East Tor Coast

Timothy Usher, Santa Fe Institute


The East Tor Coast family consists of three closely related languages, Kwinsu, Tena and Fitou (Vitou,) spoken in three villlages, Ansudu, Betaf and Takar, along the north coast of the Pantai Timur district of Sarmi county in Indonesia's Papua province (Lee and Wambaliau 2005: 2-3.)


The internal classification of East Tor Coast is as follows:

East Tor Coast






Galis (1955) 28 comparative terms for Kwesten (this is most likely Kwesten of Takar village i.e. Fitou)

Voorhoeve (1975: 107) 39 comparative terms for Kwesten after Anceaux (n.d.) (this is not a single language but a conflation of all varieties designated “Kwesten” in Anceaux n.d., q.v. Smits and Voorhoeve eds. 1994 below)

Smits and Voorhoeve eds. (1994: 18-266) three comparative vocabularies of Kwesten of Takar village (Fitou) after an unnamed teacher and two unnamed constables respectively and one comparative vocabulary for Kwesten of Betaf (Tena) village after an unnamed constable

Lee and Wambaliau (2005: 40-48, 49-56) 239 comparative terms and (pp. 57-62) 21 sentences for Vitou of Takar, Tena of Betaf and Kwinsu of Ansudu village

Historical phonology

[under construction]

Proto-East Tor Coast had 12 consonants and 5 vowels as follows:

*m *n
*f *t *s *k *kʷ
*b *d
*w *j
*i *u
*e *o

In addition to the simple vowels given above, at least five diphthongs are found as follows:

*eⁱ *oᵘ
*aⁱ *aᵘ

Any consonant, vowel or diphthong can occur intially or medially.

Only a restricted set of consonants occurs word-finally:

*m *n
*f *t *s [*k]

A final /k/ has been clearly found in only a few Kwinsu nominals which have no Tena and Fitou and may well be loans from other Tor River langugaes. Because Tor River /*k/ has been dropped in East Tor River, in which present-day /*k/ reflects /*g/, final /*k/ seems unlikely to be a valid proto-East Tor River segment.

An unusual feature of Tor River languages from a New Guinean perspective is the frequent occurence of root-initial clusters /*CC/. These result from the loss of destressed schwa vowel [*ə] in initial syllables. The following combinations have been found:

*m *n *f/*b *k *kʷ *w
*m - *mw *mɾ
*n - *nw
*f - *fn - *fkʷ - *fɾ
*t *tm *tf *tk - *tw *tɾ
*s - - - *sk - *sw *sɾ
*k - - - *kɾ
*kʷ - - - - *kʷɾ
*b - - - - *bɾ
*d *dm *db *dk - *dw -
*w - - - - - *wɾ

It is possible that there were clusters /*kw/, but these would be interpreted as unit phoneme /*kʷ/. The reason that /*kʷ/ is interpreted as a unit phoneme, besides its origin as Tor River /*gʷ/ (ultimately an occlusion of /*w/,) is that initial clusters of three consonants are disallowed, yet both /*kʷɾ/ and /*fkʷ/ occur.

Bilabial voiced stop /*b/ occurs as the second member of only one combination, /*db/ in /*dbaɾ/ “head.” This might just as well have been reconstructed as /*df/, as [p] is an allophone of /*f/ in certain environments, e.g. following root-final /*n/ in a final cluster (below,) and the behavior of /*dk/ is parallel, yielding [dg] where medial /*k/ would usually be lost (below.) Historically, this reflects /*nfaɾ/ (cf. Apauwar River /*nVbaɾ/ where /*b/ regularly corresponds to Tor River /*f/.) If interpreted as /*df/ here, cluster rules would be simplified as otherwise /*b/ cannot be the second member of an initial cluster. It is shown here as /*db/ because medial /*b/ has been established in East Tor Coast, if only marginally (below.)

Clusters consisting of nasals followed by homorganic stops are found medially, but not initially, perhaps because they have been denasalized in this position as in /*dbaɾ/.

The most conspicuous gap is the lack of any clusters with apical stops /*t *d/ as their second members. The reason for this is likely their rarity in medial position (below,) which in turn is due to the fact that, while original /*d/ is reflected as Tor River /*t/ initially, it has been merged with non-stop /*ɾ/ medially, hence the high frequency of clusters /*Cɾ/.

Apical non-stop /*ɾ/ cannot be the first member of a cluster because it does not occur word-initially except as a reflex of Tor River /*kɾ/ where /*k/ has been lost, East Tor Coast /*kɾ/ reflecting /*gɾ/. Similarly, the cluster /*wɾ/ ultimately reflects /*kʷɾ/ with East Tor Coast /*kʷɾ/ reflecting Tor River /*gʷɾ/.

Palatal non-stop /*j/ has not been found as either the first or second member of an initial cluster, although at least /*mj/ occurs medially (below.)

In principle, allowable medial clusters include any consonant allowed root-finally /*m *n *f *t *s *k *ɾ/ followed by any consonant or consonant cluster allowed root-initially, though not all such combinations have been attested, geminates do not occur and a few combinations such as /*mf/ may be forbidden as /*f/ might be realized as [*b] in this position.

Initial and medial simple consonants correspond as follows:

E. Tor Coast Kwinsu Tena Fitou
*m m m m
*n n n n
*f f f f
*t t t t
*s s s s
*k- k k k
*-k- k ø ø
*-kʷ- w w
*b b b b
*d- d d d
*-d- ɾ d d
*w w w w
*ɾ- d ɾ ɾ
*-ɾ- ɾ ɾ ɾ
*j j j j

Initial consonant clusters correspond as follows:

E. Tor Coast Kwinsu Tena Fitou
*tm- m ? ?
*dm- ? dm dm
*fn- fn fn fn
*tf- f (t)f (t)f
*db- b (d)b (d)b
*tk- tk t t
*sk- sk s s
*dk- ? dk dk
*fkʷ- fk fw fw
*mw- mw mw mw
*nw- nw nw nw
*tw- tw tw tw
*sw- sw sw sw
*dw- dw dw dw
*fɾ- ?
*kʷɾ- kʷɾ kʷɾ kʷɾ

Final consonants correspond as follows:

E. Tor Coast Kwinsu Tena Fitou
*-m m m m
*-n n n n
*-f f f f
*-f/n_ [Vp] [Vp] [Vp]
*-t t t t
*-s s s s
*-k k ø ø
*-ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ

Vowels and diphthongs correspond as follows:

E. Tor Coast Kwinsu Tena Fitou
*i i i i
*u u u u
*e e e e
*e/aC_ e e [a e] e [a e]
*o o o o
*a a a a
*a/aC_ a [ə] a a
*uⁱ u uⁱ uⁱ
*eⁱ eⁱ eⁱ eⁱ
*aⁱ aⁱ aⁱ aⁱ
*aⁱ/_k a aⁱ aⁱ
*oᵘ [uᵘ] oᵘ oᵘ
*aᵘ [oᵘ] aᵘ aᵘ

These correspondences are exemplified as follows, with Kwinsu, Tena and Vitou (Fitou) attestations drawn from Lee and Wambaliau (2005: 40-48, 49-56, 57-62) and Betaf (Tena) and Takar (Fitou) attestations from Anceaux (n.d.) as excerpted in Smits and Voorhoeve (1994: 18-266) after unattributed elicitors (above.) For clarity, our presentation is divided into five sections, beginning with initial and medial simple consonants, followed by initial consonant clusters, medial consonant clusters, final consonants, then vowels and diphthongs.

Initial and medial bilabial nasal /*m/ is retained as such in all descendants:

E. Tor CoastKwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1Takar 2Takar 3
WambaliauWambaliau AnceauxWambaliauAnceauxAnceauxAnceaux
*m- m m m m m m m
lip(s) *mif mif mif mif
betel pepper*meɾa(n) meran mera-tan me'ran
butterfly *mamaᵘ mamau mamau mamau mamau
blind *mat-mat mat-mat- mat-mat-
nose *masa(n) mɑsən 'masa-mwanmasan masan masan masan masan
tongue *m[a/o]fɾVm mofrom 'mafram mafram mafram mafram
breast *mom mom mom mom mom mom mom mom
short *montof montof montofo montof-
star *mote(n) moten moten moten
breadfruit *mowaɾ moar moar 'muar
elbow *m[o/u](n) -mun -mon -mɔn -mun
behind *mun-f mun-up mun-up mun-up-de
*-m- m m m m m m m
deaf *imut imut imut imut
butterfly *mamaᵘ mamau mamau mamau mamau

Initial and medial apical nasal /*n/ is retained as such in all descendants:

E. Tor CoastKwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1Takar 2Takar 3
*n- n n n n n n n
fly (n.) *nibiɾ nibir nibir nibir nibir
flesh *nin nin nin nin nin nin nin
sky *niɾ nir- nir nir
star *niɾkoᵘ nirku nirou niru nirou nirou
path *nVɾ ner nir neir n:er ner ner ner
louse *nena(n) nenan nenan nenan nenan nenan
paddle *neɾam ne'ram 'neram ne:ram
who? *nansa nansa nansa nansa nansa nansa nansa
bandicoot *nansaᵘ nansu nansau nansau
tail *nankaɾ naŋ'kar 'naŋkar naŋkar naŋkar naŋkar naŋkar naŋkar
two *nawa nawo nawa- nawa nawa- nawa nawa nauwa
rope *nom nom nom
machete *nomba(n) nobon 'nomban no'mban
forest *no(n) non non non
sleep *nu(n) nun nun nu- nu- nu- nu- nun-
*-n- n n n n n
husband *anom a'nom anom
dry (v.) *fɾinkinu frinkinurfriŋkinu
tree kangaroo*fenes fenes fenes fenes
louse *nena(n) nenan nenan nenan nenan nenan

Initial and medial labiodental fricative /*f/ is retained as such in all descendants. It is sometimes realized as voiced [v] in Tena and in Fitou:

E. Tor CoastKwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1 Takar 2Takar 3
WambaliauWambaliauAnceaux WambaliauAnceaux AnceauxAnceaux
*f- f f f [f v]f f [f v]f f [v]
salt/sea *fi(n) fin fin fin
lake *fit -fit -fit -fit
moon *feⁱn fein fein vein fein fein fejn ve(j)n
tree kangaroo *fenes fenes fenes fenes
arrow *fewa(n) fe'wan fewan
axe *fanda(n) 'fandan
far *fas fas
water *fo(n) fon fon von fon von fon von
netbag *fon fon fon
blue/green *fuⁱ fui- vuj-vuj
*-f- f f f [f v]f f f f [v]
buttocks *efo(n) efon efon
one *afa(n)-tkenafəntkən afa'ten afaten afaten avaten
not *afom afom afam
skin *tifin tifin tifin tivin tifin tifin tifin tivin
speech *tefa[n] -te'fan -te'fan
b. hair/feather*safe(n) safen 'safan savan 'safan safen safan savan

Initial apical voiceless stop /*t/ is retained as such in all descendants:

E. Tor Coast Kwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1Takar 2Takar 3
*t- t t t t t t t
tree *ti(n) tin tin tin tin tin tin tin
skin *tifin tifin tifin tivin tifin tifin tifin tivin
speech *tefa[n] -te'fan -te'fan
small *te[n]toɾ tentor 'tetoro tetoro tetoro tetoro tetoro tetoro
sago tree *tes tes tes tes
right (side)*teswa teswo teswa teswa-de
mountain *teɾan te'ran te'ran teran te'ran teran teraŋ teran
all *t[e/a]bite[n]tebite tabitene
foot/leg *takna(n) takən tanən tanan tanan tanan tanan tanan

Medial /*t/ is uncommon:

E. Tor Coast Kwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1Takar 2Takar 3
Wambaliau WambaliauAnceauxWambaliau AnceauxAnceauxAnceaux
*-t- t t t t t
star *mote(n) moten moten moten
all *t[e/a]bite[n]tebite tabitene
awaken*ɾetat se-datetkeretate is-re'tate

Initial and medial laminal fricative /*s/ is retained as such in all descendants:

E. Tor CoastKwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1 Takar 2 Takar 3
WambaliauWambaliau Anceaux WambaliauAnceaux Anceaux Anceaux
*s- s s s s s s s
white *sin-sin sin-sin sin-si'ni sin-sinisin-sin sin-sin sin-sini sin-sin
bite *siɾ sirbar sirba sir'bana
old *seⁱ sij siji sei
rattan *seɾ ser ser ser
good *seɾban serbana serbana serban serban serbana serban
hear *sa sər i-sa: saman i-sarter i-samana saman i-sar
knife *samte(n) samten samtan samtan
b. hair/feather*safe(n) safen 'safan savan 'safan safen safan savan
dry *sabɾan sabrana sabra- sabra- sabrana sabrana
mosquito *san san san san san san san san
black *sankaɾ saŋkər saŋkar saŋkar saŋkara [sic]saŋkar
come *saka sakər i-sa: saman i-sa i-sa i-sa
wallaby *sakʷe(n) sakʷen sawan sawan
bad *saɾ-saɾ sərsər sarsar sarsar
crocodile *saɾom so:'ram sa'rom sa'rom
beach *son -son -son
yellow *sonkan sonkan soŋkan soŋga- soŋka- soŋka- sonkana soŋkan
big *s[o]kʷode sode- sode-
long *soɾ-soɾ sorsoro sorsoro sorsor- sorsor sorsoro sorsoro
egg *suⁱ su suɪ ≈ suy sui sui ≈ suysui sui sui
urine *su(n) sun sun sun
bird *su(n) sun sun sun sun sun sun sun
*-s- s s s s s s s
plural *-saⁱse -si'se -saise -saise -sai(j)se-sai(j)se -saise
very *-sus -sus -sus -sus(u) -su:s -sus
garden *aⁱk[a]sijafaka'siaf aisiaf
nose *masa(n) mɑsən 'masa-mwanmasan masan masan masan masan
name *bosa(n) bosan bosan bosan bosan bosan bosan bosan
sweet potato *busa(n) busan bu'san
blood *disan disan disan disan
stand/get up *ɾoᵘsi[k] duwsik ru:si rousinini-rousi i-rousi rousir i-rousi

Initial velar voiceless stop /*k/, reflecting Tor River voiced /*g/ as original /*k/ has been dropped, is uncommon. It is retained as such in all descendants:

E. Tor CoastKwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1Takar 2Takar 3
*k- k k k k k k k
this/here*kede kere kede kede 'kede kede kede kede
dry *kaɾ-kaɾ kərkər karkarakarkara karkara
cry/weep *ko(n) kon kon kon kon ko:n ko:n

Medial /*k/ is dropped in Tena and in Fitou:

E. Tor CoastKwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1Takar 2Takar 3
WambaliauWambaliauAnceauxWambaliau AnceauxAnceauxAnceaux
*-k- k ø ø ø ø ø ø
garden*aⁱk[a]sijafaka'siaf aisiaf
lime *boko(n) bokon bon bon
come *saka sakər i-sa: saman i-sa i-sa i-sa
friend*sɾokam srokom
sun *kʷakeɾ kʷa'ker kʷar kʷar kʷar kʷar kʷar kʷar
left *waⁱkan 'wakən wajən wajan-ap-de

Initial rounded velar voiceless stop /*kʷ/, reflecting Tor River voiced /*gʷ/ as original /*kʷ/ has been deoccluded to /*w/, is retained as such in all descendants:

E. Tor CoastKwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1 Takar 2Takar 3
WambaliauWambaliauAnceauxWambaliauAnceaux AnceauxAnceaux
night *kʷin -kʷin kʷin kʷin kʷin
sit *kʷin kʷinir kʷini kʷinin kʷinir i-kʷintikʷinterkʷinte
banana *kʷiɾ kʷir kʷir kʷir
wind/cold*kʷeⁱ kʷei kʷi kʷeij kʷei kʷei kʷeij kʷeij
near *kʷento kwento kʷento 'kwento
cassowary*kʷaᵘ kʷaᵘ kʷaᵘ
pig *kʷas kwas 'kwas kʷas kwas
sun *kʷakeɾ kʷa'ker kʷar kʷar kʷar kʷar kʷar kʷar

Medial /*kʷ/ is deoccluded to /w/ in Tena and in Fitou:

E. Tor CoastKwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1Takar 2Takar 3
WambaliauWambaliau Anceaux WambaliauAnceauxAnceauxAnceaux
*-kʷ- w [w ø]w [w ø]w
wallaby*sakʷe(n) sakʷen sawan sawan
big *s[o]kʷode sode- sode-

Bilabial voiced stop /*b/ is retained as such in all descendants:

E. Tor Coast Kwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1Takar 2 Takar 3
WambaliauWambaliauAnceaux WambaliauAnceauxAnceaux Anceaux
*b- b b b b b b b
red *biɾ-biɾ bir-bir bir-biri bir-biribir-biri bir-birbir-biribir-biri
father *babe babe ba'be babe babi
name *bosa(n) bosan bosan bosan bosan bosan bosan bosan
lime *boko(n) bokon bon bon
wet *b[o/u]t-b[o/u]tbətbət butbutu botboto
sweet potato*busa(n) busan bu'san

Several of the comparisons above are known to be loans from the Sarmi Coast subfamily of Oceanic: /*…/ “sweet potato” …

Medial /*b/ is uncommon:

E. Tor Coast Kwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1Takar 2Takar 3
*-b- b b b b
father*babe babe ba'be babe babi
all *t[e/a]bite[n]tebite tabitene

Initial apical voiced stop /*d/ is retained as such in all descendants:

E. Tor CoastKwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1Takar 2Takar 3
*d- d d d d d d d
blood *disan disan disan disan
black ant sp.*dikɾi(n) dikir dirin dirin
fence *diɾ dir
3 sg./pl. *deⁱ dei dei dei(j) dei dei deij deij
goanna *demwan demʷan demʷan demwan
axe *denka(n) denkan deŋ'kan
ashes *daᵘs dos daus daus daus daus
leech *dam dam dam dam
evening *dafba dafpa dafpa
thorn *duɾ dur dur dur

Several of the comparisons above are known to be loans from the Sarmi Coast subfamily of Oceanic: /*…/ “thorn” (Oceanic Ross: CITE,) /*…/ “fence”, and probably also /*…/ “blood.”

Medial /*d/ is uncommon, and likely occurs only in compounds and loans. It is merged with apical non-stop /ɾ/ in Kwinsu to form a single phoneme, as rare initial /*ɾ/ is likewise merged with /d/ (below):

E. Tor CoastKwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1Takar 2Takar 3
*-d- r d d d d d d
rain *odak orak 'adon adon a'don adun adon adon
big *s[o]kʷode sode- sode-
this/here*kede kere kede kede 'kede kede kede kede

There is no laminal voiced affricate /*dz/ because Tor River /*dz/ has been merged with voiceless /*s/ (above.)

There is no velar voiced stop /*g/ or rounded velar voiced stop /*gʷ/ because Tor River /*g *gʷ/ have been devoiced to /*k *kʷ/ respectively (above) following the loss of original [*k].

Bilabial non-stop /*w/ is retained as such in all descendants:

E. Tor CoastKwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1Takar 2Takar 3
WambaliauWambaliauAnceauxWambaliau AnceauxAnceauxAnceaux
*w- w w w w w w w
woman/wife*wi(n) win win win win win win win
cough *weɾam weram weram we'ram
left *waⁱkan 'wakən wajən wajan-ap-de
areca nut *waɾen waren 'waran wa'ran
*-w- w w w w w w w
breadfruit*mowaɾ moar moar 'muar
arrow *fewa(n) fe'wan fewan
two *nawa nawo nawa- nawa nawa- nawa nawa nauwa

Initial apical non-stop /*ɾ/ is very uncommon. In the only known nominal example, “bone” below, it reflects Tor River cluster [*kɾ] with regular loss of /*k/ everywhere except Jofotek (Mander.) It is also found in several verb roots in which it is likely allowed because it is typically prefixed. It is merged with initial /d/ in Kwinsu, in parallel with the lenition of medial /*d/ to /r/ (above):

E. Tor CoastKwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1Takar 2Takar 3
Wambaliau WambaliauAnceaux Wambaliau AnceauxAnceauxAnceaux
*ɾ- d r r r r r r
bone *ɾe(n) den rɛn ren ren ren ren ren
awaken *ɾetat se-datetkeretate is-re'tate
stand/get up*ɾoᵘsi[k] duwsik ru:si rousinini-rousi i-rousirousir i-rousi

Medial /*ɾ/ is common and is retained as such in all descendants:

E. Tor CoastKwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1Takar 2Takar 3
*-ɾ- ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ
ear *ijeɾa(n) 'ijaren 'jeran ijeran re'jan iaren reijan jeran
blood *eɾa[n] e'ran e'ran eran eran
h. hair/leaf*aɾe(n) a'ren a'ran aran a'ren aran aren aran
below *oɾef oref oref orop-de
bow *uɾ[i/u]m u'rim urum urum
betel pepper*meɾa(n) meran mera-tan me'ran
mud *bɾaɾa(n) braran
paddle *neɾam ne'ram 'neram ne:ram
small *te[n]toɾ tentor 'tetoro tetoro tetoro tetoro tetoro tetoro
mountain *teɾan te'ran te'ran teran te'ran teran teraŋ teran
all *dmaɾam dmaram dmaram dmaram dmaram
crocodile *saɾom so:'ram sa'rom sa'rom
cough *weɾam weram weram we'ram

Palatal non-stop /*j/ is retained as such in all descendants:

E. Tor CoastKwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1Takar 2Takar 3
*j- j j j j
house *ja(n) jan jan jan jan
older sib*jaje jaje 'jaje jaje jaje
*-j- j j j j j j j
ear *ijeɾa(n) 'ijaren 'jeran ijeran re'jan iaren reijan jeran
nail *ijoɾ -jor -jor -ijor -jor -jor -ij:or -jor
garden *aⁱk[a]sijafaka'siaf aisiaf
older sib*jaje jaje 'jaje jaje jaje

In addition to the simple consonants given above, consonant clusters occur both initially and medially. Known examples of segment [kw] reflect Tor River unit phoneme /*gʷ/ and hence are not analyzed as clusters here. Excepting words suffixed with locative /*-f/ (below,) clusters do not occur finally.

Cluster /*fn/ is retained as such in all descendants:

E. Tor CoastKwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1Takar 2Takar 3
*fn- fn fn fn fn fn fn [vn]
whole (?) *fne)n) -fnen -fnen
fat/grease*fna(n) fnan fnan fna:n vnan

In clusters /*tm *dm *tf *db/ consisting of an apical followed by a bilabial or labiodental nasal or stop, the apical stop is dropped in Kwinsu and apparently also in modern Tena and Fitou. Its retention in colonial-era vocabularies suggests this to be a very recent change:

E. Tor CoastKwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1Takar 2Takar 3
WambaliauWambaliauAnceaux WambaliauAnceauxAnceauxAnceaux
*tm- m
big *tmaɾ mar
*dm- dm dm dm dm
all *dmaɾam dmaram dmaram dmaram dmaram
*tf- f [f] tf [tv][f] [f]tf tf [tv]
hand/arm*tfa(n) fan fan tvan fan fan tfan tvan
*db- b [b] db [b] [b]db [b]
head *dbaɾ bar- bar- dbar bar- bar- dbar- bar

Cluster /*db/ is likely underlyingly /*df/, with /*f/ being voiced in parallel with the behavior of /*k/ in cluster /*dk/ (below,) but is shown here as /*db/ because medial /*b/ has been established in proto-East Tor Coast, if only marginally.

In clusters /*tk *sk/, velar voiceless stop /*k/ is lost in Tena and Fitou as it is medially (above):

E. Tor CoastKwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1Takar 2Takar 3
*tk- tk t t t t t
seed *tkan tkan tan ta:n tan ta:n ta:n
stone *tkon tkon ton ton ton
*sk- s s s s
vein/tendon*skaɾ sar sar sa:r sa:r

In cluster /*dk/, /*k/ is not dropped but retained as voiced [g] in both Tena and Fitou, a sound which does not otherwise occur in East Tor Coast languages as formerly voiced /*g *gʷ/ have been devoiced to /*k *kʷ/. This behavior parallels that of cluster [*db] which is most likely underlyingly /*df/ (above):

E. Tor CoastKwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1Takar 2Takar 3
WambaliauWambaliau AnceauxWambaliau AnceauxAnceauxAnceaux
*dk- dk [dg] dk [dg] dk [dg]
roof*dko(n) dgon dgon dəgɔn


E. Tor CoastKwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1Takar 2Takar 3
Wambaliau Wambaliau AnceauxWambaliau AnceauxAnceauxAnceaux
*dk- dk [tk]dk [tk] dk [tk]
blunt/dull*dkuf tkufu tkuf-tkufu tkuf-tkuf


E. Tor CoastKwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1Takar 2Takar 3
*fkʷ- fk fw fw-
bathe*fkʷa(n) fkan fwan fwan-

Initial clusters /*mw *nw *tw *sw *dw/ are retained as such in all descendants:

E. Tor CoastKwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1 Takar 2Takar 3
Wambaliau Wambaliau AnceauxWambaliau Anceaux AnceauxAnceaux
*mw- mw [mu]mw [mw mo]mw mw [mu]mw mw mw [mw mo]
door/passage*mwa(n) -muan -mwan≈-mon -mwan -muan -mwan -mwan moan≈-mwan
*nw- nw [nu]nw [nu] nw nw [nu]nw [nw nuw]nw nw
eye *nwe(n) nue- nue- nwe- nue- nuwen nwen nwen
smoke *nwenka(n) nuenkan nueŋkan nueŋkan nweŋkan nweŋkannweŋkan
*tw- tw tw tw
sago flour *twiɾ tʷir tʷir tʷir
*dw- dw dw [dw du]dw dw dw [duw] dw dw
sand *dwis dʷis dʷis dwis dʷis duwis dwis dwis
outside *dwafnen-f dʷafnen-ap duafnen-ap
*sw- sw sw sw
many *swaⁱf swaif swaif swaif

Intial clusters /*mɾ *fɾ *bɾ *tɾ *kɾ *wɾ/ are retained as such in all descendants:

E. Tor CoastKwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1Takar 2 Takar 3
WambaliauWambaliauAnceauxWambaliauAnceauxAnceaux Anceaux
cuscus *mɾaᵘ mrou mrau mrau
knowledge*mɾas mras
dry (v.) *fɾinkinu frinkinurfriŋkinu
laughter *bɾan bran bran bran
mud *bɾaɾa(n) braran
mud *bɾuk bruk
*tɾ- tɾ [ɾ]
root *tɾa(n) tran tra-'trantran tran ra:n tran
finger *sɾif srif srif srif
friend *sɾokam srokom
knee *kɾon kror kron- kron- kron- kron- kron
rat/mouse*wɾen wren wren wren

Intiial clusters /*kʷɾ/ are realized as [kuɾ]-:

E. Tor CoastKwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1Takar 2Takar 3
Wambaliau Wambaliau AnceauxWambaliau AnceauxAnceauxAnceaux
*kʷɾ- kʷɾ [kuɾ]kʷɾ [kuɾ] kʷɾ [kuɾ]
above*kʷɾef kuref kuref kurup-de
dog *kʷɾa(n) ku'ran ku'ran ku'ran

… medial clusters …:

E. Tor Coast Kwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1Takar 2 Takar 3
Wambaliau Wambaliau Anceaux Wambaliau AnceauxAnceaux Anceaux
*-kn- k n n n n n n
foot/leg *takna(n) takən tanən tanan tanam tanan tanan tanan
*-ɾm- ɾm ɾm ɾm ɾm ɾm ɾm ɾm
mouth *oɾ-mwa(n) ormuan ormon armwan ormuan ormwan ormwan ormwan
*-ɾn- ɾn ɾn ɾn ɾn ɾn ɾn
tooth *oɾ-nin ornin ornin ornin ornin ornin ornin
*-fb- fp fp
evening *dafba dafpa dafpa
wet *b[o/u]t-b[o/u]tbətbət butbutu botboto
red *biɾ-biɾ bir-bir bir-biri bir-biribir-biri bir-birbir-biribir-biri
bite *siɾ-ba sirbar sirba sir'bana
good *seɾban serbana serbana serban serban serbana serban
*-fn- fn fn
outside *dwafnen-f dʷafnen-ap duafnen-ap
knife *samte(n) samten samtan samtan
*-ɾt- ɾt ɾt
speech *oɾ-tefa[n] or-te'fan or-te'fan
*-ts- ts [tʃs]ts [c] ts [tʃ]
ripe coconut *eit-seⁱ eitʃ-sei icij eit-ʃei
*-ɾs- ɾs ɾs rs ɾs rs rs rs
bad *saɾ-saɾ sərsər sarsar sarsar
long *soɾ-soɾ sorsoro sorsoro sorsor- sorsor sorsoro sorsoro
*-ɾk- ɾk ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ
star *niɾkoᵘ nirku nirou niru nirou nirou
fish *oɾka(n) orkan aron aron
*-mw- mw mw mw
goanna *demwan demʷan demʷan demwan
tongue *m[a/o]fɾVm mofrom 'mafram mafram mafram mafram
*-bɾ- br br br br br
dry *sabɾan sabrana sabra- sabra- sabrana sabrana
*-sw- sw sw sw
right (side) *teswa teswo teswa teswa-de
*-kɾ- k ɾ ɾ
black ant sp.*dikɾi(n) dikir dirin dirin
*-mj- mj mj mj mj
cloud *omjan omjan omjan omian omjan

Cluster /*nt/ …:

E. Tor CoastKwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1Takar 2Takar 3
*-nt- nt nt nt
short*montof montof montofo montof-
near *kʷento kwento kʷento 'kwento

Cluster /*ns/ …:

E. Tor CoastKwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1Takar 2 Takar 3
WambaliauWambaliauAnceaux WambaliauAnceauxAnceaux Anceaux
*-ns- ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
who? *nansa nansa nansa nansa nansa nansa nansa
bandicoot*nansaᵘ nansu nansau nansau
white *sin-sin sin-sin sin-si'nisin-sinisin-sin sin-sinsin-sinisin-sin

Cluster /*nk/ is generally realized as [ŋk] in all descendants; however Kwinsu preserves [nk] as often as not, showing /*nk/ to be original:

E. Tor CoastKwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1 Takar 2 Takar 3
Wambaliau Wambaliau Anceaux Wambaliau Anceaux Anceaux Anceaux
*-nk- nk [nk ŋk]nk [ŋk]nk [ŋk]nk [ŋk]nk [ŋk]nk [ŋk] nk [ŋk]
neck *inkeɾ iŋker
dry (v.)*fɾinkinu frinkinur friŋkinu
belly *u(n)-ku(n) uŋkun uŋkun uŋkun
tail *nankaɾ naŋ'kar 'naŋkar naŋkar naŋkar naŋkar naŋkar naŋkar
smoke *nwenka(n) nuenkan nueŋkan nueŋkan nweŋkan nweŋkan nweŋkan
axe *denka(n) denkan deŋ'kan
black *sankaɾ saŋkər saŋkar saŋkar saŋkara [sic]saŋkar
yellow *sonkan sonkan soŋkan soŋga- soŋka- soŋka- sonkana soŋkan

Cluster /*nkʷ/ is generally realized as [ŋkʷ] in all descendants:

E. Tor CoastKwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1 Takar 2 Takar 3
Wambaliau Wambaliau Anceaux Wambaliau Anceaux Anceaux Anceaux
*-nkʷ- nkʷ [ŋkʷ]nkʷ [ŋkʷ]nkʷ [ŋkʷ]nkʷ [ŋkʷ]nkʷ [ŋkʷ]nkʷ [ŋkʷ]nkʷ [ŋkʷ]
man/husband*ankʷe(n) aŋkʷen aŋkʷan aŋkʷan aŋkʷan aŋkʷan aŋkʷan aŋkʷan

Cluster /*mb/ …:

E. Tor CoastKwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1Takar 2Takar 3
*-mb- b mb mb
machete*nomba(n) nobon 'nomban no'mban

Cluster /*nd/ …:

E. Tor CoastKwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1Takar 2Takar 3
*-nd- nd
axe*fanda(n) 'fandan

Only a restricted set of consonants /*m *n *f *t *s *k *ɾ/ occurs word-finally.

Final bilabial nasal /*m/ is retained as such in all descendants:

E. Tor CoastKwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1Takar 2Takar 3
*-m m m m m m m m
not *afom afom afam
husband *anom a'nom anom
bow *uɾ[i/u]m u'rim urum urum
tongue *m[a/o]fɾVm mofrom 'mafram mafram mafram mafram
breast *mom mom mom mom mom mom mom mom
paddle *neɾam ne'ram 'neram ne:ram
rope *nom nom nom
leech *dam dam dam dam
all *dmaɾam dmaram dmaram dmaram dmaram
crocodile*saɾom so:'ram sa'rom sa'rom
friend *sɾokam srokom
cough *weɾam weram weram we'ram

The majority of East Tor Coast nominals have a final apical /n/ in their citation forms. These can be divided into two classes, those in which /*n/ is part of the underlying root, and those which take a suffix /*-(n)/ marking nominality. This suffix appears on every nominal which ends in a vowel other than a diphthong. There are several reasons for this analysis. Only nominals are affected. and there are otherwise no vowel-final nominals. This final /*-(n)/ is dropped when the root is the first member of a compound, even when the second member begins with a vowel (below.) These two finals correspond to /*n/ and zero respectively in Orya-Tor languages which do not add this suffix.

Final apical nasal /*n/ is retained as such in all descendants:

E. Tor CoastKwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1Takar 2 Takar 3
WambaliauWambaliau AnceauxWambaliau AnceauxAnceaux Anceaux
*-n n n n n n n n
one *afa(n)-tkenafəntkən afa'ten afaten afaten avaten
cloud *omjan omjan omjan omian omjan
moon *feⁱn fein fein vein fein fein fejn ve(j)n
netbag *fon fon fon
laughter *bɾan bran bran bran
flesh *nin nin nin nin nin nin nin
skin *tifin tifin tifin tivin tifin tifin tifin tivin
mountain *teɾan te'ran te'ran teran te'ran teran teraŋ [sic]teran
seed *tkan tkan tan ta:n tan ta:n ta:n
stone *tkon tkon ton ton ton
blood *disan disan disan disan
goanna *demwan demʷan demʷan demwan
mosquito *san san san san san san san san
beach *son -son -son
yellow *sonkan sonkan soŋkan sonkana (?)soŋkan
knee *kɾon kror [sic]kron- kron- kron- kron- kron
night *kʷin -kʷin kʷin kʷin kʷin
left *waⁱkan 'wakən wajən wajan-ap-de
areca nut*waɾen waren 'waran wa'ran
rat/mouse*wɾen wren wren wren

… /*-(n)/ …:

E. Tor CoastKwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1Takar 2Takar 3
WambaliauWambaliau AnceauxWambaliau AnceauxAnceauxAnceaux
*-(n) n n n n n n n
ear *ijeɾa(n) 'ijaren 'jeran ijeran re'jan iaren reijan jeran
buttocks *efo(n) efon efon
earth/ground *e(n) en en en en e:n e:n
man/husband *ankʷe(n) aŋkʷen aŋkʷan aŋkʷan aŋkʷan aŋkʷan aŋkʷan aŋkʷan
h. hair/leaf *aɾe(n) a'ren a'ran aran a'ren aran aren aran
fish *oɾka(n) orkan aron aron
excrement *u(n) un un un un un
betel pepper *meɾa(n) meran mera-tan me'ran
nose *masa(n) mɑsən 'masa-mwanmasan masan masan masan masan
star *mote(n) moten moten moten
elbow *m[o/u](n) -mun -mon -mɔn -mun
door/passage *mwa(n) -muan -mwan≈-mon-mwan -muan -mwan -mwan moan≈-mwan
salt/sea *fi(n) fin fin fin
arrow *fewa(n) fe'wan fewan
axe *fanda(n) 'fandan
water *fo(n) fon fon von fon von fon von
whole (?) *fne(n) -fnen -fnen
fat/grease *fna(n) fnan fnan fna:n vnan
bathe *fkʷa(n) fkan fwan fwan-
river *-fɾa(n) -from
name *bosa(n) bosan bosan bosan bosan bosan bosan bosan
lime *boko(n) bokon bon bon
sweet potato *busa(n) busan bu'san
mud *bɾaɾa(n) braran
louse *nena(n) nenan nenan nenan nenam [sic]nenan
machete *nomba(n) nobon 'nomban no'mban
forest *no(n) non non non
sleep *nu(n) nun nun nun-
eye *nwe(n) nuwen nwen nwen
smoke *nwenka(n) nuenkan nueŋkan nueŋkan nweŋkannweŋkannweŋkan
tree *ti(n) tin tin tin tin tin tin tin
foot/leg *takna(n) takən tanən tanan tanan tanan tanan tanan
hand/arm *tfa(n) fan fan tvan fan fan tfan tvan
root *tɾa(n) tran tra-'tran tran tran ra:n tran
black ant sp. *dikɾi(n) dikir (?)dirin dirin
axe *denka(n) denkan deŋ'kan
roof *dko(n) dgon dgon dəgɔn
knife *samte(n) samten samtan samtan
b. hair/feather*safe(n) safen 'safan savan 'safan safen safan savan
wallaby *sakʷe(n) sakʷen sawan sawan
urine *su(n) sun sun sun
bird *su(n) sun sun sun sun sun sun sun
cry/weep *ko(n) kon kon kon kon ko:n ko:n
dog *kʷɾa(n) ku'ran ku'ran ku'ran
woman/wife *wi(n) win win win win win win win
bone *ɾe(n) den rɛn ren ren ren ren ren
house *ja(n) jan jan jan jan

In many instances this final /*n/ is dropped when the root occurs as the first member of a compound, even when the next root has an initial vowel or when the result would otherwise be an allowable cluster:

E. Tor Coast Kwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1 Takar 2 Takar 3
Wambaliau Wambaliau Anceaux WambaliauAnceaux Anceaux Anceaux
liver *i(n)-tkan i-t'kan
betel pepper *meɾa(n)-tkan mera-tan
beach *fi(n)-son fi-son fi-son
lake *fo(n)-fit fo-'fit fo-'fit fo-fit
river *fo(n)-fɾa(n) fo-from
eyeball *nwe(n)-tkan nue-'tkan nue-'tan nwe-tan
eyeball *nwe(n)-suⁱ nue-'suy
leaf of tree *ti(n)-aɾen ti-aran ti-aren
leaf green *ti(n)-aɾe(n)
fire *ti(n)-tfo[n] ti-tfon ti-tfon ti-tvon
roots of tree*ti(n)-tɾa(n)
fingernail *tfa(n)-ijoɾ fa-jor fa-jor tva-ijorfa-jor fa-jor tfa-ij:ortva-jor
five *tfa(n)-fnen fa-fnen -fa-fnen
roots *tɾa(n)-tɾan tra-tran
egg(s) of ant*dikɾi(n)-suⁱ diri-suy
feather *su(n)-safen su-savan su-safensu-safan su-savan

In a smaller number of examples, final /*n/ is retained as such, even in complex clusters:

E. Tor CoastKwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1 Takar 2 Takar 3
WambaliauWambaliauAnceaux WambaliauAnceaux Anceaux Anceaux
kneecap*kɾon-dbaɾ kron-dbar kron-barkron-bar

The reason for this difference in behavior is found in comparison to other Tor River languages. Here there are two final correspondences, one in which /*n/ is retained as such everywhere and a more common one in which /*n/ is found also in Keijar, Dabe and Kwesten but unexpectedly absent from Edwas, East Tor River, Berik, Bonerif and Orya forms. These correlate with those East Tor Coast roots which drop final /*n/ in compounds and those which don't (above.)

A priori, this discrepancy might be viewed as phonological in origin, for example by positing a velar nasal /*ŋ/ which appears only finally, and is either dropped or merged with /*n/ in various descendants. There are several reasons however to believe it to reflect a suffix which is mandatory in only some Tor River languages. Nearly every East Tor Coast nominal, but not adjectives or verbs, ends with a final consonant, the majority of which are /*n/, or a diphthong (below.) Moreover most but not all of these final /*n/ are dropped in compounds, as shown above. The rule would seem to be that any vowel-final nominal root is suffixed with /*-n/ when appearing as a freestanding word, unless the final vowel is a diphthong.

Further evidence for the morphological origin of /*-(n)/ is found in words shared with the Sarmi Coast subfamily of Oceanic (q.v. Lee and Sawi 2005: 30-43,) which, like other Tor River languages, retain /*n/ but show no sign of /*-(n)/:

Final labiodental fricative /*f/ is generally retained as such in all descendants:

E. Tor CoastKwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1Takar 2Takar 3
*-f f f f f f
worm *ef ef ef ef
garden*aⁱk[a]sijafaka'siaf aisiaf
lip(s)*mif mif mif mif
short *montof montof montofo montof-
many *swaⁱf swaif swaif swaif
finger*sɾif srif srif srif

In several examples where root-final /*f/ is followed by locative particle /-de/ in Fitou, it is realized as [p]:

E. Tor Coast Kwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1Takar 2Takar 3
WambaliauWambaliauAnceauxWambaliau AnceauxAnceauxAnceaux
*-f/_(-de)f f p
below*oɾef oref oref orop-de
above*kʷɾef kuref kuref kurup-de (?)

A special case of final /*f/ is found in locative terms which take a suffix [-Vp] in all descendants following roots with final /*n/.:

E. Tor CoastKwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1Takar 2Takar 3
Wambaliau Wambaliau AnceauxWambaliau AnceauxAnceauxAnceaux
*-f/n_ [Vp] [Vp] [Vp]
inside *oɾ-mwan-f 'or-mwan-apor-mwan-ap or-mwan-ap
in front*masan-f masan-ap masan-ap masan-ap-de
behind *mun-f mun-up mun-up mun-up-de
outside *dwafnen-f dʷafnen-ap duafnen-ap

That [*-Vp] is a suffix is evident from the fact that the terms [*oɾ-mwan-ap] “inside” and [*masan-ap] “in front” are derived from /*oɾ-mwan/ “mouth” and /*masan/ “nose” respectively. The second vowel of [*mun-up] “behind” must be interpreted as a copy of the vowel in the preceding syllable as this is clearly the same suffix as those realized as [-ap]. This syllable-final [a] is not centralized in Kwinsu as is /*a/ following other /*a/ in a previous syllable of the same root (below.) This unexpected discrepencies suggest that the original form was merely /*-f/, broken up here because phonetic consonant clusters are not allowed word-finally. Otherwise, no final [p] occurs.


E. Tor CoastKwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1Takar 2Takar 3

Final apical stop /*t/ is retained as such in all descendants:

E. Tor CoastKwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1Takar 2Takar 3
*-t t t t t
deaf *imut imut imut imut
coconut*eⁱt eit eit eit eit
canoe *at a:t a:t a:t
drum *ut ut
blind *mat-mat mat-mat- mat-mat-
lake *fit -fit -fit -fit

Final laminal /*s/ is retained as such in all descendants:

E. Tor CoastKwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1Takar 2Takar 3
*-s s s s s s s s
snake *aᵘs os aus aus aus aus aus aus
knowledge *mɾas mras
tree kangaroo*fenes fenes fenes fenes
far *fas fas
sago tree *tes tes tes tes
sand *dwis dʷis dʷis dwis dʷis duwis dwis dwis
ashes *daᵘs dos daus daus daus daus
pig *kʷas kwas 'kwas kʷas kwas

Final velar voiceless stop /*k/ …:

E. Tor CoastKwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1 Takar 2Takar 3
WambaliauWambaliauAnceauxWambaliauAnceaux AnceauxAnceaux
*-k k ø ø ø ø ø ø
rain*odak orak 'adon adon a'don adun (?)adon adon
mud *bɾuk bruk

Final apical non-stop /*ɾ/ is retained as such in all descendants:

E. Tor CoastKwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1Takar 2 Takar 3
WambaliauWambaliauAnceauxWambaliauAnceauxAnceaux Anceaux
*-ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ
neck *inkeɾ iŋker
nail *ijoɾ -jor -jor -ijor -jor -jor -ij:or -jor
tooth/mouth*oɾ or- or- or- or- or or- or-
breadfruit *mowaɾ moar moar 'muar
fly (n.) *nibiɾ nibir nibir nibir nibir
sky *niɾ nir- nir nir
path *nVɾ ner nir neir n:er ner ner ner
tail *nankaɾ naŋ'kar 'naŋkar naŋkar naŋkar naŋkar naŋkar naŋkar
fire *tin[i/e]ɾ ti'nir tiner tinir tinir
sago flour *twiɾ tʷir tʷir tʷir
sago flour *twiɾ tʷir tʷir tʷir
fence *diɾ dir
thorn *duɾ dur dur dur
skull *dbaɾ-oɾ baror baror baror baror
rattan *seɾ ser ser ser
black *sankaɾ saŋkər saŋkar saŋkar saŋkara [sic]saŋkar
vein/tendon*skaɾ sar sar sa:r sa:r
banana *kʷiɾ kʷir kʷir kʷir
sun *kʷakeɾ kʷa'ker kʷar kʷar kʷar kʷar kʷar kʷar

Vowels /*i *u *e *o *a/ and diphthongs /*uⁱ *eⁱ *aⁱ *oᵘ *aᵘ/ are generally retained as such in all descendants, with simplification of diphthongs in Kwinsu.

High front vowel /*i/ is retained as such in all descendants:

E. Tor Coast Kwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1 Takar 2 Takar 3
WambaliauWambaliauAnceaux WambaliauAnceaux Anceaux Anceaux
*i i i i i i i i
salt/sea *fi(n) fin fin fin
tree *ti(n) tin tin tin tin tin tin tin
woman/wife *wi(n) win win win win win win win
lip(s) *mif mif mif mif
lake *fit -fit -fit -fit
flesh *nin nin nin nin nin nin nin
sky *niɾ nir- nir nir
bite *siɾ sirbar sirba sir'bana
fence *diɾ dir
night *kʷin -kʷin kʷin kʷin kʷin
sit *kʷin kʷinir kʷini kʷinin kʷinir i-kʷintikʷinter kʷinte
banana *kʷiɾ kʷir kʷir kʷir
sago flour *twiɾ tʷir tʷir tʷir
sand *dwis dʷis dʷis dwis dʷis duwis dwis dwis
finger *sɾif srif srif srif
green *ik-ik -'ikik iki'kin ikikin:i-'ikik- ikiki
fly (n.) *nibiɾ nibir nibir nibir nibir
skin *tifin tifin tifin tivin tifin tifin tifin tivin
black ant sp.*dikɾi(n) dikir dirin dirin
red *biɾ-biɾ bir-bir bir-biri bir-biribir-biri bir-bir bir-biribir-biri
white *sin-sin sin-sin sin-si'nisin-sinisin-sin sin-sin sin-sinisin-sin
deaf *imut imut imut imut
dry (v.) *fɾinkinu frinkinurfriŋkinu
neck *inkeɾ iŋker
ear *ijeɾa(n) 'ijaren 'jeran ijeran re'jan iaren reijan jeran
nail *ijoɾ -jor -jor -ijor -jor -jor -ij:or -jor
star *niɾkoᵘ nirku nirou niru nirou nirou
liver *i(n)-tkan i-t'kan
blood *disan disan disan disan
all *t[e/a]bite[n]tebite tabitene
garden *aⁱk[a]sijaf aka'siaf aisiaf

High back vowel /*u/ is retained as such in all descendants:

E. Tor CoastKwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1Takar 2Takar 3
WambaliauWambaliau AnceauxWambaliauAnceauxAnceauxAnceaux
*u u u u u u u u
excrement *u(n) un un un un un
drum *ut ut
sleep *nu(n) nun nun nu- nu- nu- nu- nun-
urine *su(n) sun sun sun
bird *su(n) sun sun sun sun sun sun sun
thorn *duɾ dur dur dur
very *-sus -sus -sus -sus(u) -su:s -sus
behind *mun-f mun-up mun-up mun-up-de
mud *bɾuk bruk
blunt/dull *dkuf tkufu tkuf-tkufu tkuf-tkuf
bow *uɾ[i/u]m u'rim urum urum
sweet potato*busa(a) busan bu'san
deaf *imut imut imut imut
dry (v.) *fɾinkinu frinkinurfriŋkinu

Mid front vowel /*e/ is generally retained as such in all descendants:

E. Tor Coast Kwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1 Takar 2 Takar 3
Wambaliau WambaliauAnceauxWambaliau Anceaux Anceaux Anceaux
*e e e e e e e e
earth/ground *e(n) en en en en e:n e:n
worm *ef ef ef ef
whole (?) *fne(n) -fnen -fnen
eye *nwe(n) nue- nue- nwe- nue- nuwen nwen nwen
sago tree *tes tes tes tes
rattan *seɾ ser ser ser
rat/mouse *wɾen wren wren wren
this/here *kede kere kede kede 'kede kede kede kede
tree kangaroo*fenes fenes fenes fenes
buttocks *efo(n) efon efon
near *kʷento kwento kʷento 'kwento
small *te[n]toɾ tentor 'tetoro tetoro tetoro tetoro tetoro tetoro
blood *eɾa[n] e'ran e'ran eran eran
arrow *fewa(n) fe'wan fewan
louse *nena(n) nenan nenan nenan nenam nenan
paddle *neɾam ne'ram 'neram ne:ram
speech *tefa[n] -te'fan -te'fan
mountain *teɾan te'ran te'ran teran te'ran teran teraŋ teran
cough *weɾam weram weram we'ram
awaken *ɾetat se-datetkeretate is-re'tate
right (side) *teswa teswo teswa teswa-de
good *seɾban serbana serbanaserban serban serbana serban
goanna *demwan demʷan demʷan demwan
axe *denka(n) denkan deŋ'kan
smoke *nwenka(n) nuenkan nueŋkan nueŋkan nweŋkan nweŋkan nweŋkan
neck *inkeɾ iŋker
ear *ijeɾa(n) 'ijaren 'jeran ijeran re'jan iaren reijan jeran
all *t[e/a]bite[n]tebite tabitene
star *mote(n) moten moten moten
big *s[o]kʷode sode- sode-
plural *-saⁱse -si'se -saise -saise -sai(j)se-sai(j)se-saise
father *babe babe ba'be babe babi

Where /*e/ follows low central /*a/ in a previous syllable, it is usually but not invariably realized as [a] in Tena and in Fitou:

E. Tor CoastKwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1 Takar 2 Takar 3
Wambaliau Wambaliau AnceauxWambaliau Anceaux Anceaux Anceaux
*e/aC_ e e [a e]a e [a e]e [a e]e [a e]a
h. hair/leaf *aɾe(n) a'ren a'ran aran a'ren aran aren aran
man/husband *ankʷe(n) aŋkʷen aŋkʷan aŋkʷan aŋkʷan aŋkʷan aŋkʷan aŋkʷan
b. hair/feather*safe(n) safen 'safan savan 'safan safen safan savan
wallaby *sakʷe(n) sakʷen sawan sawan
knife *samte(n) samten samtan samtan
sun *kʷakeɾ kʷa'ker kʷar kʷar kʷar kʷar kʷar kʷar
areca nut *waɾen waren 'waran wa'ran
outside *dwafnen-f dʷafnen-apduafnen-ap

… /*e/ …:

E. Tor CoastKwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1Takar 2Takar 3
above*kʷɾef kuref kuref kurup-de
below*oɾef oref oref orop-de

Mid back vowel /*o/ is retained as such in all descendants:

E. Tor CoastKwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1Takar 2Takar 3
WambaliauWambaliau AnceauxWambaliauAnceauxAnceauxAnceaux
*o o o o o o o o
tooth/mouth*oɾ or or- or- or- or or- or-
water *fo(n) fon fon von fon von fon von
forest *no(n) non non non
cry/weep *ko(n) kon kon kon kon ko:n ko:n
roof *dko(n) dgon dgon dəgɔn
breast *mom mom mom mom mom mom mom mom
netbag *fon fon fon
rope *nom nom nom
beach *son -son -son
fire *tfo[n] -tfon -tfon -tvon
stone *tkon tkon ton ton ton
knee *kɾon kror [sic]kron- kron- kron- kron- kron
lime *boko(n) bokon bon bon
short *montof montof montofo montof-
long *soɾ-soɾ sorsoro sorsorosorsor- sorsor sorsorosorsoro
below *oɾef oref oref orop-de
star *mote(n) moten moten moten
big *s[o]kʷode sode- sode-
cloud *omjan omjan omjan omian omjan
name *bosa(n) bosan bosan bosan bosan bosan bosan bosan
machete *nomba(n) nobon 'nomban no'mban
breadfruit *mowaɾ moar moar 'muar (?)
yellow *sonkan sonkan soŋkan soŋga- soŋka- soŋka- sonkanasoŋkan
friend *sɾokam srokom
nail *ijoɾ -jor -jor -ijor -jor -jor -ij:or -jor
buttocks *efo(n) efon efon
near *kʷento kwento kʷento 'kwento
small *te[n]toɾ tentor 'tetoro tetoro tetoro tetoro tetoro tetoro
husband *anom a'nom anom
crocodile *saɾom so:'ram sa'rom sa'rom
skull *dbaɾ-oɾ baror baror baror baror

Two roots with the vowel pattern /aCo/ have become /oCa/ in Tena and Fitou for unknown reasons:

E. Tor CoastKwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1 Takar 2Takar 3
WambaliauWambaliauAnceauxWambaliauAnceaux AnceauxAnceaux
*oCa oCa aCo aCoaCo aCo aCoaCo
fish*oɾka(n) orkan aron aron
rain*odak orak 'adon adon a'don adun (?)adon adon


E. Tor CoastKwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1Takar 2Takar 3
*o/aC_ o a
not*afom afom afam

Low central vowel /*a/ is generally retained as such in all descendants:

E. Tor CoastKwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1 Takar 2 Takar 3
Wambaliau Wambaliau AnceauxWambaliau Anceaux Anceaux Anceaux
*a a a a a a a a
canoe *at a:t a:t a:t
hear *sa sər (?) i-sa: saman i-sarter i-samanasaman i-sar
house *ja(n) jan jan jan jan
door/passage *mwa(n) -muan -mwan≈-mon-mwan -muan -mwan -mwan moan≈-mwan
fat/grease *fna(n) fnan fnan fna:n vnan
bathe *fkʷa(n) fkan fwan fwan-
hand/arm *tfa(n) fan fan tvan fan fan tfan tvan
root *tɾa(n) tran tran tran tran ra:n tran
dog *kʷɾa(n) ku'ran ku'ran ku'ran
far *fas fas
leech *dam dam dam dam
mosquito *san san san san san san san san
pig *kʷas kwas 'kwas kʷas kwas
knowledge *mɾas mras
laughter *bɾan bran bran bran
big *tmaɾ mar
seed *tkan tkan tan ta:n tan ta:n ta:n
head *dbaɾ bar- bar- dbar bar- bar- dbar- bar
vein/tendon *skaɾ sar sar sa:r sa:r
nose *masa(n) mɑsən 'masa-mwanmasan masan masan masan masan
foot/leg *takna(n) takən tanən tanan tanan tanan tanan tanan
tail *nankaɾ naŋ'kar 'naŋkar naŋkar naŋkar naŋkar naŋkar naŋkar
black *sankaɾ saŋkər saŋkar saŋkar saŋkara [sic]saŋkar
h. hair/leaf *aɾe(n) a'ren a'ran aran a'ren aran aren aran
father *babe babe ba'be babe babi
b. hair/feather*safe(n) safen 'safan savan 'safan safen safan savan
sun *kʷakeɾ kʷa'ker kʷar kʷar kʷar kʷar kʷar kʷar
areca nut *waɾen waren 'waran wa'ran
knife *samte(n) samten samtan samtan
outside *dwafnen-f dʷafnen-apduafnen-ap
not *afom afom afam
husband *anom a'nom anom
crocodile *saɾom so:'ram sa'rom sa'rom
butterfly *mamaᵘ mamau mamau mamau mamau
bandicoot *nansaᵘ nansu nansau nansau
liver *i(n)-tkan i-t'kan
blood *disan disan disan disan
garden *aⁱk[a]sijafaka'siaf aisiaf
sweet potato *busan busan bu'san
right (side) *teswa teswo (?) teswa teswa-de
betel pepper *meɾa(n) meran mera-tan me'ran
arrow *fewa(n) fe'wan fewan
louse *nena(n) nenan nenan nenan nenam [sic]nenan
axe *denka(n) denkan deŋ'kan
smoke *nwenka(n) nuenkan nueŋkan nueŋkan nweŋkan nweŋkan nweŋkan
ear *ijeɾa(n) 'ijaren 'jeran ijeran re'jan iaren reijan jeran
blood *eɾa[n] e'ran e'ran eran eran
paddle *neɾam ne'ram 'neram ne:ram
speech *tefa[n] -te'fan -te'fan
mountain *teɾan te'ran te'ran teran te'ran teran teraŋ [sic] teran
cough *weɾam weram weram we'ram
awaken *ɾetat se-datetkeretate is-re'tate
good *seɾban serbana serbanaserban serban serbana serban
goanna *demwan demʷan demʷan demwan
name *bosa(n) bosan bosan bosan bosan bosan bosan bosan
cloud *omjan omjan omjan omian omjan
breadfruit *mowaɾ moar moar 'muar
yellow *sonkan sonkan soŋkan soŋga- soŋka- soŋka- sonkana soŋkan

Where /*a/ in a final syllable follows another /*a/ in a previous syllable, it is generally realized as mid central [ə] in Kwinsu:

E. Tor CoastKwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1Takar 2 Takar 3
WambaliauWambaliau AnceauxWambaliauAnceauxAnceaux Anceaux
*a/aC_ a [ə]a [a ə]a a a a a
come *saka sakər i-sa: saman i-sa i-sa i-sa
who? *nansa nansa nansa nansa nansa nansa nansa
evening *dafba dafpa dafpa
nose *masa(n) mɑsən 'masa-mwan masan masan masan masan masan
axe *fanda(n) 'fandan
foot/leg*takna(n) takən tanən tanan tanan tanan tanan tanan
all *dmaɾam dmaram dmaram dmaram dmaram
black *sankaɾ saŋkər saŋkar saŋkar saŋkara [sic]saŋkar
dry *sabɾan sabranasabra- sabra- sabrana sabrana
mud *bɾaɾan braran
one *afa(n)-tkenafəntkən afa'ten afaten afaten avaten

Two examples of /*a/ following diphthong /*aⁱ/ followed by /*k/, which has been neutralized to [a] in Kwinsu (below,) are likewise affected:

E. Tor CoastKwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1Takar 2Takar 3
WambaliauWambaliauAnceauxWambaliau AnceauxAnceauxAnceaux
*a/aⁱk_ a [ə]a [ə] a
1 sg.*aⁱ(-kan) 'a-kən
left *waⁱkan 'wakən wajən wajan-ap-de

One example in which Lee and Wambaliau give Kwinsu [o] following bilabial non-stop /*w/ might be viewed as a variant of this pattern:

E. Tor CoastKwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1Takar 2Takar 3
*a/aw_ o a a a a a a
two*nawa nawo nawa- nawa nawa- nawa nawa nauwa

There is at least one unexplained exception:

E. Tor CoastKwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1Takar 2Takar 3
*a/aC_ a a a a a a a
tail*nankaɾ naŋ'kar 'naŋkar naŋkar naŋkar naŋkar naŋkar naŋkar

In several examples where /*a/ follows mid back vowel /*o/ in a previous syllable, it is levelled to /o/ in Kwinsu:

E. Tor Coast Kwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1Takar 2Takar 3
*a/oC_ o a a
machete*nomba(n) nobon 'nomban no'mban
river *fo(n)-fɾa(n)fo-from
friend *sɾokam srokom

In reduplicated adjectives /*CaC-CaC/, both /*a/ are realized as [ə]:

E. Tor Coast Kwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1Takar 2Takar 3
*a/C_C-C_Cə a a a a a a
blind*mat-mat mat-mat- mat-mat-
bad *saɾ-saɾ sərsər sarsar sarsar
dry *kaɾ-kaɾ kərkər karkarakarkara karkara

In addition to the simple vowels given above are found at least five diphthongs /*uⁱ *eⁱ *oᵘ *aⁱ *aᵘ/.

Diphthong /*uⁱ/ is merged with high back vowel /u/ in Kwinsu:

E. Tor CoastKwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1Takar 2Takar 3
WambaliauWambaliau AnceauxWambaliau AnceauxAnceauxAnceaux
*uⁱ u uⁱ [uⁱ uʸ]uⁱ uⁱ [uⁱ uʸ]uⁱ uⁱ uⁱ
blue/green*fuⁱ fui- vuj-vuj
egg *suⁱ su suɪ ≈ suy sui sui ≈ suy sui sui sui

There are several reasons to consider the term for “egg” to contain a diphthong, as opposed to possible forms /*suwi/ or /*swi/. First, the behavior of /*uⁱ/ in Kwinsu is not consistent with either of these alternatives, but follows the same general trend of simplification found with diphthongs /*aⁱ *oᵘ *aᵘ/ (below.) Second, the presence of the offglide prevents the appearance of final /*-(n)/ which otherwise appears on every nominal besides those with underlying final consonants (above.) In this respect, final diphthongs behave like final clusters /*Vj *Vw/, but are not reconstructed as such because they can themselves be followed by final consonants (below) and there are otherwise no final clusters.

Diphthong /*eⁱ/ is generally retained as such in all descendant, though sometimes merged with high front vowel /i/ in Kwinsu and Tena:

E. Tor CoastKwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1Takar 2Takar 3
Wambaliau Wambaliau AnceauxWambaliauAnceauxAnceauxAnceaux
*eⁱ eⁱ [eⁱ i]eⁱ [eⁱ i]eⁱ eⁱ eⁱ eⁱ eⁱ eⁱ
flesh (?)*eⁱ ei- ai- (?)ej- ≈ ei-
3 sg./pl.*deⁱ dei dei dei(j) dei dei deij deij
old *seⁱ sij siji sei
wind/cold*kʷeⁱ kʷei kʷi kʷeij kʷei kʷei kʷeij kʷeij
coconut *eⁱt eit eit eit eit
moon *feⁱn fein fein vein fein fein fejn ve(j)n
new *eⁱkbɾ[i/u]mikbrum ei'brim eibrimi eibrimeeibrimieibrimi

Diphthong /*aⁱ/ …:

E. Tor CoastKwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1 Takar 2 Takar 3
Wambaliau WambaliauAnceauxWambaliauAnceaux Anceaux Anceaux
*aⁱ aⁱ [aⁱ i]aⁱ aⁱ aⁱ aⁱ aⁱ
many *swaⁱf swaif swaif swaif
plural*-saⁱse -si'se -saise -saise -sai(j)se-sai(j)se-saise

When /*aⁱ/ is followed by velar voiceless stop /*k/, it is merged with low central vowel /a/ in Kwinsu:

E. Tor CoastKwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1Takar 2Takar 3
WambaliauWambaliauAnceauxWambaliau AnceauxAnceauxAnceaux
*aⁱ a aⁱ aⁱ
1 sg. *aⁱ(-kan) 'a-kən ai aij aij
garden*aⁱk[a]sijafaka'siaf aisiaf
left *waⁱkan 'wakən wajən wajan-ap-de

Diphthong /*oᵘ/ is realized as [u uᵘ] in Kwinsu (cf. /*aᵘ/ below) and sometimes in Tena and Fitou:

E. Tor CoastKwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1 Takar 2Takar 3
Wambaliau Wambaliau Anceaux WambaliauAnceaux AnceauxAnceaux
*oᵘ [u uᵘ]oᵘ [u:]oᵘ oᵘ oᵘ [u]oᵘ oᵘ
stand/get up*ɾoᵘsi[k] duwsik ru:si rousinini-rousi i-rousi rousir i-rousi
star *niɾkoᵘ nirku nirou niru nirou nirou

Diphthong /*aᵘ/ is realized as /oᵘ/ [o oᵘ u] in Kwinsu:

E. Tor CoastKwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1Takar 2Takar 3
Wambaliau WambaliauAnceaux WambaliauAnceauxAnceauxAnceaux
*aᵘ [o oᵘ u]aᵘ aᵘ [aᵘ oᵘ]aᵘ aᵘ aᵘ aᵘ
cassowary*kʷaᵘ kʷaᵘ kʷaᵘ
cuscus *mɾaᵘ mrou mrau mrau
snake *aᵘs os aus aus aus aus aus aus
ashes *daᵘs dos daus daus daus daus
butterfly*mamaᵘ mamau mamau mamau mamau
bandicoot*nansaᵘ nansu nansau nansau

For unknown morphological reasons, adjectives are often suffixed with a copy of the vowel preceding the final consonant. This tendency is not phonologically regular. Kwinsu is usually not affected:

E. Tor CoastKwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1 Takar 2 Takar 3
Wambaliau Wambaliau Anceaux WambaliauAnceaux Anceaux Anceaux
*-iC iC iCi iCi iC(i)iC(i) iCi iC(i)
green *ik-ik -'ikik -'ikik- ikiki
red *biɾ-biɾ bir-bir bir-biri bir-biribir-biri bir-bir bir-biribir-biri
white *sin-sin sin-sin sin-si'ni sin-sinisin-sin sin-sin sin-sinisin-sin
*-[i/u]CuC iC iCi iCi iCi iCi
new *eⁱkbɾ[i/u]mikbrum ei'brim eibrimi eibrime (?)eibrimi eibrimi
*-uC uC(u) uCu uC uC(u) uC uC
very *-sus -sus -sus -sus(u) -su:s -sus
blunt/dull*dkuf(-dkuf)tkufu tkuf-tkufu tkuf-tkuf
*-oC oC oCo oCo oC(o)oC(o) oCo oCo
sharp *oɾ-oɾ o'roro oror-
small *te[n]toɾ tentor 'tetoro tetoro tetoro tetoro tetoro tetoro
long *soɾ-soɾ sorsoro sorsoro sorsor- sorsor sorsoro sorsoro
*-aC aC [a ə]aC(a) aCa aC(a)aC aCa aC(a)
dry *sabɾan sabrana sabra- sabra- sabrana sabrana
bad *saɾ-saɾ sərsər sarsar sarsar
dry *kaɾ-kaɾ kərkər karkara karkara karkara
good *seɾban serbana serbana serban serban serbana serban


[under construction]

East Tor Coast free pronouns are reconstructed as follows, with Kwinsu, Tena and Vitou (Fitou) attestations drawn from Lee and Wambaliau (2005: 41, 50) and Betaf (Tena) and Takar (Fitou) attestations from Anceaux (n.d.) as excerpted in Smits and Voorhoeve (1994: 223-231) after unattributed elicitors (above):

E. Tor CoastKwinsu Tena Betaf Vitou Takar 1 Takar 2 Takar 3
Wambaliau Wambaliau Anceaux Wambaliau Anceaux Anceaux Anceaux
1 sg. *aⁱ/*ana 'a-kən ai aij a'na ana aij ana
2 sg. *im[i] i-kin imi imi imi inma infeneimij imi invene
3 sg. *deⁱ de-kan dei deij dei de-nvene deij deij/de-nvene
1 pl. excl.*… ne-kan im-ai ne-saise ai-mainie ? aij-mane ai-saise
1 pl. incl.*… 'ne-kan-tebiteim-ai ai-saise ai-mainie ? nej-saijse ai-saise
2 pl. *im[i]-saⁱsei-kin-si'se in-saise imi saisedei-mainiein-saise imij saise imij saise
3 pl. *deⁱ-saⁱse dei-si'se dem-saise (?)dei saisedei-mainiedei-maine deij saijsedeij saise

Verbal morphology

[under construction]