛp̚ | ɢɛp̚ | *kep | — |
2 sg. f. | *ŋg₁up | kup [cv] | *kup | — |
A number of examples show a different correspondence, with initial velar voiced prenasalized /*ŋg₂/ yielding nasal [ŋ] in Iwur and in Ikcan, as do medial reflexes of /*ŋg/ (below,) and /g/ in Ninggerum, which appears to be synchronically distinct from /k/ (above.) It's possible that these are loans from Ngalum to the north, in which the realization of initial /*ŋg/ as /ŋ/ rather than [g ɢ] is regular, or that they were elicited in non-initial environments:
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*ŋg₂- | g | ŋ | ŋ | *k | — | |
cold | *ŋg₂iɾ | gi- | ŋir | ŋir | — | |
tie | *ŋg₂e[n/ɾ]- | ŋɛron | ŋɛ'nɛm | — | ||
night | *ŋg₂umVti | gumdi [rk] | ŋum'ti | *kiti | — | |
long | *ŋg₂umVtit | gumtit | *kitit | — | ||
wrist/six | *ŋg₂uŋg | 'ŋuŋ | *kuŋg | — |
Initial bilabial non-stop /*w/ is generally retained as such in all descendants:
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*w- | w | w | w [w β] | *w | *w | |
cut down | *wi[n]- | wi | *wine | *wi… | ||
cloud | *wip | wib | wip̚ | *wip | *wib | |
penis | *we | *we | — | |||
egg | *w[e]ndi | on-i | wɪ'ri | wiri | *windi | *wiNi |
speech/voice | *weŋg | weŋ | wɛŋ | βɛŋ ~ wɛŋ | *weŋg | *weŋ |
yam | *wan | *wan | *wan | |||
grass skirt | *w[a]nom | wonom | *wonom | *wonam | ||
woman | *w[a]noŋg | *wonoŋg | *wonoŋ | |||
moon | *wakoɾ | wɔɔ | 'wɐur | *wokoɾ | *wooT | |
vomit | *w[a]j[i]n | *wi[j]in | — | |||
drum | *wot | wot | *wot | *wot |
Apical non-stop /*ɾ/ does not occur initially because proto-Ok initial /*ɾ/ has merged with palatal /*j/ (below.)
Initial palatal non-stop /*j/ is occluded to [d] in Ninggerum when followed by a non-nasal consonant in the onset of the next syllable:
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*j- | d | j | j | *j | *y | |
3 pl. | *ji | di [cv] | i: | *ji | — | |
sand | *jikin | diin | *jikin | *yiin | ||
3 sg. m. | *je | de | ɛ: | jɛ | *je | — |
blood | *jam | dam | *jam | *yam | ||
boil (n.) | *j[ʉ]n | *j[i]n | *yin/*Yin/*kyin | |||
flying fox | *jawom | dawom | *jowom | *yawom | ||
salt | *jaw[o]ɾ | 'jɐul | — | |||
*j-/_… | d | j [l j] | j [l n] | *j | *y | |
thorn | *jʉk | dik | liq̚ | liq̚ | *juk | *yik/*Yik |
good | *ja[:]p | daap [rk] | lɐp̚ | nɐp̚ | — | |
fruit/seed | *jop | dob | lop̚ ~ -job | *jop | *yob | |
foot/leg | *jon | don | lɔn | lɔn | *jon | *yon |
garden | *joŋg | doŋ | lɔŋ | *joŋg | *yoŋ | |
*j-/_u | d | j [dʒ] | j [ɟ] | *j | *y | |
3 sg. f. | *ju | du [cv] | *ju | — | ||
banana | *jum | dum | dʒum | ɟum | *jum | *yum |
dream | *jum | dum | *jum | *…yum |
When the onset of the following syllable is bilabial nasal /*m/, initial /*j/ is generally occluded to apical nasal /n/ in Ninggerum; however this is not exceptionless:
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*j-/_VmV(C) | n | *j | *Y | |||
taro | *jamen | namen | *jemen | *Yamen | ||
ripe/red | *jamu | namu | *jumu | *Yamu | ||
*j-/_VmVC | n | i | nʲ | *j | *y | |
urine | *jamun | damun | ɪ'mun | nʲɐ'mun | *jumun | *yamun |
The quality attested by the following palatal correspondence is unknown. There's no reason to think that it was /*kʲ/ as in Healey (1964); these have been indicated as /*j₂/ pending resolution of the problem:
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*j₂- | gʲ dʲ | j | j [nʲ] | *j | *ky/*y | |
flesh/body | *j₂om | gʲom ~ dʲom | jɔm | nʲɔm | *jom | *kyom/*yom |
placenta | *j₂um | guum | *jum | *kyum/yum |
Since /*j₂/ is distinguished from /*j/ only in Ninggerum, it is possible that some examples shown with /*j/ which are supported only by Muyu and outcomparison really had /*j₂/:
Any consonant can occur medially, excepting perhaps rounded laminals /*s/ and rounded velar stops /*kʷ *ŋgʷ/ which have not been found in medial position.
Medial bilabial nasal /*m/ is retained as such in all descendants:
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*-m- | m | m | m | *m | *m | |
weep/cry | *ame- | ɐm'jɔn | ɐmɛn- | *ame- | *ameŋ | |
taboo | *amop | amob | *amop | *amob | ||
embers | *amoɾ | *amoɾ | *amoT | |||
see | *ak-me | aakme | ɐg'mɛ | *ak-me | *…teme *…keme |
hot | *[m/n]amin | namin | mɐ'min | nɐ'min | *nimin | *namin |
plait | *pame- | hame | *eme- | *hame- | ||
see | *teme | *teme | *…teme *…keme |
younger sibling | *taman | taman | *taman | *taman | ||
bite | *tamond- | tamoĩ | tɐ'moɾon | 'tɐmoɾɐ | *tomo-nde | *tamoNe- |
far | *saman | taman | sɐ'mɐn | *taman | *taman | |
thunder | *kimun | *kʲumun | — | |||
lime | *kamen | *kemen | *kemen | |||
hair/feather | *kaɾimi | kaami | 'kɐlmi | 'kɐlmi | *kimi | *kaami |
cucumber | *kumit | kumit | *k[i/u]mit | *kumit | ||
taro | *jamen | namen | *jemen | *Yamen | ||
ripe/red | *jamu | namu | *jumu | *Yamu | ||
urine | *jamun | damun | ɪ'mun | nʲɐ'mun | *jumun | *yamun |
In two examples, medial /*m/ is dropped in Muyu due to syllable reduction:
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*-m- | m | m | *ø | — | ||
night | *ŋg₂umVti | gumdi [rk] | ŋum'ti | *kiti | — | |
long | *ŋg₂umVtit | gumtit | *kitit | — |
Medial apical nasal /*n/ is generally retained as such in all descendants, though a few Ninggerum examples are given with [d]:
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*-n- | n [n d] | n | n | *n | *n | |
snake | *enup | inub | ɛ'nup̚ | i'nup̚ | *inub/*inuK | |
dog | *anon | ɐ'nɔn | *anon | — | ||
bush | *anoŋg | ɐ'nɔŋ | ɐ'noŋ | *anoŋg | — | |
eat/drink | *ane- | ena | *ane- | *ane- | ||
come | *men- | mede | mə'nɛ | *men- | *mene | |
rib(s) | *menaɾ | menaa | *mana[ɾ] | *manaa | ||
spear | *manat | manat | *manat | *manat | ||
crocodile | *mbanep | badeb | bɐnɛp̚ | *mbenep | *bedeb/*beneb | |
bow | *tinim | tinim | ti'nim | *tinim | *tinim | |
burn/cook | *ten- | tenen | 'tɛno(k̚) | 'tɛnon | *tenon | — |
child | *tena | tena | tɛ'nɐ | tɛ'nɐ | *tana | *tena |
cough | *kanom | kanom | kɐ'nom | *konom | *kanom *Kanom |
canoe | *kono | kono | qo'no | *kono | *kono | |
grass skirt | *w[a]nom | wonom | *wonom | *wonam | ||
woman | *w[a]noŋg | *wonoŋg | *wonoŋ | |||
walk/go | *wVn- | une ~ one | o'nɛ/o'non | o'nɛm | *wene | *one/*wene |
liver | *wVni | wooni | *oni | *ini |
Root-medial bilabial voiceless stop /*p/ was rare in Proto-Ok, and has been found in only one Lowland Ok example. While the Iwur and Ikcan reflexes are indistinguishable from those of voiced prenasalized /*mb/ (below,) the medial of the Mountain Ok cognate is/*p/, not /*mb/ (q.v. Healey 1964: 158):
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*-p- | ? | b | b | ? | — | |
grandmother | *apok | ɐ'bok̚ | ɐ'bok̚ | – |
Otherwise, medial /*p/ is found only as the final component of verb roots, which are manditorily suffixed
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*-p- | b | p | p | *p | — | |
sit | *tip- | tibni | 'tipnon | tip'nɛm | *tipe(ɾe) | — |
Medial apical voiceless stop /*t/ is usually lenited to [d r] in Ninggerum:
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*-t- | t [t d r] | t | t | *t | *t | |
perhaps | *atep | *atep | *ateb | |||
smoke | *atek | adek | ɐ'tɛk̚ | — | ||
coconut | *atom | otom | *atom | *atom | ||
sun | *aton | adon | ɐ'ton | ɐ'ton | *aton | *aton |
brave/evil/sharp | *atuɾ | ɐ'tur | ɐ'tut̚ | *atuɾ | — | |
black/dark | *mitik | mi'tiq | *mitik | *mitik/*mitiK | ||
nose/face | *mitu | midu | mɪ'tu | mi'tu | *mutu | *mitu |
earth/ground | *mb[e]ta[:]p | badaab | pɛ'tɐp̚ | *mbatap | — | |
nape | *kVtek | *ketek | *keteK | |||
head | *katoɾo[k] | kadɔɔ | *kotoɾok | — | ||
man | *ka-tup | kadub | kɐtup̚ ~ qɐ'tup̚ | *ka-tup | *katuk/*katub | |
night | *ŋg₂umVti | gumdi [rk] | ŋum'ti | *kiti | — | |
long | *ŋg₂umVtit | gumtit | *kitit | — | ||
sweat | *kʷVtin | *kitin | — | |||
ashes | *kʷVtep | korep [sil] | qo'tɛp̚ | qo'tɛp̚ | *kotep | — |
goura pigeon | *kʷVtim | kidim | *k[o/u]tim | *kutim |
Laminal voiceless /*s/ has not been found to occur medially.
Medial velar voiceless stop /*k/ is lost in Ninggerum and Ikcan, and generally also in Muyu, typically resulting in long vowels. Iwur attestations are inconsistent in this respect:
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*-k- | ø | k [q ø] | ? | *k [ʔ ø] | *ø | |
another | *maka | ma | *maka | *maa | ||
place (?) | *mbakon | -bon | bɐ'qon | *-mbokon | *-bon | |
fat/grease | *tukuɾ | tuu | — | |||
heavy | *kakun | kaun | *kukun | *kuun | ||
moon | *wakoɾ | wɔɔ | 'wɐur | *wokoɾ | *wooT | |
sand | *jikin | diin | *jikin | *yiin |
The behavior of erstwhile root-initial /*k/ in compounds …:
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | ||
*V-kV- | V | V | V | *VkV [V:] | *ø | |
husband | *ambV-ki | awi | ɐbi | *ambi-ki | *ambii | |
wife | *ambV-kan | ɐbɐn | *amba-kan | — |
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | ||
*k-/-n-_ | k [g] | *k [g] | *ŋk | |||
son | *min-ki | miŋgi | *min-ki | *miŋki | ||
daughter | *mun-kan | *mun-kan | — |
Medial bilabial voiced prenasalized stop /*mb/ is denasalized to plain voiced/b/ in Iwur and Ikcan as is initial /*mb/ (above) and is usually deoccluded to non-stop [w] in Ninggerum:
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*-mb- | b [w b] | b | b | *mb | *mb *b | |
village | *ambip | *ambip | *ambib | |||
sky | *ambʉɾ | ɐ'bi | ɐ'bit̚ | *ambuɾ | — | |
husband | *ambV-ki | awi | ɐbi | *ambi-ki | *ambii | |
wife | *ambV-kan | ɐbɐn | *amba-kan | — | ||
head | *ambo | awo | ɐ'bo | ɐ'bo | *ambo | *ambo |
turtle | *ambom | awom | *ambom | *ambom | ||
laugh | *ambon | ɐ'bɔn | ɐ'bon | *ambon | *ambon | |
areca nut | *kamban | qɐ'bɐn | qɐ'bɐn | *kamban | — | |
testicles | *kambu | gabu | *kumbu | |||
belly | *komba | kuwa | ko'bɐ | kobɐ | *kamba | *kaba |
root | *kumbi | kuwi | 'kubi | ki'bi | *kimbi | *kubi |
In one example the Ninggerum reflex of bilabial voiced prenasalized stop /*mb/ is given as nasal [m]:
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*-mb- | m | *mb | *mb/*m | |||
navel | *ka[:]mbin | kaamin | *kimbin | *kaambin *kaamin |
Medial apical voiced prenasalized stop /*nd/ is denasalized and merged with non-stop /r/ in Iwur and Ikcan, and like medial /*r/ (below) is dropped in Ninggerum:
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*-nd- | ø | r [r ɾ] | r [r ɾ] | *nd | *N *nd | |
arrow | *ando | aa | ɐɾo | ɐɾ- | *ando | *aNo |
grandchild | *m[o]ndop | *mondop | *moNob *mondob |
bite | *tamond- | tamoĩ | tɐ'moɾon | 'tɐmoɾɐ | *tomond- | *tamoNe- |
ear | *kende | kee | kə'rɛ | kɛɾɛ | *kende | *keNe/*KeNe |
bone/leg | *kondo | kʷoo ~ koo | ko'ro | qo'ro | *kondo | *koNo |
index finger/4 | *kʷandin | kʷandin | *kʷandin | *kwandin *kwandiŋ |
egg | *w[e]ndi | on-i | wɪ'ri | wiri | *windi | *wiNi |
In one example phonetic [nd] resulting from cluster /*n/+/*j/ is likewise dropped in Niggerum. Here Iwur and Ikcan [l] appear to reflect root-initial /*j/ (above) rather than medial [*nd]:
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*-n-j- | ø | j [l] | j [l] | *n-j | *n-y | |
eye | *kin-jop | kiop | kɪlop̚ | kɛ'lop̚ | *kin-jop | *cin-yob |
Medial velar voiced prenasalized stop /*ŋg/ is reflected as nasal /ŋ/ in Ninggerum, Iwur and Ikcan:
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*-ŋg- | ŋ | ŋ | ŋ | *ŋg | *ŋk | |
thumb/five | *aŋgo | aŋo | a'ŋo | *aŋgo | *aŋko | |
cheek/molar | *aŋgo | aŋo | *aŋgo | *aŋk… | ||
mouth | *maŋgot | maŋat | mæŋ'ɔ | mæŋ'o | *moŋgot | *moŋkot |
elbow/knee | *mboŋgup | buŋub | -moŋ'up̚ | buŋ'up̚ | *mbuŋgup | *buŋkub |
tooth | *niŋgi | niŋi | nɪ'ŋi | ni'ŋi | *niŋgi | *niyi/*niŋki |
cook | *neŋga- | naaŋae | *neŋga | *neŋka- | ||
hand/arm | *taŋgi | tani | tɐŋ'i | təŋ'i | *tiŋgi | *tani; *teŋki |
armpit | *taŋgon | taŋɔɔn | *toŋgon | *taŋkon |
Clusters /*nk *ŋgk/ created by compounding are also reflected as [ŋg]:
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*-nk- | ŋg | *nk [ŋg] | *ŋk | |||
son | *min-ki | miŋgi | *min-ki | *miŋki | ||
daughter | *mun-kan | *mun-kan | — | |||
*-ŋgk- | ŋg | *ŋgk [ŋg] | *ŋk | |||
younger brother | *niŋg-ki | niŋi | *niŋg-ki | *niŋki | ||
younger sister | *neŋg-kan | *neŋg-kan | — |
(Muyu /*mun/ “child” is a loan from Wambon.)
Medial bilabial non-stop /*w/ …:
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*-w- | w | w | w | *w | *w *ø | |
grandfather | *awi | ɐ'wi | ɐ'wi | — | ||
fire | *awop | awob | *awop | — | ||
game animal | *awon | *awon | — | |||
father | *awoɾ | *awoɾ | — | |||
wind | *puwup | huub | up̚ | up̚ | *puwup | *huub |
hornbill | *kaweɾ | *keweɾ | *kewet | |||
young | *k[o]wet | *kewet | *kewet | |||
flying fox | *jawom | dawom | *jowom | *yawom | ||
salt | *jaw[o]ɾ | 'jɐul | — |
One example of medial /*w/ is dropped in Muyu when followed by /*i/ in the next syllable; this is likely a consequence of vowel leveling (below) following an intermediate stage where these words had assumed the form /*Ciwi(C)/:
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*-w-/_i | w [w ø] | ? | ? | *ø | ||
one | *mowim | moim | 'mɐj-mo | *mi[:] | *mimo/*moim |
Medial apical non-stop /*ɾ/ is dropped in Ninggerum:
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*-ɾ- | ø | ɾ | ɾ | *ɾ | *d | |
cuirass/shield | *iɾim | *iɾim | *idim | |||
python/rainbow | *aɾi | *aɾi | — | |||
wing | *mb[e]ɾu | buu [sil] | bɪ'ɾu | bi'ɾu | *mbuɾu | — |
head | *katoɾo[k] | kadɔɔ | *kotoɾok | — |
In one example, medial /*ɾ/ is lost in Muyu due to syllable reduction:
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*-ɾ- | ø | ɾ [l] | ɾ [l] | *ø | *ø | |
hair/feather | *kaɾimi | kaami | 'kɐlmi | 'kɐlmi | *kimi | *kaami |
Apparent medial palatal non-stop /*j/ is known in only one example, in which it is occluded in Ninggerum and in Iwur. The failure of this word to undergo vowel leveling in Muyu (below) suggests it to be a compound:
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*-j- | d | l | ? | *j | *D | |
two | *pajop | hadob | ɐ'lo- | *ajop | *haDoob |
Only a restricted set of consonants occurs finally, including nasals /*m n/, voiceless stops /*p *t *k/, velar voiced prenasalized stop /*ŋg/, which as in other Ok subgroups is invariably realized as nasal [ŋ], and apical non-stop /*ɾ/.
Final bilabial nasal /*m/ is retained as such in all descendants:
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*-m | m | m | m | *m | *m | |
cuirass/shield | *iɾim | *iɾim | *idim | |||
old man | *[i]jom | *[i]jom | *kyoom | |||
pandanus | *[ei/ai]m | im | *[ei/ai]m | *aim | ||
rain/weather | *am | am | ɛm | *am | *am | |
house | *am | am | ɐm | ɐm | *am | *am |
turtle | *ambom | awom | *ambom | *ambom | ||
coconut | *atom | otom | *atom | *atom | ||
sago | *om | om | ɔm | ɔm | *om | *om |
mother's br. | *mom | *mom | — | |||
one | *mowim | moim | 'mɐj-mo | *mi[:] | *mimo/*moim | |
earthquake | *mbim | bim | *mbim | *bim | ||
buttocks | *mbim | bim | *mbim | *bim | ||
bow | *tinim | tinim | ti'nim | *tinim | *tinim | |
hole | *tem | tem | *tem | *tem | ||
body part (?) | *tom | tom | *tom | *tom | ||
stone | *tum | tum | *tum | *tum/*tuum | ||
far | *kam | qɐm | — | |||
cough | *kanom | kanom | kɐ'nom | *konom | *kanom *Kanom |
side of neck | *kum | kum | — | |||
louse | *kʷim | kʷim | kʷim | 'kuim | *kʲim | *cim |
goura pigeon | *kʷVtim | kidim | *k[o/u]tim | *kutim | ||
grass skirt | *w[a]nom | wonom | *wonom | *wonam | ||
blood | *jam | dam | *jam | *yam | ||
flying fox | *jawom | dawom | *jowom | *yawom | ||
banana | *jum | dum | dʒum | ɟum | *jum | *yum |
dream | *jum | dum | *jum | *…yum | ||
flesh/body | *j₂om | gʲom ~ dʲom | jɔm | nʲɔm | *jom | *kyom/*yom |
placenta | *j₂um | guum | *jum | *kyum/*yum |
Final apical nasal /*n/ is retained as such in all descendants:
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*-n | n | n | n | *n | *n | |
wife | *ambV-kan | ɐbɐn | *amba-kan | — | ||
laugh | *ambon | ɐ'bɔn | ɐ'bon | *ambon | *ambon | |
dog | *anon | ɐ'nɔn | *anon | — | ||
sun | *aton | adon | ɐ'ton | ɐ'ton | *aton | *aton |
game animal | *awon | *awon | — | |||
older sister | *on | on-an | ɔn | ɔn | *oni | — |
bird | *on | on | *on | *on | ||
star/firefly | *min | min | 'mir-kon | 'min-qon | *min(-kon) | *min |
netbag | *men | men | mɛn | mɛn | *men | *meen |
hot | *[m/n]amin | namin | mɐ'min | nɐ'min | *nimin | *namin |
arm | *mben | *mben | *ben | |||
not | *mb[ai]n | ben | *mb[ai]n | *bain | ||
place (?) | *mbakon | -bon | bɐ'qon | *-mbokon | *-bon | |
younger sibling | *taman | taman | *taman | *taman | ||
armpit | *taŋgon | taŋɔɔn | *toŋgon | *taŋkon | ||
far | *saman | taman | sɐ'mɐn | *taman | *taman | |
thunder | *kimun | *kʲumun | — | |||
fish | *kijon | kʲon ~ tʲon | *kijon | *con | ||
lime | *kamen | *kemen | *kemen | |||
navel | *ka[:]mbin | kaamin | *kimbin | *kaambin *kaamin |
areca nut | *kamban | qɐ'bɐn | qɐ'bɐn | *kamban | — | |
female kin | *-kan | -an | *-kan | — | ||
heavy | *kakun | kaun | *kukun | *kuun | ||
leaf | *kon | qɔn | *kon | — | ||
sweat | *kʷVtin | *kitin | — | |||
index finger/4 | *kʷandin | kʷandin | *kʷandin | *kwandin *kwandiŋ |
woman | *[k/kʷ]on | kʷon | qɔn | *kon | *kon | |
yam | *wan | *wan | *wan | |||
vomit | *w[a]j[i]n | *wi[j]in | — | |||
sand | *jikin | diin | *jikin | *yiin | ||
boil (n.) | *j[ʉ]n | *j[i]n | *yin/*Yin/*kyin | |||
taro | *jamen | namen | *jemen | *Yamen | ||
urine | *jamun | damun | ɪ'mun | nʲɐ'mun | *jumun | *yamun |
foot/leg | *jon | don | lɔn | lɔn | *jon | *yon |
Final bilabial voiceless stop /*p/ is retained as such in all descendants. It is typically realized as voiced [b] in Ninggerum and in the Muyu dialects. As with finals /*t *k/ (below,) Iwur and Ikcan reflexes are unreleased:
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*-p | p [p b] | p [p̚ b] | p [p̚] | *p [p b] | *b | |
inclusive | *-p | -p ~ -b | -p̚ | -p̚ | *-p | — |
snake | *enup | inub | ɛ'nup̚ | i'nup̚ | *inub/*inuK | |
taboo | *amop | amob | *amop | *amob | ||
village | *ambip | *ambip | *ambib | |||
perhaps | *atep | *atep | *ateb | |||
two | *[p]aɾop | hadob | ɐ'lo- | *aɾop | *haDoob | |
fire | *awop | awob | *awop | — | ||
grandchild | *m[o]ndop | *mondop | *moNob *mondob |
wind | *puwup | huub | up̚ | up̚ | *puwup | *huub |
earth/ground | *mb[e]ta[:]p | badaab | pɛ'tɐp̚ | *mbatap | — | |
older brother | *mbap | bap | bɐp̚ | bɐp̚ | — | |
crocodile | *mbanep | badeb | bɐnɛp̚ | *mbenep | *bedeb/*beneb | |
elbow/knee | *mboŋgup | buŋub | -moŋ'up̚ | buŋ'up̚ | *mbuŋgup | *buŋkub |
man | *ka-tup | kadub | kɐtup̚ ~ qɐ'tup̚ | *ka-tup | *katuk/*katub | |
fat/muscle | *kop | kob | *kop | *kyob | ||
ashes | *kʷVtep | korep [sil] | qo'tɛp̚ | qo'tɛp̚ | *kotep | — |
cloud | *wip | wib | wip̚ | *wip | *wib | |
good | *ja[:]p | daap [rk] | lɐp̚ | nɐp̚ | — | |
fruit/seed | *jop | dob | lop̚ ~ -job | *jop | *yob |
Final apical voiceless stop /*t/ is retained as such in Ninggerum and in Muyu. It's not clear if the Iwur and Ikcan reflexes are distinct from those of final non-stop /*ɾ/ (below):
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*-t | t | t [t̚ ø] | t [t̚ ø] | *t | *t | |
spear | *manat | manat | *manat | *manat | ||
mouth | *maŋgot | maŋat | mæŋ'ɔ | mæŋ'o | *moŋgot | *moŋkot |
seven | *pet | het | 'ɛt̚ | ɛt̚ | *et | *het |
sibling-in-law | *mbat | *mbat | *bat/*baT | |||
palm/sole | *tat | tat | *tat | *tat | ||
body/chest | *kit | *kit | — | |||
flower | *ket | ket | *kʲet | *cet | ||
pinkie | *(k[a]t-)ket | ket-ket | *(ket-)kʲet | *ceet | ||
bamboo vessel | *ket | ket | *ket | *oket | ||
young | *k[o]wet | *kewet | *kewet | |||
cliff/slope | *kot | *kot | — | |||
cucumber | *kumit | kumit | *k[i/u]mit | *kumit | ||
long | *ŋg₂umVtit | gumtit | *kitit | — | ||
sugarcane | *kʷit | kʷit | — | |||
drum | *wot | wot | *wot | *wot |
Final velar voiceless stop /*k/ is retained as such in all descendants:
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*-k | k | k [k̚ q̚] | k [k̚ q̚] | *k | *k *K | |
grandmother | *apok | ɐ'bok̚ | ɐ'bok̚ | — | ||
smoke | *atek | adek | ɐ'tɛk̚ | — | ||
water | *ok | ok | oq̚ ~ ɔk̚ | oq̚ | *ok | *ok |
black/dark | *mitik | mi'tiq | *mitik | *mitik/*mitiK | ||
shoulder | *mak | mak | *mak | *maK | ||
breast | *muk | muk | muk̚ | muk̚ | *muk | *muK |
short | *tuk | tuq- | tug- | *tuk | — | |
nape | *kVtek | *ketek | *keteK | |||
dry | *kok | kok | kok̚ | *kok | *kok/*koK | |
bitter | *ko[wo]k | kok | *ko[wo]k | *kook/*kooK | ||
fence | *kuk | *kuk | *kuK | |||
ashes | *[ji]k | *jik-mbot | — | |||
thorn | *jʉk | dik | liq̚ | liq̚ | *juk | *yik/*Yik |
Final velar voiced prenasalized stop /*ŋg/ is realized as nasal [ŋ] in all descendants, as it is throughout the Ok family:
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*-ŋg | ŋ | ŋ | ŋ | *ŋg [ŋ] | *ŋ | |
bush | *anoŋg | ɐ'nɔŋ | ɐ'noŋ | *anoŋg | — | |
bee sp. | *moŋg | *moŋg | — | |||
gall/bile | *muŋg | muŋ | *muŋg | *muŋ | ||
tongue | *poŋg | hoŋ ~ hooŋ | ɔŋ | ɔŋ | *oŋg | *hooŋ |
light (weight) | *powoŋg | *owoŋg | *howoŋ/*owoŋ | |||
mother | *n[e/a]ŋg | neŋ | nɐŋ | nɛŋ | *naŋg | — |
rattan/rope | *noŋg | noŋ | nɔŋ | nɔŋ | *noŋg | *noŋ |
pig | *kʷaŋg | kʷaŋ | qʷɐŋ | qʷɐŋ | — | |
wrist/six | *ŋg₂uŋg | 'ŋuŋ | *kuŋg | — | ||
speech/voice | *weŋg | weŋ | wɛŋ | βɛŋ ~ wɛŋ | *weŋg | *weŋ |
woman | *w[a]noŋg | *wonoŋg | *wonoŋ | |||
garden | *joŋg | doŋ | lɔŋ | *joŋg | *yoŋ |
Final apical non-stop /*ɾ/ is dropped in Ninggerum with compensatory length in the preceding vowel. It's not clear if the Iwur and Ikcan reflexes are distinct from those of final plain stop /*t/ (above;) these are provisionally given here as /t/:
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*-ɾ | -: | t [t̚ r l ø] | t [t̚ l] | *ɾ | *T *t | |
embers | *amoɾ | *amoɾ | *amoT | |||
sky | *ambʉɾ | ɐ'bi | ɐ'bit̚ | *ambuɾ | — | |
brave/evil/sharp | *atuɾ | ɐ'tur | ɐ'tut̚ | *atuɾ | — | |
father | *awoɾ | *awoɾ | — | |||
excrement | *oɾ | o ~ wo | ɔl | ɔl | *oɾ | *oT |
vein/tendon | *meɾ-meɾ | mee-mee | *met-meɾ | *metmet *meKmeK |
leaf | *poɾ | hoo | -'bɔt̚ | -'bot̚ | *oɾ | *hooT |
stone | *mboɾ | boo | bɔl | *mboɾ | *boT | |
fat/grease | *tukuɾ | tuu | — | |||
hornbill | *kaweɾ | *keweɾ | *kewet | |||
skin/bark | *kaɾ | kaa | kɐr | qɐt̚ ~ kɐt̚ | *kaɾ | *kaT |
knowledge | *kaɾ | kaa | qɐr | *kaɾ | — | |
frog | *koɾ | *koɾ | *kot/*koT | |||
cold | *ŋg₂iɾ | gi- | ŋir | ŋir | — | |
moon | *wakoɾ | wɔɔ | 'wɐur | *wokoɾ | *wooT | |
salt | *jaw[o]ɾ | 'jɐul | — |
One example has final /*t/ in Muyu, but with the curiosity of a nasalized vowel in Ninggerum, which is usually associated with the loss of medial /*nd/:
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*-ɾ (?) | ø/_ṽ | ø | ø | *t | *T | |
tree/wood | *aɾ (?) | ã | ɐ: | ɐ | *at | *aT |
This is likely the reflex of Ok final laminal /*s/ or /*ndz/; cf. Mountain Ok /*às/ rather than /*àɾ/. Muyu final /*t/ does not appear in compounds such as /*a-moɾ/ “embers” and /*a-wop/ “fire.”
Vowels in monosyllables are generally retained as such in all descendants, as are vowels of identical quality in disyllables.
High front vowel /*i/ in simple environments is retained as such in all descendants:
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*i | i | i | i | *i | *i | |
3 pl. | *ji | di | i: | *ji | — | |
die | *kʷi- | kʷien | qʷɛn | — | ||
star/firefly | *min | min | 'mir-kon | 'min-qon | *min(-kon) | *min |
earthquake | *mbim | bim | *mbim | *bim | ||
buttocks | *mbim | bim | *mbim | *bim | ||
body/chest | *kit | *kit | — | |||
2 pl. | *ŋg₁ip | 'ɢip | *ki-p | — | ||
cold | *ŋg₂iɾ | gi- | ŋir | ŋir | — | |
louse | *kʷim | kʷim | kʷim | 'kuim | *kʲim | *cim |
sugarcane | *kʷit | kʷit | — | |||
cloud | *wip | wib | wip̚ | *wip | *wib | |
son | *min-ki | miŋgi | *miŋgi | *miŋki | ||
younger brother | *niŋg-ki | niŋi | *niŋgi | *niŋki | ||
tooth | *niŋgi | niŋi | nɪ'ŋi | ni'ŋi | *niŋgi | *niyi/*niŋki |
cuirass/shield | *iɾim | *iɾim | *idim | |||
black/dark | *mitik | mi'tiq | *mitik | *mitik/*mitiK | ||
bow | *tinim | tinim | ti'nim | *tinim | *tinim | |
sand | *jikin | diin | *jikin | *yiin |
High central vowel /*ʉ/ is uncommon, but its existence is supported by comparison to cognates in other subfamilies of Ok:
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*ʉ | i | i | i | *u | *i | |
sky | *ambʉɾ | ɐ'bi | ɐ'bit̚ | *ambuɾ | — | |
thorn | *jʉk | dik | liq̚ | liq̚ | *juk | *yik/*Yik |
The vowel in one example corresponds to /*ʉ/ in other subfamilies of Ok, but is given only as /i/ in the dialects of Muyu:
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*[ʉ] | i | i | i | *[i] | *i | |
heart | *nd[ʉ]m-jop | dim-top | ɖim-lɔp | 'ɖim-lop̚ | *nd[i]m-jop | *dim-yob |
The base of the first person plural shows /u/ rather than /i/ in Ikcan:
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*ʉ | i | i | u | *u | — | |
1 pl. | *nʉ(-p) | ni(-p) | nip̚ | nup̚ | *nup | — |
High back vowel /*u/ in simple environments is retained as such in all descendants:
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*u | u | u | u | *u | *u | |
3 sg. f. | *ju | du | *ju | — | ||
breast | *muk | muk | muk̚ | muk̚ | *muk | *muK |
gall/bile | *muŋg | muŋ | *muŋg | *muŋ | ||
stone | *tum | tum | *tum | *tum/*tuum | ||
short | *tuk | tuq- | tug- | *tuk | — | |
side of neck | *kum | kum | — | |||
fence | *kuk | *kuk | *kuK | |||
2 sg. f. | *ŋg₁up | kup [cv] | *ku-p | — | ||
wrist/six | *ŋg₂uŋg | 'ŋuŋ | *kuŋg | — | ||
banana | *jum | dum | dʒum | ɟum | *jum | *yum |
dream | *jum | dum | *jum | *…yum | ||
placenta | *j₂um | guum | *jum | *kyum/*yum | ||
wind | *puwup | huub | up̚ | up̚ | *puwup | *huub |
fat/grease | *tukuɾ | tuu | — |
Mid front vowel /*e/ in simple environments is retained as such in all descendants:
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*e | e | e | e | *e | *e | |
1 sg. | *ne | ne | nɛ: | nɛ | *ne | — |
penis | *we | *we | — | |||
3 sg. m. | *je | de | ɛ: | jɛ | *je | — |
net bag | *men | men | mɛn | mɛn | *men | *meen |
seven | *pet | het | 'ɛt̚ | ɛt̚ | *et | *het |
arm | *mben | *mben | *ben | |||
hole | *tem | tem | *tem | *tem | ||
flower | *ket | ket | *kʲet | *cet | ||
bamboo vessel | *ket | ket | *ket | *oket | ||
2 sg. m. | *ŋg₁ep | kep | qɛp̚ | ɢɛp̚ | *ke-p | — |
speech/voice | *weŋg | weŋ | wɛŋ | βɛŋ ~ wɛŋ | *weŋg | *weŋ |
ear | *kende | kee | kə'rɛ | kɛɾɛ | *kende | *keNe/*KeNe |
vein/tendon | *meɾ-meɾ | mee-mee | *meɾ-meɾ | *metmet *meKmeK |
pinkie | *(k[a]t-)ket | ket-ket | *(ket-)kʲet | *ceet |
Mid back vowel /*o/ in simple environments is retained as such in all descendants:
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*o | o | o | o | *o | *o | |
sago | *om | om | ɔm | ɔm | *om | *om |
older sister | *on | on-an | ɔn | ɔn | *oni | — |
bird | *on | on | *on | *on | ||
water | *ok | ok | oq̚ ~ ɔk̚ | oq̚ | *ok | *ok |
excrement | *oɾ | o ~ wo | ɔl | ɔl | *oɾ | *oT |
mother's br. | *mom | *mom | — | |||
bee sp. | *moŋg | *moŋg | — | |||
tongue | *poŋg | hoŋ ~ hooŋ | ɔŋ | ɔŋ | *oŋg | *hooŋ |
stone | *mboɾ | boo | bɔl | *mboɾ | *boT | |
rattan/rope | *noŋg | noŋ | nɔŋ | nɔŋ | *noŋg | *noŋ |
body part (?) | *tom | tom | *tom | *tom | ||
fat/muscle | *kop | kob | *kop | *kyob | ||
leaf | *kon | qɔn | *kon | — | ||
cliff/slope | *kot | *kot | — | |||
dry | *kok | kok | kok̚ | *kok | *kok/*koK | |
frog | *koɾ | *koɾ | *kot/*koT | |||
woman | *[k/kʷ]on | kʷon | qɔn | *kon | *kon | |
drum | *wot | wot | *wot | *wot | ||
fruit/seed | *jop | dob | lop̚ ~ -job | *jop | *yob | |
foot/leg | *jon | don | lɔn | lɔn | *jon | *yon |
garden | *joŋg | doŋ | lɔŋ | *joŋg | *yoŋ | |
flesh/body | *j₂om | gʲom ~ dʲom | jɔm | nʲɔm | *jom | *kyom/*yom |
light (weight) | *powoŋg | *owoŋg | *howoŋ/*owoŋ | |||
canoe | *kono | kono | qo'no | *kono | *kono | |
bone/leg | *kondo | kwoo ~ koo | ko'ro | qo'ro | *kondo | *koNo |
bitter | *ko[wo]k | kok | *ko[wo]k | *kook/*kooK |
Low central vowel /*a/ in simple environments is retained as such in all descendants:
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*a | a | a | a | *a | *a | |
person | *ka | ka | qɐ | *ka | *ka/*Ka | |
rain/weather | *am | am | ɛm [sic] | *am | *am | |
house | *am | am | ɐm | ɐm | *am | *am |
tree/wood | *aɾ (?) | ã | ɐ: | ɐ | *at | *aT |
shoulder | *mak | mak | *mak | *maK | ||
older brother | *mbap | bap | bɐp̚ | bɐp̚ | — | |
sibling-in-law | *mbat | *mbat | *bat/*baT | |||
palm/sole | *tat | tat | *tat | *tat | ||
far | *kam | qɐm | — | |||
female kin | *-kan | -an | *-kan | — | ||
skin/bark | *kaɾ | kaa | kɐr | qɐt̚ ~ kɐt̚ | *kaɾ | *kaT |
knowledge | *kaɾ | kaa | qɐr | *kaɾ | — | |
pig | *kʷaŋg | kʷaŋ | qʷɐŋ | qʷɐŋ | — | |
yam | *wan | *wan | *wan | |||
blood | *jam | dam | *jam | *yam | ||
good | *ja[:]p | daap [rk] | lɐp̚ | nɐp̚ | — | |
spear | *manat | manat | *manat | *manat | ||
another | *maka | ma | *maka | *maa | ||
younger sibling | *taman | taman | *taman | *taman | ||
far | *saman | taman | sɐ'mɐn | *taman | *taman | |
areca nut | *kamban | qɐ'bɐn | qɐ'bɐn | *kamban | — |
Where the vowels of the first and second syllable differ, Muyu has undergone changes which bring them into agreement.
Roots of the form /*CaCV₂(C)/ are reflected in Muyu as /*CV₂CV₂(C)/:
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*CaCi | CaCi | CaCi | CaCi | *CiCi | *CaCi *CeCi | |
hand/arm | *taŋgi | tani | tɐŋ'i | təŋ'i | *tiŋgi | *tani; *teŋki |
hot | *[m/n]amin | namin | mɐ'min | nɐ'min | *nimin | *namin |
navel | *ka[:]mbin | kaamin | *kimbin | *kaambin *kaamin |
hair/feather | *kaɾimi | kaami | 'kɐlmi | 'kɐlmi | *kimi | *kaami |
*CaCu | CaCu | *CuCu | *CaCu *CuCu | |||
testicles | *kambu | gabu | *kumbu | |||
ripe/red | *jamu | namu | *jumu | *Yamu | ||
heavy | *kakun | kaun | *kukun | *kuun | ||
urine | *jamun | damun | ɪ'mun | nʲɐ'mun | *jumun | *yamun |
*CaCe | CaCe | CaCe | *CeCe | *CaCe *CeCe | ||
plait | *pame- | hame | *eme- | *hame- | ||
crocodile | *mbanep | badeb | bɐnɛp̚ | *mbenep | *bedeb/*beneb | |
lime | *kamen | *kemen | *kemen | |||
hornbill | *kaweɾ | *kewet | *kewet | |||
taro | *jamen | namen | *jemen | *Yamen | ||
*CaCo | CaCo | CaCo | CaCo | *CoCo | *CaCo *CoCo | |
mouth | *maŋgot | maŋat | mæŋ'ɔ | mæŋ'o | *moŋgot | *moŋkot |
bite | *tamond- | tamoĩ | tɐ'moɾon | 'tɐmoɾɐ | *tomond- | *tamoNe- |
armpit | *taŋgon | taŋɔɔn | *toŋgon | *taŋkon | ||
cough | *kanom | kanom | kɐ'nom | *konom | *kanom *Kanom |
flying fox | *jawom | dawom | *jowom | *yawom | ||
head | *katoɾok | kadɔɔ | *kotoɾok | — |
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*Cako | Coo | Cako Cau | *Coko | *Co *Coo | ||
place (?) | *mbakon | -bon | bɐ'qon | *-mbokon | *-bon | |
moon | *wakoɾ | wɔɔ | 'wɐur | *wokoɾ | *wooT |
Examples which violate these rules can only be compounds or loans:
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*CaCe | *CaCe | — | ||||
who? | *kande (?) | *kande | — | |||
*CaCo | CaCo | CaCo | *CaCo | *CaCo | ||
two | *pajop (?) | hadob | ɐ'lo- | *ajop | *haDoob |
Initial /*a/ in roots of the form /*aCV(C)/ is unaffected by vowel levelling. By far the most common of these patterns is /*aCo(C)/:
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*aCi | aCi | aCi | aCi | *aCi | *aCi | |
grandfather | *awi | ɐ'wi | ɐ'wi | — | ||
python/rainbow | *aɾi | *aɾi | — | |||
village | *ambip | *ambip | *ambib | |||
husband | *ambV-ki | awi | ɐbi | *ambi-ki | *ambii | |
*aCu | aCu | aCu | aCu | *aCu | — | |
brave/evil/sharp | *atuɾ | ɐ'tur | ɐ'tut̚ | *atuɾ | — | |
*aCe | aCe | aCe | aCe | *aCe | *aCe | |
weep/cry | *ame- | ɐm'jɔn | ɐmɛn- | *ame- | *ameŋ | |
eat/drink | *ane | ena | *ane | *ane- | ||
perhaps | *atep | *atep | *ateb | |||
smoke | *atek | adek | ɐ'tɛk̚ | — | ||
see | *ak-me | aakme | ɐg'mɛ | *ak-me | *…teme *…keme |
*aCo | aCo | aCo | aCo | *aCo | *aCo | |
head | *ambo | awo | ɐ'bo | ɐ'bo | *ambo | *ambo |
arrow | *ando | aa | ɐɾo | ɐɾ- | *ando | *aNo |
thumb/five | *aŋgo | aŋo | a'ŋo | *aŋgo | *aŋko | |
cheek/molar | *aŋgo | aŋo | *aŋgo | *aŋk… | ||
taboo | *amop | amob | *amop | *amob | ||
embers | *amoɾ | *amoɾ | *amoT | |||
grandmother | *apok | ɐ'bok̚ | ɐ'bok̚ | — | ||
turtle | *ambom | awom | *ambom | *ambom | ||
laugh | *ambon | ɐ'bɔn | ɐ'bon | *ambon | *ambon | |
dog | *anon | ɐ'nɔn | *anon | — | ||
bush | *anoŋg | ɐ'nɔŋ | ɐ'noŋ | *anoŋg | — | |
coconut | *atom | otom | *atom | *atom | ||
sun | *aton | adon | ɐ'ton | ɐ'ton | *aton | *aton |
fire | *awop | awob | *awop | — | ||
game animal | *awon | *awon | — | |||
father | *awoɾ | *awoɾ | — |
Words of the form /*CiCu(C) *CuCi(C)/ are reflected as /*CuCu(C) *CiCi(C)/ in Muyu:
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*CiCu | CiCu | CiCu | CiCu | *CuCu | *CiCu | |
nose/face | *mitu | midu | mɪ'tu | mi'tu | *mutu | *mitu |
*CuCi | CuCi | CuCi | CuCi CiCi | *CiCi | *CuCi | |
root | *kumbi | kuwi | 'kubi | ki'bi | *kimbi | *kubi |
night | *ŋg₂umVti | gumdi [rk] | ŋum'ti | *kiti | — | |
cucumber | *kumit | kumit | *k[i/u]mit | *kumit | ||
long | *ŋg₂umVtit | gumtit | *kitit | — |
One word of the form /*Cowi(C)/ is reduced to /*Ci(C)/ in Muyu, probably following an intermediate stage /*Ciwi(C)/:
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*Cowi | Coi | Cɐj (?) | *Ci | *Coi | ||
one | *mowim | moim | 'mɐj-mo | *mi[:] | *mimo/*moim |
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*CeCu | CiCu | CeCu | CiCu | *CuCu | — | |
wing | *mb[e]ɾu | buu [sil] | bɪ'ɾu | bi'ɾu | *mbuɾu | — |
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*eCu | iCu | eCu | iCu | *aCu | *iCu | |
snake | *enup | inub | ɛ'nup̚ | i'nup̚ | *anup | *inub/*inuK |
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*weCi | oCi | wiCi | wiCi | *wiCi | *wiCi | |
egg | *w[e]ndi | on-i | wɪ'ri | wiri | *windi | *wiNi |
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*CoCu | CuCu | CoCu | CuCu | *CuCu | *CuCu | |
elbow/knee | *mboŋgup | buŋub | -moŋ'up̚ | buŋ'up̚ | *mbuŋgup | *buŋkub |
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | Healey | |
*CeCa | CeCa | CeCa | CeCa | *CaCa | *CeCa *CaCa | |
child | *tena | tena | tɛ'nɐ | tɛ'nɐ | *tana | *tena |
rib(s) | *menaɾ | menaa | *mana[ɾ] | *manaa | ||
*CoCa | CoCa | CoCa | CoCa | *CaCa | *CaCa | |
belly | *komba | kuwa | ko'bɐ | kobɐ | *kamba | *kaba |
Similar processes affect Ninggerum and Muyu alike relative to proto-Ok:
Ok | Lowland Ok | |
*CiCo | *CeCe | |
ear | *kindo:ŋg | *kende |
*CuCo | *CoCo | |
bone | *kundoR | *kondo |
It's possible that these changes postdate proto-Lowland Ok and affect both descendants due to areal influence. For example, Aekyom /kendoke/ “ear” appears to be a loan from a form of Lowland Ok in which the root was /*kendoŋg/ rather than /*kende/.
Lowland Ok free pronouns are reconstructed as follows, with Ninggerum attestations drawn from Voorhoeve (1975: 384) and Iwur and Ikcan (Koma) from Jang (2003: 40):
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Iwur | Ikcan | Muyu | |
1 sg. | *ne | ne | nɛ: | nɛ | *ne |
2 sg. m. | *ŋg₁e-p | kep | qɛp̚ | ɢɛp̚ | *ke-p |
2 sg. f. | *ŋg₁u-p | kup [cv] | ? | ? | *ku-p |
3 sg. m. | *je | de | ɛ: | jɛ | *je |
3 sg. f. | *ju | du | ? | ? | *ju |
1 pl. excl. | *nʉ | ni | ? | ? | — |
1 pl. incl. | *nʉ-p | ni-p | ni-p̚ | nu-p̚ | *nu-p |
2 pl. | *ŋg₁i-p | — | ? | 'ɢip | *ki-p |
3 pl. | *ji | di | i: | ? | *ji |
3 pl. incl. | *ji-p | dip | ip | ? | *ji-p |
(note: Voorhoeve gives Ninggerum /ni/ 1 pl. incl., /nip/ 1 pl. excl., but comparison to Ngalum and Mian shows this to be in error.)
An explanation of the unusual gloss “3 pl. incl.” is in order. It may be seen that the suffix /*-p/ indicates the inclusion of the second person. There are two forms of the second person plural in both Lowland Ok and Mountain Ok, one with initial /*k/ and one without it. The first of these is the regular reflex of Digul River-Ok /*ŋgip/; the second is found only in Ok . These cannot be regularly reduced to a single form. The solution adopted here assumes that /*-p/ could be added to the third person plural with the meaning, “they and you (sg.),” as opposed to “you (sg.) and [your companions],” and that this form /*[j]ip/ has replaced /*kip/ in many descendants. South Muyu, for example, has both forms (q.v. Drabbe 1954: 162-163;) however, the semantic distinction proposed here is not directly attested.
As in other Ok subgroups, the free pronouns function as possessives when preposed to nominals (q.v. Drabbe 1954: 163-164.)
Verbal morphology
… (q.v. Healey 1964: 71):
Lowland Ok | Ninggerum | Muyu | |
1 sg. | *-a/*-i (dur.) | -æ/-i | *-an/*-in |
2 sg. | *-ep | -eb | *-ep |
3 sg. m. | *-[a/o]/*-e (dur.) | -a/-e | *-on |
3 sg. f. | *-u | -u | *-un |
1 pl. | *-up | -ub | *-up |
2/3 pl. | *-ip | -ib | *-ip |
Loans into Aekyom
Aekyom appends low mid front vowel /ɛ/ to Lowland Ok words with final non-nasal consonants, with Aekyom forms drawn from Stewart (n.d.):
Lowland Ok | Aekyom | |
*-C | Cɛ | |
bamboo vessel | *ket | kʰɛtɛ |
shoulder | *mak | bɛkɛ ~ m(b)ɛkɛ |
ear | *kend[oŋg] | kʰɛndɔkɛ |
skin | *kaɾ | kʰatɛ |
hornbill | *kaweɾ | kʰwiɺɛ |
It's conceivable that some of these comparisons are legitimate cognates, for example the term for “shoulder” is found also in Kamula and Doso far to the southeast as /make/; however these languages are by no means closely related to Digul River-Ok, and any genuine cognates must necessarily be of great antiquity. Aekyom /mVgate/ “mouth” is found also in Kamula as well as a number of other subgroups of Trans-New Guinea, and may be one such example.